The Power of Attention Metrics: Unveiling Locala’s Integration with DoubleVerify

The Rise of Attention Metrics 

When leveraging ad tech solutions and planning 2024 media strategies, staying ahead means constantly reevaluating the metrics that gauge campaign success. Traditional metrics like viewability and time in view, previously considered benchmarks, are now being supplemented with more comprehensive measures to truly grasp user engagement.

Enter Attention metrics. These metrics go beyond simply noting if an ad was viewed; they provide insights into the depth and quality of user interaction with the ad. This shift is not just theoretical but is being embraced by industry leaders. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has acknowledged Attention metrics as a critical evolution in ad measurement. Several key factors are propelling this shift:

  • Linking Campaigns to Business Outcomes: Attention metrics show a stronger correlation with business outcomes than other measurements, with evidence of a significant impact on brand lift, consideration, and sales uplift.
  • Unlocking Creative Potential: Recognizing that 70% of advertising success is due to the creative, attention metrics are gaining interest for evaluating creative effectiveness.
  • Optimizing for Channels: Attention measurement helps gauge the effectiveness of various channels, like CTV, where high viewer engagement is noted.
  • Reducing Waste: Advertisers can reduce budgets wasted on ad creative and placements that do not secure sufficient attention. In an environment where budgets are tight, any saving is welcomed.

Locala’s Integration with DoubleVerify  

Locala’s integration with DoubleVerify places it at the vanguard of attention-based advertising. By combining advanced Attention metrics with Locala’s unique offerings like Dynamic Commerce Areas and precise audience segments, advertisers can significantly enhance their campaign performance and media quality. 

At DoubleVerify (DV), pioneers in this field, Attention measurement is a sophisticated process. DV has determined that the most effective method to assess attention involves evaluating various detailed data points at the individual impression level, which can be compiled into practical metrics. DV Authentic Attention®, a privacy-conscious and MRC-accredited attention measurement solution that operates independently of cookies, examines more than 50 data points related to a digital ad’s exposure and the user’s interaction with the ad and their device, doing so in real-time.

  • In terms of exposure, DV evaluates the complete presentation of an ad, measuring its strength and visibility using metrics such as the time the ad is viewable, its proportion of the screen, the quality of the video presentation, and its audibility, among others.
  • Regarding engagement, DV analyzes essential actions initiated by the user during the display of the ad creative. This includes interactions such as user taps, changes in the screen’s orientation, video playback, and adjustments in audio settings.

These metrics of Exposure and Engagement collectively contribute to the DV Attention Index, a comprehensive indicator of attention that offers vital insights into the effectiveness of a campaign.

Incorporating these sophisticated Attention metrics, Locala enhances its strategic offerings. Advertisers can now enjoy the benefits of campaigns that are not just targeted, but finely tuned to capture and hold consumer attention, leading to improved brand outcomes and ROAS. These metrics also aid in making informed decisions about channel mix, placement, creative, and format types, tailoring each aspect of the campaign for optimal engagement and visibility.


Attention metrics are more than a buzzword; they are essential tools for understanding and optimizing ad campaigns. Locala’s integration with DoubleVerify’s solutions exemplifies industry best practices, where quality of engagement trumps quantity. 

For media strategists and advertisers, these developments offer an exciting opportunity to refine their strategies for maximum impact. We encourage readers to explore further, using Locala’s case studies to see how these innovations can be applied to their advertising strategies.

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The New Frontier in DOOH Buying:
Harnessing Local Brand Affinity

 “As an Insights & Analytics Lead at Locala, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand most of recent transformative shifts in the adtech landscape. One area that has seen significant evolution is Digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising. Until recently, DOOH buying was largely influenced by the environment of the screens (whether they were located in malls, train stations, or other high-traffic areas..) and probable affinity to certain audiences based on traffic patterns at specific times of the day. While effective, this approach often missed the intricate nuances of local brand preferences”.


The Landscape of DOOH Buying

DOOH advertising has experienced rapid growth. According to Statista, the global digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising revenue is projected to grow by over 10 percent in 2023, reaching almost €16.48 billion. This significant increase in investment highlights the importance and potential of DOOH in the modern advertising mix. However, with increased investment comes the need for more sophisticated strategies.

The traditional approach, while effective in its own right, often missed the mark when it came to understanding and leveraging local brand affinities. Every region, city, and even neighborhood can have distinct brand preferences and shopping patterns, influenced by a myriad of factors from cultural nuances to economic conditions.

The Shift Towards Local Brand Affinity

Locala is proud to introduce a new planning capability that allows DOOH screen selection based on screen affinity with a chosen brand, a feature we call Dynamic Commerce Area (DCA). DCA is a revolutionary approach to DOOH advertising. It enables brands to select DOOH screens based on their affinity with specific brands, ensuring that the advertising message resonates with the local audience.

With DCA, brands can redefine the way they approach DOOH advertising. By focusing on local brand affinity, our partners can now craft more strategic and impactful campaigns, with data at its core. This approach not only ensures that the advertising message is relevant to the local audience but also maximizes the return on investment for advertisers.

Here’s why this approach is transformative:

  • Performance-Driven Campaigns: By understanding where brand affinity is strongest, advertisers can ensure their messages resonate deeply with local audiences, leading to higher engagement and ROI. 
  • Strategic Expansion: For brands that are already dominant in specific regions, targeting areas with lower brand affinity can be a strategic move to capture new market segments. 
  • Competitive Conquesting: Knowledge of areas with high affinity to competitors provides an opportunity to deploy targeted campaigns aimed at swaying audiences and increasing market share.

Benefits for Advertisers

  • Smarter, Data-Driven Investments: With insights from our Retail Analytics platform, advertisers can make informed decisions based on consumer shopping behaviors, both nationally and locally. This ensures that investments are not just vast but also strategic.
  • Enhanced Ad Targeting: By understanding where brand affinity is strongest and combining it with foot traffic data and local demographics, campaigns can be crafted that deeply resonate with local audiences. 
  • Optimized Inventory Selection: Our insights consider traffic patterns leading to specific stores, ensuring that the selected inventory is not only relevant but also timely. 
  • Seamless Activation: Our solutions facilitate the seamless activation of DOOH campaigns fueled by mobility patterns, going beyond traditional geotargeting with custom media strategies tailored for each location.

The Bigger Picture

The trends in DOOH are clear: there’s a move towards more personalized, data-driven strategies and overall measurement. Media decisions fueled by local insights, and granular attribution capabilities are just a few of the innovations we’re seeing creating. In conclusion, as we’ll continue to invest and innovate in DOOH, it’s imperative to keep data at the center of our strategies.
DOOH planning isn’t just about reaching more people; it’s about reaching the right consumer with messaging that truly resonates. The future of DOOH lies in harnessing the power of local insights, and with Locala, that future is now.

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