Locala, a mobile programmatic platform, released a study, “In-App Mobile Advertising Impact” in partnership with IPSOS, a leading research company based in France with representation in 88 countries focused on understanding consumer behaviour. The study evaluates how advertisers should invest in mobile campaigns to attain the best results.
The in-app environment is a context inherently less favourable for advertising. Findings from the study show that both interstitial and MPU formats are efficient and persuasive for the brand. Nearly 500 respondents were surveyed for this study 2 weeks after being exposed to a mobile advertising campaign. The interstitial is a full screen format that leaves a longer lasting brand impression. The MPU is a strict format to deliver but is found to boost brand opinion among exposed consumers.
Here are 4 key findings:
- Mobile in-app formats leave a longer lasting brand impression than desktop formats.
43% of respondents exposed to an interstitial format on their mobiles were able to recall the ad. Only 14% of respondents exposed to desktop banner formats could recall the ad and only 21% for desktop respondents exposed to desktop video formats.
- Impactful brand attribution via mobile ads
96% of respondents that recalled the ad 2 weeks after campaign exposure where able to name the brand in the ad.
- Mobile advertising boosts brand appreciation
Respondents exposed to an interstitial ad rated the brand 26 points higher than unexposed respondents. 49% of respondents exposed to a MPU or interstitial format said that the ad contributed to a positive impression of the brand.
- Mobile campaigns are effective in stimulating purchases
35% of respondents exposed to either MPU or interstitial formats expressed intention to visit the brand’s store or website. These results show that in-app campaigns can meet branding and performance based objectives.
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