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Locala Launches in Asia, Further Expanding its International Growth

Singapore, 5 April 2016 – Locala (Success for Mobile), a fast-growing international mobile ad tech company today announced their successful […]

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Locala Expands US Footprint; Appoints Frederic Joseph US CEO of Locala

NEW YORK – March 22, 2016 – Locala (Success for Mobile), a fast-growing adtech company has appointed Frederic Joseph CEO […]

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Pierre Gauthier joins Locala as Head of Publisher Management and Development

Paris, 15 March 2016 – Locala (Success for Mobile), a fast-growing ad tech company announced today that Pierre Gauthier will […]

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Locala Study Reveals A Staggering $10 Billion Loss In Mobile Advertising Ecosystem Due To Lack Of Transparency

New York – Locala announced today the results of an extensive global study, the first of its kind, conducted on […]

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Locala grabs $8 Million in Series A Funding

London, 4th June 2015 – Locala (Success for Mobile) has today announced an $8 Million Series A round of funding […]

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