“Privacy will always be a big factor that will help business growth and it will be done in a beneficial way that both helps the consumer and the brands and inevitably the economy. If you put privacy first, and then work with your brands to connect with those consumers, you’ll grow.”
Locala’s Managing Director & Chief Revenue Officer, Americas Ed Silhan. LinkedIn interview
As a commerce media solution that uses location data to help brands drive business to their stores, privacy is at the core of everything we do. We strongly believe that a consumer’s essential right to privacy shouldn’t prevent them from discovering your brand. Simply put, our approach is not focused on individual data but on the analysis of aggregated mobility trends within a commerce area.
In this post, we answer the most commonly asked questions about our data use based on this approach.
What type of data do we use?
We mainly collect GPS and IDFA information from phones and tablets.
Locala was founded 11 years ago in France, the birthplace of GDPR, often described as the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Our compliance with this European data privacy regulatory framework requires us to only use data obtained through opt-in. It is worth noting that our processing system automatically filters out personal data that was not obtained through opt-in for a specific use.
Once the data we collect has served its purpose, it is aggregated and we discard all personal information.
How can you activate efficient geotargeting ad campaigns without tracking devices?
We are not interested in device-centric data as our approach is based on point of interests analysis (work site, store, venue, etc..). We use census block analysis, which is the most commonly used statistical method for mapping specific trends within a specific area. While this method requires precise information regarding the boundaries of the location defined, it allows us to avoid tracking individual devices.
How can you give relevant insights to brands without relying on individual data?
While most advertisers relying on geotargeting gather a significant amount of data to guide brands, our 10 years of experience as a leader in drive-to-store campaigns allows us to adopt a reverse approach using brand needs as the starting point. We first identify the needs of the brands we serve and then only use a small amount of data to help them drive growth.
How has data privacy regulation impacted your technology?
Because we only need a small amount of data to produce valuable insights, our technology has not been impacted by recent data regulations like Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT). As we look towards an increasingly privacy-first environment, our approach is based on developing technology that is more and more reliable while using less and less individual data.
Do you want to learn more about how our privacy-first solution can help your business grow? Contact us today!