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Locala is excited to renew our French Tech Pass again this year and to be a part of this international community. Designed for innovative, fast-growing entrepreneurs and startups, La French Tech aims to encourage international entrepreneurs with bold projects. It targets innovators from all over the world as part of an effort to accelerate the dynamism in the startup ecosystem.

La French Tech advocates pro-business policies while providing access to funding from enthusiastic investors. and exclusive mentorship and networking opportunities. With La French Tech pass, Locala is on a mission to attract the best talent in the tech industry. As the company is scaling up beyond the Hexagon, the French Tech Hubs provide a bridge between major international cities and Locala, facilitating accelerated growth and access abroad. The coming year promises to have a lot of innovative partnerships to come!


About the La French Tech Pass

La French Tech is a community to support French tech startups by facilitating the successful launch of member projects in France. The program is operated by a community of French entrepreneurs and investors with a shared ambition, driven by the French government.

“France’s vision for supporting the emergence of world-wide startups depends on fostering an international perspective: the aim is to encourage the free movement of companies, talent and investment.” Axelle Lemaire and Emmanuel Macron