
The Drive-to-Store Platform

Locala Platform

Automated, Machine-Learning Technology

Our priority is to help bring more people to your store and deliver full visibility on return on ad spend.

  • 100% automated, machine-learning platform with ten years of consumer results.
  • 100% focused on DTS campaigns and analytics.
  • Only platform with store locations at its core.
  • Real-time optimization algorithms designed to increase store visits.

Exclusive Experiences for Every Stage

We take a Dynamic Approach

Dynamic Catchment Area

Each store’s catchment area is unique,  and each consumer’s pattern varies. Your targeting area should reflect those local characteristics and the patterns of your most valuable prospective consumers.

With Locala you can automatically optimize in order to reach consumers that travel frequently to the proximity around your location and are more likely to purchase.

With LocalDCA you can:

  • Dramatically increase scale of campaigns and incremental shoppers
  • Automatically optimize conversion performance and increase ROAS
  • Deliver messaging based on acquisition stage – awareness, conversion conquesting, in-store, etc

Conquest Competitors

Your locations thrive when they have predictable volumes of traffic through the doors and ordering for delivery. With Locala’s Competitor Conquesting, your QSR is able to automatically identify optimal times, locations, devices, creative and strategies to reach your future high-value patron.

Our advance modeling and dynamic catchment areas automatically identify the patrons of your competitors that are most likely to visit your locations, targeting them to become your loyal long-term diners.

With Locala you can:

  • Automatically identify loyal diners of competing chains.
  • Identify those most likely to conquest.
  • Automatically reach them with compelling creative based on stage, time of day and specific location.

Conquest Competitors

Your locations thrive when they have predictable volumes of traffic through the doors and ordering for delivery. With Locala’s Competitor Conquesting, your QSR is able to automatically identify optimal times, locations, devices, creative and strategies to reach your future high-value patron.

Our advance modeling and dynamic catchment areas automatically identify the patrons of your competitors that are most likely to visit your locations, targeting them to become your loyal long-term diners.

With Locala you can:

  • Automatically identify loyal diners of competing chains.
  • Identify those most likely to conquest.
  • Automatically reach them with compelling creative based on stage, time of day and specific location.

We Create Exclusive Mobile Activations

High-Performing Creatives

Choose from a wide range of innovative ad formats to captivate, engage and convert your audience.

  • + 50 proprietary ad formats driving consumers to stores
  • Leverage Dynamic Creative Optimization with location data
  • Measure consumers’ interactions to optimize your tactics

Optimization to Reduce Cost Per Incremental Visit

Real-Time Footfall Optimization

Unlike any other platform, Locala optimizes your campaigns in real-time based on store visits it has generated.

  • Proprietary machine-learning algorithms learn what generate visits for your stores in-flight
  • Optimizations happen instantly cherry-picking ad placements pre-bid
  • Increased ROI and more visits to your stores

Ready to get started?

Get in touch