Engage Audiences with Custom Coupon Promotions

In today’s crowded advertising landscape, it’s critical that brands find unique ways to connect and engage with consumers. At Locala, we believe that customizing advertising to the individual is key to cutting through the noise. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce our latest ad format, the Coupon Downloader, designed to deliver easily downloadable, personalized coupon offers tailored to specific audiences. The result? Enhanced brand engagement and heightened purchase intent among both new and existing customers.

Driving Coupon Downloads with Locala

With the Coupon Downloader, Locala precisely targets key audiences and customizes the coupon offers based on their location and preferences. For example, a user who is less than 10 miles from a store location may receive a $5 coupon, while those farther away could receive an $8 coupon. Users on desktop and mobile devices can simply click on the ad to instantly download the coupon. For DOOH formats, users are provided with a QR code, directing them to the coupon landing page for easy download to their mobile phones

The Benefits of Tailored Promotional Offers

Adapting promotional offers to specific audiences offers numerous benefits for advertisers. Brands can leverage the Coupon Downloader to increase awareness of their promotional offers, boost purchase intent, and drive consumers to stores. Moreover, consumers benefit from promotions tailored to their shopping needs through an engaging and user-friendly coupon experience. Overall, the coupon ensures the right promotional incentives reach the right consumers, thereby enhancing the overall brand experience. This ad format is particularly advantageous for brands within the CPG, Retail, Grocery, and Fashion industries.

Creating Unique Experiences with Locala

At Locala, we specialize in crafting unique and impactful experiences for our clients’ marketing campaigns. Our skilled design team collaborates closely with clients to develop customized solutions aligned with their specific goals and objectives. Whether it’s for mobile, DOOH, or Desktop, we are committed to delivering high-quality and creative designs that drive results.

To learn more about the convenience and accessibility of the Coupon Downloader, contact us today!

5 Advertising Tips for Increased Growth for Auto Brands

Let’s talk about a shifting trend in the auto industry: the average visits to auto dealerships have never been lower. In fact, did you know that the average US auto buyer is only visiting 1.9 car dealerships when shopping for a new vehicle? At Locala, we know it’s a challenging landscape out there, and to navigate this competitive market auto brands need precise and scalable media strategies to not only attract fresh consumers but also nurture lasting customer loyalty. To help, we’ve compiled five best practices for auto brands to achieve long term growth in 2024 and beyond. Ready to dive in?

1. Optimizing Attention & Reach

In a world where ads are everywhere, capturing and retaining consumer attention is more challenging than ever. That’s why establishing a strong brand presence through local, upper-funnel strategies is crucial for any auto brand looking to stand out from the crowd. Our latest strategic partnership with DoubleVerify allows us to combine advanced Attention metrics with Locala’s unique offerings like affinity insights and precise audience segments so advertisers can significantly enhance their campaign performance and media quality. 

By optimizing for user attention, we not only increase brand visibility but also set the stage for future conversion tactics. This helps brands make meaningful connections with potential car buyers and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

2. Dealership-Based DOOH Planning

Traditional approaches to Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) planning often cast a wide net with broad targeting, but at Locala, we believe precision is paramount. By overlaying our advanced affinity audiences into the DOOH planning process, we help auto brands pinpoint panel locations where car buyers are most likely to convert with a given brand. By using advanced audiences in the DOOH  planning process, we are able to help brands move beyond broad targeting to reach the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

3. Last-Mile Tactics

The path to purchase for auto buyers is filled with many touch points across various channels. With so many steps to the funnel, it’s crucial that brands are seamlessly guiding them through their purchase journey. By combining mobile and DOOH advertising, Locala creates a ‘last mile companion’ that extends DOOH reach and engages buyers wherever they are. 

Additionally, personalized retargeting helps to reinforce brand messages, ensuring that potential buyers stay engaged even after they’ve left the dealership. Taking things a step further, our Store Navigator format simplifies and enhances the overall customer experience by providing creative that directs users to the nearest auto dealership. This helps auto brands deliver a seamless and personalized journey from initial awareness to dealership visit.

4. Dynamic Inventory-Based Ads

As auto brands gear up for national campaigns, it’s critical to remember the significance of engaging local consumers. This entails having a deep understanding of the local markets and audience preferences of a consumer in a given area. 

Locala’s Dynamic Creative ensures that messaging is tailored with the available stock at individual dealerships. And by promoting second-hand and discounted models customized to each dealership’s current inventory, we can enhance the impact of advertising campaigns and drive more qualified leads. In essence, delivering personalized ads that caters not only to the local dealerships but also the buyer, results in a higher return on investment.

5. Boosting Customer Lifetime Value

In the automotive industry, the relationship with a customer doesn’t end after the initial purchase. Continuing to nurture the consumer relationship is essential for maximizing the lifetime value of each customer and driving long-term success. Using data-driven insights, we help brands retarget past buyers with personalized offers for service and maintenance upgrades. By transforming single sales into ongoing service engagements, we foster customer loyalty and build lasting relationships that turn customers into brand advocates.

How Brands like Hyundai and Audi use Location-Based Advertising

Now, let’s talk about real-life use cases! How have other leading auto brands used location-based advertising to drive growth?  

  • Hyundai developed a multi-location advertising strategy based on 17 activations spread over the year to support 202 dealerships across the country. Using affinity audiences, personalized retargeting, and ads that resonated at the local level, Locala was able to drive 49K visits to Hyundai dealerships resulting in a 23% uplift in footfall.  This campaign received the GOLD award in the “Mobile-to-store” category in March 2023 awarded by Les Cas d’Or in partnership with Alliance Digitale.
  • Audi leveraged an omnichannel strategy to increase foot traffic to a selection of 144 dealerships spread over 3 regions.  Locala used affinity insights to increase awareness among the right consumers, and then retargeted them across mobile and audio to drive them down the funnel. This resulted in over 10K visits to the dealership and a x6 uplift in footfall. 

To learn more about how other automotive brands are leveraging location intelligence and consumer insights to power their media strategies, contact us now! 

Driving Store Traffic with Omnichannel,
Location-Based Audience Targeting

In the realm of digital marketing Locala sets itself apart with a unique approach that fuses mobility data with rich audience insights. This allows brands to not only to identify an audience but connect with the most valuable consumers in the areas where they’re most likely to be reached.

Guiding You to Identify Valuable Audiences

Locala identifies your most valuable audience. Our data-centric approach dives deep into audience targeting insights and consumer mobility patterns to identify your ideal customer profile. 

By focusing on those with the greatest likelihood to interact and engage with your brand at every stage of the customer journey, we ensure that your advertising resonates and converts.

Our capabilities go beyond basic targeting, allowing brands to activate  Competitors Conquesting : Strategically targeting customers of competing brands, turning potential competitors’ customers into clients, and casual clients into brand loyalists.

Boosting Impact with Location Intelligence

Locala harnesses the power of location intelligence to strategically deploy advertisements, ensuring they strike with maximum relevance and impact. We place your brand’s message where your audience is most likely to see it and at a moment they’re most ready to receive it. Our location-based targeting considers not just geographic positions but integrates the context of your audience’s current situation, profile, and behavior.

This strategic approach boosts the likelihood of consumers taking the action to visit your store, effectively turning passerby traffic into potential customers.

Optimizing DOOH Planning: Selecting Panels in Prime Areas

Locala’s platform ensures that we handpick only DOOH panels located in areas identified as having high potential for impact. 

By focusing our placements in zones that promise the greatest ROAS, we not only enhance the visibility of your campaigns but also amplify the end results

For instance, leveraging in-store screens for last-meter marketing efforts, Locala ensures your message is the final nudge customers need as they make purchase decisions.

Combining DOOH and Mobile to maximize impact 

Locala blends DOOH activations with mobile marketing strategies that enhance each other:

  • Strengthen reach in areas lacking DOOH panels for thorough audience engagement.
  • Deploy immersive and personalized mobile experiences to engage potential customers
  • Retarget consumers on their mobile devices after they interact with our DOOH ads, strengthening the CTA and directing them to your nearest store

This multi-channel approach amplifies the effectiveness of our Drive to Store campaigns, creating a cohesive consumer journey from digital engagement to in-store experience.

Enriching Customer Engagement with Post-sales Insights

Locala’s post-sales insights are designed to offer brands a detailed understanding of their campaigns’ effectiveness and the behaviors of their customers.

  • Panel-Level Analytics: Offering granular data on the performance of individual DOOH panels and mobile ad placements.
  • Attribution Modeling: Understanding the direct impact of marketing efforts on sales and foot traffic, for each channel.
  • Audience Insights: Gaining a deeper understanding of who responded to your campaigns, including demographic breakdowns, interests, and behaviors, to tailor future messaging.

Driving Real Results

We’ve helped brands achieve significant increases in foot traffic and sales by leveraging omnichannel activations, encompassing DOOH and mobile. 

For example, a recent campaign for Levi’s experienced a 65% traffic uplift, with a total of 15K in-store visits, thanks to our targeted DOOH and mobile efforts that led to a 15% increase in the intent to purchase among both Parents and Students audience segments.

Want to know more about our Location Based Targeting capabilities and Omnichannel Solutions ? Contact us now.

DOOH & Mobile: Displayce and Locala
Elevate Successful Cross-Channel
Campaigns in Extended Partnership

Bordeaux, France – 02/05/2024 – Displayce, the European DSP specializing in programmatic DOOH, and Locala, the leader in multi-location advertising, reaffirm their partnership following significant campaign success to offer advertisers a seamless solution for DOOH activation combined with mobile ad placements.

Integrated solutions for targeted audience engagement

Displayce customers can now enhance their DOOH campaigns by seamlessly incorporating mobile activation. This integration enables advertisers to precisely target individuals passing  DOOH ads, creating a dynamic and impactful synergy between the two media. According to a 2022 study by GroupM, mobile-integrated DOOH campaigns were 40% more effective at driving brand awareness and 20% more effective at driving purchase intent

This advanced capability offers exceptional flexibility and value to Displayce customers, enabling them to easily combine DOOH with mobile channels. 

Laure Malergue, CEO and co-founder of Displayce, is enthusiastic about the partnership: “We are delighted to extend our partnership with Locala, offering our customers enhanced capabilities for activation and impact on DOOH campaigns combined with mobile ad placements. We have seen compelling results with our customers, enabling them to reach their target audience more effectively.”

Improving DOOH campaigns with mobile retargeting

Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala, also shares his enthusiasm: “This partnership has enabled us to offer our customers a new way of reaching their target audience. Combining our expertise in local activation with Displayce’s expertise in DOOH activation creates a truly integrated solution for our customers.”

Recognizing the inherent complementarity of DOOH and mobile as an advertising medium, this partnership amplifies the reach and creative impact of Out Of Home advertising while leveraging the interactivity, targeting and measurement capabilities of mobile advertising.

Combining the reach of OOH with the personalised engagement of mobile is proving to be an effective strategy in increasing brand awareness and attention.

Maroua Clergeon, offline media buyer at Values Media, the agency in charge of the Louvre Hotel Group account, testifies to the success of this integrated approach: “We used Displayce to run a campaign combining mobile advertising and DOOH to increase awareness of Campanile hotel offers among a leisure and professional upper socio-professional category target group, unfamiliar with the brand. By marking out the target’s route via DOOH panels in and around strategic business locations (transport, offices, petrol stations) and via the activation of mobile retargeting, we saw a 58% increase in the campaign’s reach. We were able to reach our target audience with a personalised message, delivering excellent results.”

*All the data collected and used as part of these digital marketing operations complies with the GDPR regulations in force in Europe.


About Displayce

DISPLAYCE is the pioneering French platform dedicated to optimizing the purchase, impact and quality of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising campaigns. This expert programmatic platform gives media agencies and brands a one-click access to a vast inventory of digital screens – over 1,000,000 in 70 countries. This proprietary artificial intelligence-based technology provides automated real-time panel-based buying, differentiated and cookieless targeting capabilities, optimal campaign impact and broadcast quality measurement. 

Founded in 2014 and based in Bordeaux, DISPLAYCE has over 40 experts, with offices in France, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands. 

Since July 2022, JCDecaux has taken a majority stake in the structure and this alliance will give Displayce the means to accelerate its development.

Press contact : Emma Labrador, emma.labrador@displayce.com 


About Locala

Locala is an omnichannel advertising platform that leverages consumer insights and AI machine learning to help marketers effectively plan, buy and measure multi-local campaigns on a global scale.

We are a global tech company, operating in 40 countries, and have been a leader in the programmatic space for over 11 years. Our services and partnerships with some of the world’s leading brands have earned us numerous awards and accreditations.

Locala offers a 360-degree solution – helping brands understand their audience at a hyperlocal level while formulating and executing customized media strategies designed to deliver the highest performance and ROAS in commerce.

We provide in-depth performance and brand insights for better-informed, more actionable marketing and sales decisions.

Press contact : Pierre Padiou, pierre.padiou@asklocala.com  

Precision in Audience Discovery:
Maximizing Campaign Effectiveness
with Location Intelligence

With shifting consumer behaviors and highly nuanced preferences, a one-size-fits-all approach to audience targeting is no longer an effective way to maximize advertising campaigns. As marketers aim to bring more precision to their media strategies, understanding who and where their target audiences are has never been more important. At Locala, we recognize the pivotal role that accurate audience insights play in pinpointing the right consumers, with the right messaging, in the right locations.  Let’s delve deeper into some pivotal axes of audience discovery powered by our insights and planning solutions. 

Discovering Audience Potential Based on Socio-Demographic Profiles

Locala’s Audience Explorer feature allows advertisers to delve into consumer potential based on specific socio-demographic criteria. By leveraging location-based, socio-demographic insights, brands can identify areas where their target audience is most highly concentrated, ultimately pinpointing locations that are primed for engagement. 

Taking things a step further, advertisers can then start to refine their main personas at the local level.  With these insights in hand, marketers can craft tailored creative messaging designed to resonate with specific groups of consumers.  This enables brands to address their core markets with efficient marketing strategies designed to increase engagement and deliver return on investment. 

Discovering Audience Potential Based on Brand Affinity 

Dynamic Commerce Areas (DCA) is a cornerstone of our audience capabilities, going beyond traditional demographics to identify the business potential for a given brand in any market. Our DCA insights analysis serves as a potent tool for discovering audience potential based on brand affinity.

By interpreting affinity metrics within DCA, advertisers gain unprecedented insights into the preferences and loyalties of consumers towards specific brands at the hyperlocal level. These granular insights allow advertisers to identify pockets of consumers with a heightened affinity for particular brands within specific geographic areas. 

For instance, imagine pinpointing consumers with a strong affinity for McDonald’s across 9 zip codes, reaching a staggering 459K potential customers. Conversely, to support conquesting efforts, brands can identify and target consumers who have high affinities towards their competitors. This allows marketers to eliminate wasteful spending by connecting with their most qualified audiences with messaging tailored to the consumer.

Audience Precision: The Path to Campaign Success

By unlocking consumer insights surrounding socio-demographics and affinity, advertisers gain a comprehensive understanding of their target audiences at a hyperlocal level. Armed with this knowledge, advertisers can plan more precise and effective ad campaigns that resonate with consumers on a personal level, driving meaningful interactions and ultimately, conversions.

As more and more marketers are tasked with bringing precision to their media strategies, understanding the intricacies of their target audiences’ demographics, behaviors, and brand affinities is key. At Locala, we recognize the pivotal role that accurate audience insights play in this process, and using advanced, location-based data, we’ve been able to help marketers unlock new advertising opportunities and deliver return on investment for their brands.

Want to learn more about Locala’s audience discovery capabilities? Contact us now.

Locala strengthens its sales team with
the appointment of Julien Houeye as
VP Sales for France.

Paris, January 17, 2024 – Locala, omnichannel media platform, appoints Julien Houeye as VP Sales for France. This appointment is effective immediately.


With more than 15 years’ experience developing sales activities in media sales houses (OMG, Lagardère Active) and with French and international advertising agencies (Ogury, Near, Quantcast), Julien Houeye will take charge of Locala’s sales activities in France as VP Sales for agencies and advertisers.

Julien Houeye comments: “I’m delighted to be joining Locala, and grateful for the confidence Christophe Collet and Sandrine Préfaut have shown in me.  Together with the sales team, I’m looking forward to supporting advertisers and agencies with omnichannel solutions, exclusive data and insights to boost brand business.”

Sandrine Préfaut, Managing Director Europe at Locala, adds: “We are delighted to welcome Julien to the position of VP Sales. His dual agency and advertising sales culture, combined with his human qualities, are assets that will enable us to strengthen our support for our clients’ growth”.

About Locala: 

Locala is a French ad tech company that has expanded internationally. Our multi-location media platform enables brands to target valuable audiences in high-potential areas.

To learn more, visit asklocala.com

Revolutionizing QSR Campaigns with Cross-Visitation Insights

Adapting Targeting Strategies to Local Behaviors

For QSR marketers, traditional targeting methods are insufficient at the local level, where consumer preferences and competitive dynamics vary. Locala’s pivotal expertise in cross-visitation insights is a cornerstone of our Retail Analytics suite and holds significant importance in this context

By analyzing where your customers dine beyond your brand’s locations, Locala can provide a unique view of your competitive landscape. Successful QSR campaigns require adapting to local market behaviors, each with distinct challenges and opportunities. This precision in activation, tailored to local preferences and cultural nuances, is crucial in today’s market where generic strategies fall short.

This article explores how fast food brands can leverage cross-visitation insights to refine their marketing strategies, staying relevant and competitive in varied local markets.

Deep Dive into Cross-Visitation Insights

Cross-visitation insights refer to the analysis of visitation overlap across brands, calculated on a local basis and monitored over time. This involves understanding how many customers of one QSR brand visit other brands, providing a clear picture of the competitive landscape. 

The methodology behind tracking and analyzing this data involves leveraging mobility (mobile location data) and places data (such as restaurant locations and other metadata), allowing brands to track foodies’ visits among local competitors effectively. This methodology complies with privacy standards, as Locala ensures that all data collection and analysis adhere to stringent privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, assuring both brands and their customers of ethical data usage.

Unpacking the Strategic Value for Fast Food Brands

The true value of cross-visitation insights lies in their application at the local level. These insights allow fast-food brands to adapt their targeting strategies to local shopping trends and competitive environments. For instance, if Burger King finds that 40% of its visitors also frequent McDonald’s and that 25% of them also eat out at the nearby salad bar in one area, they should include visitors from both locations in their local targeting strategy. This approach enables brands to maintain a presence among the most relevant consumer segments and attract potential customers with similar purchase intentions.

Diving at the local level means that a brand can not only see the general trends of customer behavior but also understand these patterns in specific areas. For instance, the cross-visitation trends in a bustling city center might differ vastly from those in a suburban area, even within the same city. By harnessing these insights, brands can tailor and activate their strategies to each unique area.

To help brands get started, we’ve compiled a few best practices for local market adaptation:

  • Retargeting Based on Visits to Local Main Competitors
  • Geo-Fencing Local Main Competitor Locations
  • Loyalty Incentive Campaigns Targeting the Least Loyal Customers
  • Dynamic Ad Content Based on Time of Day and Distance to Locations
  • Local Customers Lookalike with Other Cross-Visited Brands 

Seamless Integration with Omnichannel DSP

The integration of cross-visitation insights with our omnichannel DSP simplifies the process of executing targeted marketing strategies across various channels. Whether it’s desktop, mobile, audio, DOOH, or CTV, this seamless integration ensures that QSR brands can engage with their customers wherever they are, with messaging that’s relevant to their local experiences and preferences.

Case Study: Miller’s Ale House

A prime example of these strategies in action is the campaign Locala recently implemented for Miller’s Ale House. By leveraging dynamic commerce areas and cross-visitation insights, Locala was able to reach current, lapsed, and new consumers of Miller’s Ale House, driving a significant increase in foot traffic and return on ad spend. The campaign involved a mix of desktop and mobile display ads, specifically tailored to drive restaurant visits. The step-by-step strategy included identifying target areas, segmenting the audience based on visitation patterns, and then deploying localized ads that resonated with these specific customer groups. The results? A 9.67% footfall uplift, 13k+ in incremental visits and an overall 9x ROAS for Miller’s Ale House.

The Power of Hyperlocal

The future of marketing in the QSR industry is hyperlocal, data-driven, and customer-centric. By harnessing the power of cross-visitation insights, QSR brands can stay ahead of the curve, adapting swiftly to local market changes and consumer behaviors. Locala’s advanced analytics and technology are not just tools; they are essential partners in this journey, helping brands navigate the complex landscape of local markets with agility and precision. As we move forward, the brands that succeed will be those that not only gather these insights but also act on them with precision and creativity.

Engage with us on LinkedIn | Learn more about Locala’s solutions


The Power of Attention Metrics: Unveiling Locala’s Integration with DoubleVerify

The Rise of Attention Metrics 

When leveraging ad tech solutions and planning 2024 media strategies, staying ahead means constantly reevaluating the metrics that gauge campaign success. Traditional metrics like viewability and time in view, previously considered benchmarks, are now being supplemented with more comprehensive measures to truly grasp user engagement.

Enter Attention metrics. These metrics go beyond simply noting if an ad was viewed; they provide insights into the depth and quality of user interaction with the ad. This shift is not just theoretical but is being embraced by industry leaders. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has acknowledged Attention metrics as a critical evolution in ad measurement. Several key factors are propelling this shift:

  • Linking Campaigns to Business Outcomes: Attention metrics show a stronger correlation with business outcomes than other measurements, with evidence of a significant impact on brand lift, consideration, and sales uplift.
  • Unlocking Creative Potential: Recognizing that 70% of advertising success is due to the creative, attention metrics are gaining interest for evaluating creative effectiveness.
  • Optimizing for Channels: Attention measurement helps gauge the effectiveness of various channels, like CTV, where high viewer engagement is noted.
  • Reducing Waste: Advertisers can reduce budgets wasted on ad creative and placements that do not secure sufficient attention. In an environment where budgets are tight, any saving is welcomed.

Locala’s Integration with DoubleVerify  

Locala’s integration with DoubleVerify places it at the vanguard of attention-based advertising. By combining advanced Attention metrics with Locala’s unique offerings like Dynamic Commerce Areas and precise audience segments, advertisers can significantly enhance their campaign performance and media quality. 

At DoubleVerify (DV), pioneers in this field, Attention measurement is a sophisticated process. DV has determined that the most effective method to assess attention involves evaluating various detailed data points at the individual impression level, which can be compiled into practical metrics. DV Authentic Attention®, a privacy-conscious and MRC-accredited attention measurement solution that operates independently of cookies, examines more than 50 data points related to a digital ad’s exposure and the user’s interaction with the ad and their device, doing so in real-time.

  • In terms of exposure, DV evaluates the complete presentation of an ad, measuring its strength and visibility using metrics such as the time the ad is viewable, its proportion of the screen, the quality of the video presentation, and its audibility, among others.
  • Regarding engagement, DV analyzes essential actions initiated by the user during the display of the ad creative. This includes interactions such as user taps, changes in the screen’s orientation, video playback, and adjustments in audio settings.

These metrics of Exposure and Engagement collectively contribute to the DV Attention Index, a comprehensive indicator of attention that offers vital insights into the effectiveness of a campaign.

Incorporating these sophisticated Attention metrics, Locala enhances its strategic offerings. Advertisers can now enjoy the benefits of campaigns that are not just targeted, but finely tuned to capture and hold consumer attention, leading to improved brand outcomes and ROAS. These metrics also aid in making informed decisions about channel mix, placement, creative, and format types, tailoring each aspect of the campaign for optimal engagement and visibility.


Attention metrics are more than a buzzword; they are essential tools for understanding and optimizing ad campaigns. Locala’s integration with DoubleVerify’s solutions exemplifies industry best practices, where quality of engagement trumps quantity. 

For media strategists and advertisers, these developments offer an exciting opportunity to refine their strategies for maximum impact. We encourage readers to explore further, using Locala’s case studies to see how these innovations can be applied to their advertising strategies.

Engage with us on LinkedIn | Learn more about Locala’s solutions

Introducing Dynamic Creative

Optimizing Store Visits with Audience-First Creative

In today’s marketing landscape, personalized messaging reigns supreme. By embracing the nuances of local audiences, advertisers can finely calibrate their campaigns to reach specific consumers, ensuring that messages resonate on a personal level. With dynamic ad creatives that adapt on the fly, you’re always in sync with the consumer. This precision doesn’t just boost engagement; it cultivates trust, driving visits to physical store locations and boosting Return on Ad Spend for marketers.

At Locala, we’re on a mission to simplify multi-location advertising. We are an omnichannel advertising platform that leverages consumer insights and machine learning AI to help marketers efficiently plan, buy, and measure multi-location campaigns on a global scale. To further this mission, we recently unveiled our latest innovative ad format, the Dynamic Creative. It enables advertisers to dynamically adapt their creative based on hyperlocal audiences and their proximity to a brand’s store location.

Adopting Dynamic Creative with Locala

Every consumer and store location is unique, so why treat them all the same? In the ever-evolving advertising landscape, it’s clear that a one-size-fits-all approach no longer suffices for advertisers seeking tangible business results. At Locala, we leverage affinity, mobility, and purchase data to identify a brand’s loyal customers and valuable prospects, all at the store level. Once identified, we can dynamically serve creatives that adapt the images, messaging, and nearest store location based on the audience, ensuring resonance with the consumer we are targeting.

The Power of Hyperlocal

Adapting creative to hyperlocal audiences offers numerous benefits for advertisers. Firstly, it empowers businesses to scale their multi-location advertising campaigns more effectively by tailoring messaging to each specific audience and geographic area. This customization ensures that content is not only relevant to the local audience but also conveys messages more likely to resonate with individuals in those areas.

Secondly, using messaging that resonates with the local audience increases user engagement, drives more foot traffic to physical stores, and ultimately results in a higher conversion rate. By recognizing the unique characteristics and preferences of hyperlocal audiences, businesses can create more impactful and successful advertising campaigns.

Creating Unique Experiences with Locala

At Locala, we specialize in crafting unique and impactful experiences for our clients’ marketing campaigns. Our skilled design team collaborates closely with clients to develop customized solutions aligned with their specific goals and objectives. Whether it’s for mobile, DOOH, Desktop, or CTV, we are committed to delivering high-quality and creative designs that drive results.

To learn more about the convenience and accessibility of the Dynamic Creative format, contact us today!


Adtech : Un partenariat entre
DoubleVerify et Locala

Locala, expert en publicité géolocalisée, annonce une collaboration exclusive avec DoubleVerify, leader en analyse de la qualité des campagnes médias digitales. Grâce à cette alliance, Locala bénéficie des solutions de mesure d’attention DV Authentic Attention, des fonctionnalités Authentic Ad pour la qualité média, et du Fraud Lab DV, renforçant ainsi sa capacité à optimiser l’efficacité publicitaire tout en assurant une protection complète contre la fraude.

“Ce partenariat nous permet d’exploiter les mesures post-bid classiques telles que la visibilité et la Brand Safety, tout en accédant aux capacités de mesure de l’attention”, précise Dominique Blanc, Global VP Customer Success chez Locala.

DoubleVerify and Locala Sign
Strategic Global Partnership to
Optimize Attention Measurement

Discover the latest strategic alliance as Locala, the leading multi-location advertising platform, partners with DoubleVerify (“DV”), a prominent player in digital media measurement, to revolutionize attention optimization and ensure comprehensive protection for advertisers. Unveiling cutting-edge solutions like DV’s Authentic AttentionⓇ and Fraud Lab, this global collaboration promises to reshape the landscape of real-time location-based advertising, offering unparalleled insights and safeguards in the dynamic world of digital media.

Locala: Empowering Brands
with Real-time Local insights

Headshot of Caroline, Country Manager UK

Caroline Sajas, VP of Sales UK and MENA, unveils in Martech Outlook Locala’s innovative approach to omnichannel campaigns. Positioned as the world’s leading commerce media platform, Locala is not just transforming the landscape—it’s leading as a top Ad Management solution! Discover how our Retail Analytics platform, including LocalAudience, LocalActivation, and LocalAnalytics, is reshaping geolocation advertising. From global challenges to success stories with Dell Technologies, read our journey of data-driven precision and expertise.

Locala is recognized Among the
Top 10 Ad Management Solutions
Providers in Europe 2023

In the fast-evolving landscape of marketing technology, Locala has been named one of  the “Top 10 Ad Management Solutions Providers in Europe – 2023” by Martech Outlook. This prestigious recognition comes as the industry witnesses a surge in innovative technologies reshaping the future of media and marketing.

The power of Location Data : A Dell Technologies Success Story

This retail partner sought accurate consumer insights for a transition from traditional brick-and-mortar outlets to e-commerce. Locala’s location-based strategies, rooted in detailed end-user analysis, enabled Dell Technologies to target consumers at the right time and place, resulting in an impressive 44% increase in site visits upon activating four channels in selected locations. This success story underscores the transformative power of location intelligence, showcasing Locala’s ability to drive substantial results.

Our Solutions: unlock Local Advertising & Insights at Scale

Harnessing Mobility, Intent, and Purchase data, LocalAudience identifies your most valuable customers in high-potential commerce areas. Effortlessly target exclusive shoppers, frequent switchers, and prospects for precision marketing.

Our omnichannel platform, LocalActivation, streamlines media campaigns across the consumer journey and digital channels (DOOH, CTV, Video, Audio, Display). From planning to activation, optimize every stage for impactful results.

Drawing from a decade of consumer data expertise, LocalAnalytics delivers in-depth performance and brand insights. Empower your marketing strategies with actionable intelligence, making informed decisions for sustained business growth.

Privacy-Driven Excellence

In addition to delivering precise insights, Locala is committed to upholding the highest standards of data protection, complying with regulations such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This dedication to privacy is deeply rooted in Locala’s principles, fostering an environment of trust and compliance.


DoubleVerify and Locala sign
strategic global partnership

DoubleVerify and Locala sign strategic global partnership to optimize attention measurement

Paris, November 23, 2023 – DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV), a leading software platform for digital media measurement, data, and analytics, today announces a global and exclusive partnership with Locala, a specialist in real-time location-based advertising. This collaboration will see Locala benefit from DV’s Authentic Attention measurement solution, Authentic Ad™️ features for media quality, and cutting-edge innovations and detection methods from DV’s Fraud Lab. 

Being a global actor and a pioneer in France, Locala wanted to call on an expert who could meet both its inventory protection and attention optimization needs. It was therefore no surprise when Locala turned to DV, the world leader in fraud and attention.

As the only solution accredited by the Media Rating Council (MRC), DV Authentic Attention provides an advanced measurement tool analyzing each impression in real-time, identifying more than 50 data points relating to the intensity of exposure to a digital ad, as well as spotting consumer engagement with the ad and the device. 

“One of the strongest points offered by our omnichannel offering is the ability to measure the impact of advertising. Positively, our partnership with DV enables us to exploit traditional post-bid measures such as visibility and Brand Safety, while gaining access to attention measurement capabilities. This enables us to go even further in optimizing media investments for our customers,” comments Dominique Blanc, Global VP of Customer Success at Locala.

In conjunction with the Attention suite, Locala will take advantage of the other media quality optimization and advertiser protection features available under the DV platform.

Among these features, DV Authentic Ad, which ensures complete media quality for each impression, providing the guarantee that the same ad has been delivered both in the right context (Brand Safety and Suitability), in the right geography, and viewed by a human.

Furthermore, to tackle advertising fraud, Locala can now rely on a comprehensive protection solution covering all types of fraud, on all types of devices and in all environments. This is made possible by DV’s Fraud Lab, which relies on a team of dedicated data specialists to constantly detect and analyze new types of digital advertising fraud in order to uncover the latest techniques by bad actors as they are deployed.

“In an environment where advertising budgets are under intense scrutiny, we aim to provide our partners with the right tools to improve the results of their clients’ campaigns. We are therefore proud to support Locala in their efforts to optimize attention, by offering a unique solution that perfectly meets their contextual, geographic and real-view targeting objectives, while ensuring complete protection,” says Laetitia Zinetti, Vice-President of Southern Europe at DoubleVerify.

About Locala
Locala is the leading multi-location advertising platform. Our omnichannel advertising solution leverages consumer insights and machine learning AI to help marketers efficiently plan, buy, and measure multi-local campaigns on a global scale. Our platform, fueled by location intelligence and consumer data, allows us to go beyond traditional geo targeting by defining customized media strategies at the national and local levels. Find out more at www.asklocala.com

About DoubleVerify
DoubleVerify is a leading software platform for digital media measurement and analytics. Our mission is to make the digital advertising ecosystem stronger, safer and more secure, thereby preserving the fair value exchange between buyers and sellers of digital media. Hundreds of Fortune 500 advertisers employ our unbiased data and analytics to drive campaign quality and effectiveness, and to maximize return on their digital advertising investments – globally. Learn more at www.doubleverify.com.



Meet us at Tech for Retail 2023

Locala is excited to announce its participation in Tech for Retail Paris 2023, a unique European event designed to help retail professionals discover the technologies and trends shaping the retail of tomorrow. 

On the agenda:

Presentation of Locala’s Omnichannel platform

Locala’s team will present  our omnichannel platform at stand H55 on  November 28th and 29th, 2023, at Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles (Hall 4) from 9 am to 6pm.


Presentation of Locala’s Retail Barometer by Sandrine Préfaut 

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend our European Managing Director’s presentation of the Retail Insights Barometer 2023 on Wednesday, November 29 at 12h30 in conference room 5.

About Tech for Retail 

Tech for Retail is a significant gathering for professionals in both offline and online retail, offering a comprehensive view of digital tools and technological innovations dedicated to the retail sector.

In 2023, the event is set to showcase innovation with 260 exhibitors and an expected 9,000 visitors. Over 50 Retail Tours will be organized to explore the latest innovations.

See the full program


Brand Insider Summit QSR

Locala is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming Brand Insider Summit: QSR, hosted by MediaPost.

The event will take place from November 15th to 18th, 2023, in the picturesque city of Santa Barbara, California. Locala is proud to be a sponsor of this prestigious gathering of marketing professionals in the Quick Service and Fast-Casual Dining sector.

Our team will share Locala’s commerce media expertise and unveil groundbreaking insights giving QSR key players the keys to staying ahead of the competition. 

To learn more: https://www.mediapost.com/brandinsidersummitqsr/


Locala joins forces with NooS
to launch the Digital Clean up Challenge

Locala is happy to share its latest Digital Clean Up  initiative as part of its commitment to make a positive impact on the environment. 

Launched in partnership with NooS, the “Digital Clean Up Challenge” aims to raise awareness about digital pollution and inspire sustainable digital practices. This campaign is taking place at a time when the pollution produced by digital activities is getting increased attention for its negative impact on the environment. In this context, the goal is to reduce Locala’s digital footprint and set an example for the industry and community.

How does it work?
The Digital Clean Up Challenge is a month-long campaign raising awareness about digital sobriety by encouraging team members to take part in different challenges. Their collective actions unlock contributions to a featured NGO. The Plastic Odyssey Development has been selected by NooS as the recipient of Locala’s donation as part of this challenge. The NGO supports plastic recyclers by providing technical assistance, training, and guidance on business models.

Locala’s RSE Engagement in Sustainability
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of Locala’s business approach fundamental pillars, with a focus on making a positive impact on communities. With a commitment to measure the impact of its economic, environmental, and social activities, Locala actively supports the UN Global Compact and adheres to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Locala’s Initiatives for the Planet
Locala has been actively involved in raising awareness among employees about environmental issues in the digital industry and encourages Localers to take part in local and global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. 


The New Frontier in DOOH Buying:
Harnessing Local Brand Affinity

 “As an Insights & Analytics Lead at Locala, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand most of recent transformative shifts in the adtech landscape. One area that has seen significant evolution is Digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising. Until recently, DOOH buying was largely influenced by the environment of the screens (whether they were located in malls, train stations, or other high-traffic areas..) and probable affinity to certain audiences based on traffic patterns at specific times of the day. While effective, this approach often missed the intricate nuances of local brand preferences”.


The Landscape of DOOH Buying

DOOH advertising has experienced rapid growth. According to Statista, the global digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising revenue is projected to grow by over 10 percent in 2023, reaching almost €16.48 billion. This significant increase in investment highlights the importance and potential of DOOH in the modern advertising mix. However, with increased investment comes the need for more sophisticated strategies.

The traditional approach, while effective in its own right, often missed the mark when it came to understanding and leveraging local brand affinities. Every region, city, and even neighborhood can have distinct brand preferences and shopping patterns, influenced by a myriad of factors from cultural nuances to economic conditions.

The Shift Towards Local Brand Affinity

Locala is proud to introduce a new planning capability that allows DOOH screen selection based on screen affinity with a chosen brand, a feature we call Dynamic Commerce Area (DCA). DCA is a revolutionary approach to DOOH advertising. It enables brands to select DOOH screens based on their affinity with specific brands, ensuring that the advertising message resonates with the local audience.

With DCA, brands can redefine the way they approach DOOH advertising. By focusing on local brand affinity, our partners can now craft more strategic and impactful campaigns, with data at its core. This approach not only ensures that the advertising message is relevant to the local audience but also maximizes the return on investment for advertisers.

Here’s why this approach is transformative:

  • Performance-Driven Campaigns: By understanding where brand affinity is strongest, advertisers can ensure their messages resonate deeply with local audiences, leading to higher engagement and ROI. 
  • Strategic Expansion: For brands that are already dominant in specific regions, targeting areas with lower brand affinity can be a strategic move to capture new market segments. 
  • Competitive Conquesting: Knowledge of areas with high affinity to competitors provides an opportunity to deploy targeted campaigns aimed at swaying audiences and increasing market share.

Benefits for Advertisers

  • Smarter, Data-Driven Investments: With insights from our Retail Analytics platform, advertisers can make informed decisions based on consumer shopping behaviors, both nationally and locally. This ensures that investments are not just vast but also strategic.
  • Enhanced Ad Targeting: By understanding where brand affinity is strongest and combining it with foot traffic data and local demographics, campaigns can be crafted that deeply resonate with local audiences. 
  • Optimized Inventory Selection: Our insights consider traffic patterns leading to specific stores, ensuring that the selected inventory is not only relevant but also timely. 
  • Seamless Activation: Our solutions facilitate the seamless activation of DOOH campaigns fueled by mobility patterns, going beyond traditional geotargeting with custom media strategies tailored for each location.

The Bigger Picture

The trends in DOOH are clear: there’s a move towards more personalized, data-driven strategies and overall measurement. Media decisions fueled by local insights, and granular attribution capabilities are just a few of the innovations we’re seeing creating. In conclusion, as we’ll continue to invest and innovate in DOOH, it’s imperative to keep data at the center of our strategies.
DOOH planning isn’t just about reaching more people; it’s about reaching the right consumer with messaging that truly resonates. The future of DOOH lies in harnessing the power of local insights, and with Locala, that future is now.

Locala named one of the Marketing
Excellence Awards Finalists in Singapore

Locala, the world’s leading commerce media platform, earned finalist recognition in the excellence in data-driven marketing category at the 12th Annual Marketing Excellence Awards in Singapore. Judged by an independent panel of industry leaders and senior marketers, the awards celebrate outstanding work in Singapore’s marketing industry. 

This award  is a testament to the successful collaboration the company led with Havas Media Agency on the March 2023 JDE  for the Chinese New Year Campaign.

This campaign ‘challenge was to enhance brand awareness and boost sales in the competitive instant coffee market during the Chinese New Year season.” noted
Locala’s  APAC Managing Director Vincent Pang at the award ceremony. 

To conquer this challenge, we embraced three core strategies: Audience Planning, Mobile Activation, and Real-time Data Analysis. With a result of  12.80% boost in footfall” he added. 

Locala leverages location intelligence and machine AI to help brands make smarter business decisions and ultimately increase revenue. 

Learn more

Our team posing together at the Marketing Excellence Award Locala's at the table at the Marketing Award Excellence

Locala Unveils New Insights
for Hyperlocal Advertising

Ever wonder how your in-store foot traffic levels are evolving by area? Or why different media channels are more impactful in certain markets? Let’s face it; effective advertising campaigns are all about understanding your consumers. But it’s not just about knowing who they are; it’s about understanding where your brand stands in the local and national arena and the most effective ways to reach them.

Retail Insights Barometer 2023:
The New Retail is Rebelling!

Retail Insights Barometer 2023 by Locala:
The New Retail is Rebelling in Response to the Impact of Economic Challenges on Consumer Behavior

Paris, June 29, 2023 – Locala, an ad tech company specialized in geotargeting launches the third edition of its Retail Insights Barometer. Conducted in partnership with the Paris-based research firm Marketing Insights, this retail trend report is based on a survey conducted among a panel of 3,000 Europeans.
Among the 15 trends emerging from this new edition, 3 particularly stand out with similar results across Europe:

1. The economic crisis has a significant impact on consumer buying behavior and retailer strategies.

According to Sandrine Préfaut, Europe Director at Locala, ” Two thirds of European respondents are increasingly focused on budget restriction and “smart & useful” purchases.” 74% of surveyed Europeans believe in buying low-cost products. “We have indeed entered the era of the ‘price war’“, she notes”.

“Price has become the foremost concern for consumers, surpassing quality, choice, and fast delivery” she notes.

This trend, driven by inflationary pressures, encourages retailers to adopt a strategy of “discountization” with price competitiveness as the primary goal.

For 38% of retailers, committing to low prices is the most effective action to increase their sales,” adds Sandrine Préfaut.

In this context, retailers’ strategies are being disrupted, and the focus is on regaining performance.

2. Profitability models are being overturned, and retailers are streamlining operations by entering a cost battle.

The current economic climate compels companies to invest primarily in supply and technology to control their costs.

After a year in 2022 where warehouse automation and digitalization became the pillars of business operations, companies continue to rely on new technologies to remain competitive, accelerate processes, and reduce errors.

“This trend is reflected in our retailers’ interviews.” A furniture sector advertiser told us, and I quote, ‘We are even more careful in managing cost control on every line'”, explains Sandrine Préfaut.

This cost battle is also expressed through new models aimed at achieving profitable and sustainable growth.

3. The “re” trend is becoming widespread: retailers are adopting new profitable and sustainable models.

Not surprisingly, the purchasing power crisis has given rise to what is known as the “re” trend: reusing, recycling, refurbishing, reselling, or repairing.”

49% of British people state that they are resorting more to second-hand and refurbished products,” notes Amaury Laurentin, Director of Marketing Insights, to illustrate this trend.

While eco-responsible consumption offers a competitive price alternative for consumers, it is also driven by a genuine search for sustainable consumption patterns. “According to our study, 52% of British people believe that we should no longer consume products that lack transparency in their manufacturing cycle,” highlights Sandrine Préfaut.

The COVID period clearly marked the emergence of a “New Retail” and the economic crisis that followed forced the sector to adapt to new consumer behaviors. In the face of the crisis, the New Retail is rebelling.

About Locala

Locala is the world’s leading commerce media platform, leveraging consumer insights and location data to increase brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and deliver smarter business outcomes. Our proprietary technology enables local advertising and insights at scale, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.

Contact :
Pia Decarsin
Senior Global Communications Manager

Forum Retail 2023

Locala is a proud partner of Forum Retail 2023, an event hosted by iKN Italy. This must-attend gathering for digital Marketers  will take place from October 26th to 27th, 2023, in Milano,  Italy,

Representing Locala at Forum Retail 2023 will be Benvenuto Alfieri, Country Manager Italy. He will take part in a panel conference focused on the CX trends of 2023, discussing digital advertising omnichannel strategies for a seamless customer experience.


About Forum Retail: Italy’s Premier Retail Event

Forum Retail, organized by iKN Italy, is a leading provider of managerial training and business events. Established in 2000, Forum Retail has evolved into the largest technological networking hub for the retail community in Italy, with the 23rd edition scheduled for 2023.


Discover the full speaker’s list and sponsors

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Meet us at APEX 2023

Locala participated in APEXtravaganza, an event hosted by APEX SG, on September 27th from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Mapletree Anson Pantry Area in Singapore.
The Locala’s Singapore Team contributed to the excitement with a lucky draw, offering four prizes in total—one at our booth and three others at the APEX booth.

Vincent Pang, Managing Director APAC shared Locala’s expertise on advanced DOOH Planning at this leading industry event.

To learn more about how Locala can help your brand leverage location intelligence for advanced DOOH planning, activation and attribution, book a meeting!


Book a meeting


Picture of Locala's team at our booth at Apextravaganza  Picture of Locala's team showing our platform Retail Analytics

Introducing the Store Navigator

Locala is excited to announce the release of our latest innovative ad format, the Store Navigator! Using Locala’s proprietary location-based technology, the Store Navigator provides users with a brand’s nearest store locations, including information on distance, directions, and travel time depending on the chosen travel mode (walking, driving, public transportation, and more).The result : the Store Navigator enables advertisers to increase foot traffic by seamlessly driving consumers to their nearest store locations.


How it Works

With the Store Navigator format, users are presented with an ad that includes a call to action, encouraging them to shop in-store. When clicked on, users are directed to a map displaying the brand’s store locations, listed from nearest to farthest based on the user’s position. After selecting a store location, users can choose their preferred travel mode and assess the distance and estimated time to reach the store. From there, they receive directions on the optimal route to their destination.

The Benefits

Brands can leverage the Store Navigator to increase foot traffic and sales at their brick-and-mortar locations through an engaging and user-friendly advertising experience. Users, on the other hand, can seamlessly navigate to stores that are most convenient for them, based on their location and preferred travel mode. This feature saves valuable time and enhances their overall brand experience. Brands in the Retail, QSR, Automotive, and Grocery industries find this format highly valuable.


Creating Unique Experiences with Locala

At Locala, we specialize in creating unique and impactful experiences for our clients’ marketing campaigns. Our skilled design team works closely with clients to develop customized solutions that align with their specific goals and objectives. Whether it’s for mobile, DOOH, desktop or CTV, we are dedicated to delivering a high-quality and creative design that drives results.

To learn more about the convenience and accessibility of The Store Navigator, contact us today! 


Demystifying Digital Advertising: A Guide to Key Terms and Concepts in a Data-Driven World

The digital advertising space is constantly evolving as new technologies and practices arise, and the vocabulary changes just as rapidly. In a world driven by data and insights, understanding the nuances behind terms and concepts can make all the difference. Like many others in the industry, Locala adapts to these changing terms and even coins new ones to reflect our innovative approach in the digital advertising space.

To simplify things, we’ve created a brief glossary that highlights some of the key terms currently used in the advertising industry:

Territorial data: Socio-demographic information attached to a zone, provided by statistical bureaus.

Exclusive Shoppers: Those who have only visited your locations within the past month.

Switchers: Those who have visited both your locations and your competitors’ locations within the past month.

Most Valuable Prospects: Those who have never visited your location but, have a high affinity to the area where your location is and frequently visit those within the same category/go to your competitors. They have a High likelihood of becoming long-term, profitable customers.

Draw-In rate: Is calculated by dividing the number of visits by the sum of visits + passersby. For instance, if there were 10 visits and 90 passersby, the draw-in rate would be 10%.

Uplift: Footfall Uplift is the increase in footfall observed between the exposed and control groups, expressed as a percentage. The bigger the uplift is, the more we positively changed consumers’ behaviors.

Incremental Visits: Refers to the number of additional visits to a store that can be attributed to a specific marketing campaign. (Incremental visits are a subset of the visits).

Dynamic Commerce Areas: DCA gives marketers a better understanding of consumer behaviors and footfall trends within specific areas. By analyzing the data associated with a DCA, marketers can gain insights into customer behavior, identify areas of opportunity, and make more informed decisions.

DOOH: A new take on classic outdoor advertisements which enhances billboards, posters, and signage with new technology, enabling interesting new features such as interactions between the ad and its viewers, remote control of campaigns, real-time bidding for ad time on physical billboards, targeting of audiences.

CTV: Stands for Connected TV. – Is a subset of OTT. CTV is a TV that is connected to the internet via an internal device (i.e. Smart TV) or an external device (for example, Apple TV, Roku, or gaming consoles). Video content is delivered to a TV screen, through the internet.

OTT: ‘Over the top’ media which encompasses all Linear TV or Video on Demand (VOD) (e.g. AVOD or Broadcaster VOD) streaming content providers (such as Netflix, Hulu, etc.) These content providers distribute directly to viewers over the internet. OTT includes all devices and environments including Mobile, Desktop; App, Web and is not exclusive to CTV.

Device ID: A device ID is a unique, anonymized string of numbers and letters that identifies every individual smartphone or tablet in the world. It is stored on a mobile device and can be retrieved by any app that is downloaded and installed.

Territorial data: Socio-demographic information attached to a zone, provided by statistical bureaus.

POI Database: Locala’s POIs Database is aggregated by different suppliers and regularly fed by Locala ad-hoc requests It includes millions of Points of Interests references and locations all over the world.

Locala Named Finalist in
Digiday Technology Awards

Locala, the leader in commerce media solutions, earned a finalist position in the prestigious Digiday Technology Awards‘ Best Location Data Platform category. The Digiday Technology Awards celebrate innovative technologies shaping the future of media and marketing, 

The spotlight was on Locala’s campaign in collaboration with Captura Group for La Vaquita, which boosted the brand’s presence and in-store foot traffic.

Ed Silhan, Managing Director & CRO Americas for Locala, provided insight into the campaign’s success, stating, “Our challenge was to enhance brand awareness and boost sales for La Vaquita. To conquer this challenge, we embraced three core strategies: Audience Planning, Mobile Activation, and Real-time Data Analysis. With a result of a remarkable 30.6% uplift in visitation, we’ve demonstrated the power of location intelligence and data-driven marketing.”

Locala leverages location intelligence to help brands make smarter business decisions and ultimately increase revenue. 

Learn more about our solutions.

Beyond the Map: Transforming Location Intelligence Into Actionable Media Strategies

Location data is vital for digital advertising

In today’s data-driven era, the application of location and mobility data has significantly shaped the landscape of digital advertising. From strategic planning to campaign activation, companies are turning to this data to better understand their consumers and collect valuable competitive insights. Yet as companies like Placer.ai, Foursquare, and Near offer broad, data-centric solutions, one key question emerges: Are these platforms truly effective in helping marketers make the right decisions for their advertising campaigns? 

A recent eMarketer study indicates that 36% of marketers used location data to personalize their consumers’ experience. These figures illustrate the growing appreciation of location data within the marketing sphere. However, the majority of these solutions focus on data visualization alone, rather than providing tools to make advertising decisions. 

Data-Driven Insights for Advertising Campaigns

Unlike general location intelligence providers, Locala is a specialized player in the realm of digital advertising. Our approach to processing location data and developing consumer insights is advertising-centric, focusing on the areas that matter most for businesses aiming to increase their footfall through digital ads. With Locala, the ultimate goal isn’t just visualizing location data, but building a technology that seamlessly links location insights to digital activation. This combination is our key differentiator as it allows us to translate raw data into actionable advertising strategies for our clients. 

The ever-increasing complexity of the digital landscape requires not only access to data but also the right tools and expertise to utilize it effectively. There is so much data available currently, and it’s difficult to know what pieces are most valuable and how you can use them to influence your decisions. With the rise of Language Learning Models (LLM), the ability to train these models with domain-specific knowledge will dictate success. As advertising experts, we’re equipped to guide these models to deliver insights that are truly meaningful to your business. So you not only get the meaningful data, but we help you define how to use it to more effectively reach your goals.

Locala goes a step further than competitors

We understand the allure of data visualization for decision-makers.  The ability to see data trends and patterns can indeed be powerful. In fact, that’s why we’re in the industry. However, at Locala, we go a step further. We are not only concerned with making data digestible and relevant but also with ensuring it drives tangible results for your business. By aligning our technology and expertise with your specific advertising goals, we provide a solution that harnesses the full potential of location data for advertising. 

The real challenge lies in leveraging this data to its fullest potential. It’s time to move beyond simple data visualization and towards tailored actionable media campaigns. As we look to the future, the need for expert-driven, vertical-focused solutions becomes increasingly apparent. At Locala, we’re already there.


Integrating DOOH programmatic into omnichannel strategy: Locala’s three tips

Benvenuto Alfieri, Italy Country Director at Locala tells us how to best integrate DOOH into multichannel media strategies.

How to integrate DOOH programmatic into an omnichannel strategy? This is a recurring question for Marketers.  

Benvenuto Alfieri, Italy Country Director at the ad tech Locala offers a series of suggestions. “It’s been years now that RTB – Real Time Bidding has revolutionized the way advertising campaigns are designed and distributed,” says Alfieri. ” The old media strategy consisting of broadcasting commercials only on  billboards, TV, and display, with a single message and no contextualization or adaptation to the media channel, is almost over; the ‘almost’ means that the transition to  omnichannel is still ongoing and it is at the core of advertising strategies this year. 

It has become increasingly critical to reach audiences in the right place, at the right time, with the right message, on the most appropriate screen at that precise moment. In short, it’s about telling a story across various consumer touchpoints, making smart use of data, and adapting creative assets, and at the heart of this strategy is programmatic DOOH. Programmatic DOOH combines the power of Digital Out Of Home with the targeting, contextualization, and real time capabilities offered by programmatic buying. There are three main reasons to integrate programmatic DOOH into your omnichannel strategy.” 

1. Take advantage of the power of DOOH and go even further

Digital Out Of Home is a beloved advertising media because of its presence in consumers’ daily lives. With screens in the street, on public transportation, and in shopping malls, as well as in sports arenas, coloring our cities. Statista’s forecasts for the coming years show that its growth will continue unabated. Using programmatic buying means going far beyond its powerful reach. The principle of programmatic DOOH is to purchase DOOH using auction logic, through SSPs (Displayce, Hivestack which are integrated into Fusio by Locala) and DSPs (Fusio by Locala is Locala’s proprietary omnichannel DSP). This buying method allows advertisers to buy impressions in real time, based on targeting criteria. 

2. Revolutionary targeting and contextualization

Today, buying mass media with precise targeting is possible. The goal of programmatic buying is to deliver the right ad at the right time, in the right context, and in the right place for the target audience. For example, advertising a sunscreen in areas where there is a high presence of users interested in travel, or one that invites people to visit a particular store at certain times of day and in areas with a high concentration of the target audience. The programmatic DOOH also offers a solution present in mobile digital campaigns, such as DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization). It is possible to adapt advertising to certain conditions, such as the weather, the results of a sporting event, and many other live variables.

Case Study: drive-to-pharmacies campaign for Eucerin 

Dentsu and Locala’s data-driven omnichannel planning combined the use of two strategically relevant advertising media channels to reach the target audience, mobile and DOOH. The platform’s machine algorithm with real time optimization

produced an increase in the campaign visit rate. Each channel had a specific strategic function: mobile allowed to reach the target audience in those areas of the territory where DOOH is less present; DOOH, on the other hand, thanks to Locala’s platform, ensured a greater presence of communication in metropolitan areas, with a particular focus on Northern Italy. A footfall uplift of +69% and a x2.5 visit rate (vs. benchmark visit rate of similar single-channel campaigns) are the results recorded by Eucerin, a dermo-cosmetic brand of the Beiersdorf Group.

3. Programmatic advertising simplifies the measurement of DOOH effectiveness in combination with mobile

If measuring OOH effectiveness was complicated for advertisers, it is now possible in real-time thanks to programmatic buying. In addition to the way campaigns are designed and delivered, programmatic buying has also revolutionized the way in which performance and results can be measured. In addition to traditional KPIs, it is possible to measure the impact of programmatic DOOH on the entire funnel. The advantage of this media channel is its versatility in serving both branding and drive-to-store objectives. We can therefore measure the impact in terms of Brand Lift (Locala collaborates exclusively with Happydemics for Italy).  

Lastly, thanks to the collaboration with Circana, Locala is able to provide detailed reporting on programmatic DOOH and mobile campaign impact. By integrating programmatic DOOH into your omnichannel strategy, you can be sure to reach your audience effectively and efficiently by being able to measure the impact and contribution of this advertising media on the overall strategy.

Ecoride by Locala

On June 8th, Locala hosted an exciting event called Eco Ride by Locala, which celebrated the eco-responsible initiative of cycling while supporting the preservation of the French forest and its biodiversity. This event, piggybacking on the UN’s World Bicycle Day, brought together 20 enthusiastic participants who volunteered to ride for a reliable mode of transport and adventure.

The Eco Ride offered a challenge accessible to all, whether riding a classic road bike or opting for a softer option with an electric bike. The goal was to not only enjoy the picturesque surroundings but also contribute to a sustainable cause. For every 100 kilometers cycled during the event, donations were made to finance tree planting through the Locala x EcoTree partnership.

Jean-François Coutanceau, in charge of the project, noted that “Over the course of the day, the participants collectively rode more than 1000 kilometers, showcasing their support for this eco-friendly initiative. Their efforts will make a difference in preserving the environment and promoting sustainable practices”.

Locala’s RSE Engagement in Sustainability

At Locala, we believe that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental pillar of our business approach, aiming to make a positive impact on communities. With a commitment to measuring the impact of their economic, environmental, and social activities, Locala actively supports the UN Global Compact and adheres to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Locala’s Initiatives for the Planet

Locala has been actively involved in raising awareness among employees about environmental issues in the digital industry and encourages Localers to take part in local and global efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

By collaborating with Ecotree, Locala contributes to the preservation and promotion of vibrant forests across Europe, ensuring the sequestration of CO2 and credible carbon removals.

The Power of Location and Mobility Data for Optimal DOOH Marketing

In the ever-evolving marketing landscape, businesses are always looking for ways to more effectively connect with their target consumers. With the rise of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising, new and innovative techniques for audience targeting have emerged. One that has quickly gained traction and adoption among the advertising industry is the use of location and mobility data.

Location data reveals where consumers are, while mobility data paints a picture of their movement patterns. Together, they form a potent combination that empowers marketers to select the most impactful DOOH panels that will reach the right audiences.

Leveraging Location and Mobility Data for Audience Targeting

Let’s illustrate this concept with an example. Suppose you’re a car manufacturer looking to target a specific demographic – let’s say, 30-40-year-old urban professionals. By overlaying location data (which can indicate areas with a high density of this demographic) with available DOOH panels, you can select the ones that are most likely to reach your audience. Simply put, mobility data helps you optimize your DOOH panel selection based on real, actionable insights.

Map showing the points of interests in town and the different targets

The Role of Location Data in Measuring DOOH Impact

The power of location data goes beyond just precise audience targeting. It’s also a strategic asset for gauging the effectiveness of a DOOH activation. By analyzing the changes in in-store traffic patterns before and after a DOOH campaign, businesses can measure the impact of their campaigns on driving visits. This is especially useful for companies with physical locations.
Moreover, mobility data can fuel attribution engine technology, which helps brands optimize their DOOH activations and overall media mix by considering in-store traffic insights. This essentially allows for an accurate measure of the return on investment for each marketing channel, helping businesses to allocate resources more efficiently.

Choosing the Right Partner for Your Data-Driven Strategy

Locala, with its extensive database of over 300 million US users, is designed to support brands in their data-driven omnichannel marketing strategy. With its rich data sources and industry expertise, Locala can help you not only reach, but resonate with your target audience, making your marketing investments more effective and impactful.
The future of DOOH marketing lies in leveraging location and mobility data for better targeting, measurement, and optimization. This data-driven approach promises to revolutionize the DOOH landscape, helping brands connect with audiences in a more relevant and meaningful way.

Introducing The Flyer

Locala is thrilled to announce the release of our latest innovative ad format, The Flyer! The Flyer enables advertisers to deliver an interactive catalog experience in a digital, omnichannel environment. Moreover, users can discover and engage with new products and deals in a sustainable, eco-friendly way, while advertisers can directly measure the impact of their marketing investments.

How it Works

Using The Flyer format, users are presented with an engaging ad that includes a prompt to explore a brand’s catalog and offers. When clicked on, users are taken to an interactive environment where they can directly engage with a large variety of products and deals. The Flyer is an omnichannel ad format available across Mobile, Desktop and DOOH (Digital Out-of-Home) channels.

The Benefits

A common roadblock with traditional printed flyers is the inability to effectively track the impact of marketing dollars. With The Flyer, advertisers can increase brand awareness and drive consumer engagement by tracking and optimizing campaign performance in a digital environment. And as consumers and businesses become more environmentally conscious, the eco-friendly nature of the digital Flyer can help brands reach their sustainability goals.

Users can also easily connect and shop with brands without the need to download a retailer’s app or search for a brand’s product or discount online, creating a smooth user experience. This format is particularly valuable for advertisers in the Retail, Grocery and Automotive industries.

Creating Unique Experiences with Locala

At Locala, we specialize in creating unique and impactful experiences for our clients’ marketing campaigns. Our skilled design team works closely with clients to develop customized solutions that align with their specific goals and objectives. Whether it’s for mobile, DOOH, desktop or CTV, we are dedicated to delivering a high-quality and creative design that drives results.

To learn more about the convenience and accessibility of The Flyer, contact us today!

Lindsay Hackers joins Locala as head of new Toronto Office

Lindsay Hacker smiling wearing a green formal jacket

Toronto, Ontario – Locala, the leading commerce media platform, is pleased to announce the appointment of Lindsay Hacker as the Head of the new Toronto office. With her extensive experience in sales and programmatic advertising, Lindsay will play a pivotal role in driving Locala’s growth and expanding its presence in the Canadian market.

Before joining Locala, Lindsay held senior sales positions  at Quantcast, MiQ and JUICE Mobile where she achieved a successful track record.

We are thrilled to have Lindsay join our team as the Head of our new Toronto office,” said Hadrien Bailly, Managing Director of Canada at Locala . “Her great leadership skills and deep understanding of the digital advertising landscape will be instrumental in driving our business forward and delivering innovative solutions to our clients.

Locala’s expansion into Toronto represents an important milestone in the company’s growth strategy. By establishing a presence in one of Canada’s key business hubs, Locala aims to better serve its clients and further strengthen its position as the go-to commerce media solution for leading brands in the country.

I am excited to join Locala and lead the new Toronto office,” said Lindsay Hacker. “Locala’s focus on leveraging consumer insights and location data to drive smarter business outcomes aligns perfectly with what the market is asking for in the current economic context. I look forward to working with the talented team at Locala and helping our clients increase their revenue.”

About Locala:
Locala is the world’s leading commerce media platform, leveraging consumer insights and location data to increase brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and deliver smarter business outcomes. Our proprietary technology enables local advertising and insights at scale, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.

To learn more, visit asklocala.com

Miele chooses Locala and PHD for their drive-to-store campaign “For a Better Future”

Translated from Italian. Original version available here.

You have chosen to be sustainable. Now keep doing it” – In February this year, Miele was at the center of an omnichannel advertising project dedicated to laundry line products (washing machines, dryers, and/or washer-dryers) and a promo created in collaboration with DaunenStep.

From February 16 to 28, by purchasing a Miele low-impact appliance, customers could obtain a quilt or a gift card from the famous household linen brand.

In addition to the drive-to-store campaign, Miele chose to activate digital and radio ads,  from January 30.

Locala put its 360° expertise at the service of the campaign objectives, from reaching Miele’s target audience to generating visits within the 81 selected retailer stores.

Given the need to work in a localized way on different POIs, PHD – Omnicom Media Group’s media, communications, and marketing agency – selected a player whose technology could give the right visibility to meet the client’s needs in the various regions involved. The agency was also looking for a partner with in-depth reporting capabilities to produce insights that could help implement different future marketing strategies.

By implementing an efficient mobile strategy, Locala reached the target audience (adult +30 yo) in close proximity to Miele stores (shoppers located within 15 minutes walking distance or 30 minutes driving distance).

In addition, Locala’s proprietary DSP, Fusio, made it possible to target high-spending households characterized by interests akin to the Miele’s brand: high-tech and design lovers.

In less than a month (from February 8 to 26), Locala’s campaign achieved the following results: increasing in-store visits by 11% and incremental visits by 13% compared to a previous drive-to-store activation done for Miele (January-March 2022).

Footfall uplift also achieved a higher score than before, 63% (+2 pts) with a visit rate of 0.90%.
Finally, the cost per total visit achieved a 49% optimization over the lowest range benchmark on industry and product type.

On the flip side,  the effectiveness of Locala’s technology also made it possible to monitor and collect very detailed insights on the performance of individual stores on a regional basis and according to socio-demographic criteria.

Stores in the Italian region of Campania generated 33% of total visits, making the region the best-performing region in terms of number of visits.

While in Puglia area, stores ranked second in terms of number of visits, achieving an optimized cost per visit of 45% compared to the total cost per visit of the campaign.

In addition, the 22 stores distributed in the following areas Emilia Romagna, Marche, and Puglia recorded 35 % of total visits.


Portrait of Andrea Scocarro

The mobile strategy has now become an integral part of Miele’s omnichannel campaigns because it allows us to reach our target consumers near defined POIs thus optimizing drive-to-store campaigns. Locala’s technology and support have proven useful not only in the planning phase with PHD, but also by providing insights regarding online and offline consumer behaviors related to individual stores that are very meaningful to us and to our partners who have been able to test the potential of this solution.

Andrea Scroccaro – Head of Marketing Communication at Miele Italia


“We are delighted that Miele and PHD have once again chosen to partner with us. I am extremely pleased with how the entire Locala team has demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency that made these results possible, obviously supported by technology that is unparalleled in the world of omnichannel campaign strategies.”

Benvenuto Alfieri – Italy Country Manager at Locala

“The four-handed collaboration we had with the PHD team allowed us to set up a strategy that best met the needs and KPIs of the Miele client. The results obtained confirm the importance of the implementation of tailor-made strategies, which Locala can provide with pre-campaign analysis and post-campaign insights, allowing the optimization of projects in the future as well.”

Daria D’Addazio – Sales Director of Locala Italy

About Locala

Locala is the world’s leading commerce media platform, leveraging consumer insights and location data to increase brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and deliver smarter business outcomes. Our proprietary technology enables local advertising and insights at scale, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.

About PHD

PHD is the media, communications, and marketing agency known worldwide for its ability to innovate in planning and buying across all traditional and emerging media channels.
Founded in London in 1990 as a media planning agency, PHD now has more than 6,500 employees working in more than 100 offices in 74 countries.
Built on a culture of thought leadership, innovation, and creativity, PHD is now one of the fastest-growing communications networks in the world.
Innovation and creativity are also fostered through Omni Studio – a global collaborative platform that draws strength from across the PHD network – and Omni – Omnicom’s insight and precision marketing platform. The network holds the title Media Network of the Year 2020 and 2021 at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, M&M Global’s Network of the Year 2020, EMEA Media Network of the Year 2021 at the Campaign Awards, and is currently in the top four positions of the Warc Media 100 ranking, which selects the world’s most awarded agencies.
In Italy PHD is active in two locations, Milan and Verona.
PHD is part of Omnicom Media Group, a division of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC)

Introducing the Click-to-Text

April 27th, 2023 – Article by Mary Layden

Locala is very excited to release our latest innovative mobile ad format called the Click-to-Text. The Click-to-Text is designed to assist advertisers in increasing brand awareness while enabling users to easily initiate contact in an automated environment that encourages long-term brand engagement at scale. This feature also allows customers to communicate with brands effortlessly through an application they’re already using, as opposed to filling out a traditional contact form.

Random brand interstitial click to text video.

How it Works

With the Click-to-Text format, users are prompted with an ad that features a call to action. When clicked on, users are asked to verify if they’d like to send a text message. When selecting yes, a pre-written text message is generated in their messaging app, addressed to the advertiser’s phone number or short code.

The Benefits

The Click-to-Text is beneficial for both advertisers and the user experience. Advertisers can use click-to-text ads to generate leads, engage with potential customers, and provide customer support. Users, on the other hand, can easily connect with businesses without having to navigate through a website or make a phone call.  We have found this format to be particularly valuable for advertisers in the Retail, Automotive, Grocery, QSR and Home & Furniture industries. 

Creating Unique Experiences with Locala

At Locala, we specialize in creating unique and impactful experiences for our clients’ marketing campaigns. Our skilled design team works closely with clients to develop customized solutions that align with their specific goals and objectives. Whether it’s for mobile, DOOH, desktop or CTV, we are dedicated to delivering a high-quality and creative design that drives results.

To learn more about the convenience and accessibility of Click-to-Text, contact us today!

Cracking the Code: Why Cost Per Visit is the Ultimate Metric to Optimize Your Media Campaigns

April 24th, 2023 – Article by Mary Layden

Determining the best metrics to effectively optimize your media investments can be a daunting task. Between the fragmented media landscape, ever-changing consumer behaviors, and the increasing need for updated and customized attribution methodologies, it’s become increasingly difficult to pinpoint the right metrics that will help deliver the best results for your campaign. 

Defining the Right KPIs

As we know, media performance is linked to Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs).  As a best practice, marketers and agencies always define their objectives depending on the business outcomes they’d like to achieve. E-commerce brands, for example, typically track their cost per conversion, while offline retailers evaluate their in-store turnover.  While it’s easy to assume that everything comes down to Return On Ad Spend (or ROAS) the reality is that media efficiency is hard to define and monitor. 

Optimizing Toward Cost Per In-Store Visits

Optimizing media investment can mean lowering CPMs or increasing performance within the same budget.  For online businesses, it makes sense to optimize against CTR and conversion rates as the results can be measured in an online environment. Conversely, for retailers that are using digital media to deliver offline results (like an in-store visit) optimizing towards things like CTRs won’t be a great indicator of media efficiency and if they are delivering against their business goals. This is why more brands are turning towards business-driven KPIs like Cost Per In-Store Visit. This advanced metric allows advertisers to optimize their investments in real-time, ensuring they are tracking toward their goals and driving as much foot traffic to their brick-and-mortar locations as possible.

While Cost per In-Store Visit typically requires more setup and access to insights like mobility data and points of interest (or POIs), when used properly, brands are able to deliver massive returns on their investment.  Our clients like Nespresso and Hyundai have seen strong results when optimizing their media investments toward CPVs. This has also been an especially valuable tactic for our QSR clients, with almost all of them now prioritizing Cost per In-Store Visit as their number one KPI for their drive-to-store campaigns.


Mastering the Art of DOOH: How Effective Planning Can Supercharge Your Campaign

April 18th, 2023 – Article by Mary Layden

Over the past few years, there has been a significant shift in the advertising industry towards digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. With the rise of digital technologies, DOOH has become an increasingly popular way for brands to reach and engage with their target audience.  As DOOH has become more popular, it has also become more accessible with more and more leading OOH publishers providing access to their inventory through various Demand Side Platforms. As this trend continues, we’re seeing DOOH capturing a bigger share of the total media ad spend.

US digital out of home ad spending chart e marketer 2019-2026

DOOH Inventory

Whenever new inventory becomes available, brands immediately seek out the most effective placement options to reach their target audiences. This trend is reminiscent of the early days of programmatic display advertising when brands initially invested in inventory without a clear strategic plan, and then gradually refined their approach over time.

However, when it comes to new inventory, it’s important that brands don’t sacrifice targeting and relevance in the rush to activate it. To achieve maximum impact, brands need to take a strategic approach that considers factors such as audience demographics, ad formats, and placement options.

DOOH Planning

The planning phase is critical when launching an effective DOOH campaign, and mobility data is a key factor in selecting and activating the best placements. While OOH publishers already offer packages to group billboards for targeted audiences, DOOH opens up new possibilities.

Explore DOOH Picture

With mobility data, marketers can gain insights into the physical movements and patterns of their customers and prospects. Data scientists or AI models can then use these insights to determine the best areas to deliver DOOH ads. Locala, for example, has created a planning tool that leverages these insights to activate DOOH panels in the right location at the right time.

Recent data shows that DOOH campaigns activated based on mobility data insights are driving more in-store traffic than OOH campaigns activated at a DMA level. This highlights the importance of leveraging mobility data to optimize DOOH campaigns and drive better results.

Interested in learning more about DOOH with Locala? Get in touch with our team!


Google vs. Locala | Measuring Store Visits with Mobility Data & Location Intelligence

April 13th, 2023 – Article by Pierre-Emmanuel Padiou

Online conversion metrics have been around for a long time. For the past 20 years, marketers have been measuring things like bounce rates, conversion rates, and multi-touch attribution in order to determine the success of their campaigns. However, when it comes to measuring foot traffic that’s tied to a physical brick & mortar location, it’s not that simple. As a result, brands have been turning to new types of data and attribution methodologies to accurately measure the success of their drive-to-store campaigns.

The Rise of Mobility Data

More and more, advertisers are turning to mobility data obtained with user consent due to the valuable location-first insights it provides. Mobility data allows brands and retailers to better understand consumer behavior based on how they move through the world. Not only does this help them better reach their target audiences, it also allows brands to measure if a user visits their store following ad exposure. This helps bridge the gap between online ads and a physical store location, allowing advertisers to analyze trends and adjust media investment across campaigns. With these insights in hand, brands can reach the right audiences while increasing the frequency of their visits, ultimately driving better return on investment.

Measuring Store Visits with Google

Contrary to more traditional advertising metrics, there is no real industry standard to define a “store visit”. Google and Facebook used to provide estimated metrics for this KPI, but now only Google offers a explanation of their methodology:

“ Store visits use anonymous, aggregated statistics which are then extrapolated to represent the broader population of your customers”

Google then uses a panel to adjust their models. As a walled garden ecosystem, Google can only share aggregated insights at the campaign level.

Measuring Store Visits with Locala

The Locala platform operates predominantly in the open web (as opposed to walled gardens) in order to provide full transparency to the brands and agencies we partner with. We believe that campaign data should be owned by the advertiser, and provide on-demand analysis of campaign performance upon request. This transparency and access to campaign data has been key in building the trust required to deliver against advanced and unique KPIs for our clients.

Locala Platform

To capture store visits, Locala uses our POI Events Database that computes device dwell time while visiting or passing by specific points of interest.  When a mobile device with location tracking capabilities comes within the building footprint, the POI event is triggered, which records the time and location of the event.  

Then, our proprietary attribution and measurement technology leverages advanced algorithms to calculate lift values, all without the use of cookies. Brands can then leverage this data over the month to build audiences & insights, while optimizing specific targeting tactics within their campaigns.

Interested in learning more about measuring foot traffic with Locala? Get in touch with our team!

Locala Names Vincent Pang as APAC Managing Director

New York, April 13, 2023 – Locala, the leading commerce media platform, today announced the appointment of Vincent Pang as APAC Managing Director.  A Sales and Marketing veteran, Vincent has extensive experience working closely with advertisers from top brands,  including McDonald’s, Shell, MARS, Singapore Airlines, Heineken and more.

I am confident that Vincent’s 20 year successful track record bridging the gap between creative and media for a great variety of brand categories will be a valuable asset to our team as we continue to grow”, said Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala.

Before joining Locala, Vincent spent 5 years at the video advertising platform Unruly as Sales Director. His role involved working closely with Media Agencies and Brands to leverage emotional data for impactful advertising.

I am fascinated with how each brand operates, and thoroughly enjoyed the process of finding the right solution for each of them. I look forward to partnering with Agencies and Brands who will benefit from Locala’s superior location intelligence in driving valuable consumers to store”, noted Vincent.

About Locala:
Locala is the world’s leading commerce media platform, leveraging consumer insights and location data to increase brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and deliver smarter business outcomes. Our proprietary technology enables local advertising and insights at scale, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.  

To learn more, visit asklocala.com

Increasing Foot Traffic to Luxury Automotive Dealerships

In 2022, the automotive industry faced a number of challenges – from increasing economic concerns to rising inflation and supply chain disruptions. In order to stay competitive, many brands have relied on their marketing strategies to help drive sales in what is an unusually tough market. In fact, this year, the automotive industry is expected to spend over $18 billion on digital advertising in the US alone, a 10% increase from the previous year.

At Locala, we’ve seen similar trends among our automotive customers. Our Commerce Media Platform has helped brands like Audi and Volkswagen leverage consumer insights and location data to grow brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and increase revenue. Most recently, we partnered with a luxury automotive OEM on a holiday campaign who was looking to drive Hispanic audiences to their dealerships in key regions. Read on below to find out which targeting tactics and channels helped drive increased foot traffic to their dealerships!

The Client

A leading automotive luxury OEM wanted to launch a holiday DOOH campaign that would reach hispanic audiences within close proximity to their dealerships within the Miami, NYC and LA markets. 

The Strategy

Dynamic Commerce Areas
In order to drive foot traffic to the top OEM dealerships, Locala leveraged its location intelligence planning tool, which strategically targeted DOOH panels within high-concentration Hispanic areas in Miami, NYC, and Los Angeles.

Los Angeles


New York

DOOH + Mobile 
Locala implemented a multi-channel campaign across DOOH and Mobile, with custom creative specifically targeted to hispanic audiences.

The Results

Through a location-first targeting approach and a multi-channel activation strategy, Locala was able to greatly increase visitation rates to the brands top dealerships:

  • 0.11% Visitation Rate
  • 2K+ Visits
  • $21.58 CPV

Overall, Locala was able to create a highly effective campaign that reaches the client’s target audience at the right time, on the right channel, in the right place.

If you’re interested in learning how location intelligence might work for you, reach out to our team using the form below!

Locala Names Hadrien Bailly Canada Managing Director

Wednesday, March 29, New York, NY – Locala, the leading commerce media platform, today announced the appointment of Hadrien Bailly as Canada Managing Director. His appointment marks a new chapter in Locala’s  North American expansion. After opening the Montreal Office four years ago, Hadrien helped sustain the company’s growth and recently led the opening of a new office in Toronto.

Since joining the company almost 8 years ago, Hadrien played a central role in Locala’s global expansion. I trust his successful track record leading drive to store campaigns for leading brands in multiple markets will make Locala the go-to commerce media solution for leading brands in Canada.”noted Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala

A veteran in the digital advertising industry, Hadrien first joined the company’s Paris office as Sales Manager to then become Head of Sales for the UK before leading Locala’s expansion in Canada as Sales Director. Before joining Locala, he held numerous client-facing roles in the area of sales and business development, bringing over 10 years of experience to the team.

Opening the Montreal’s office on the eve of a global lockdown was not an easy task but it proved to be the right timing as brands relied more heavily on digital channels to drive people back to stores and increase brand awareness. I am delighted to continue playing a part in the company’s expansion and ready to tackle new challenges! “ said Hadrien.

About Locala:
Locala is the world’s leading commerce media platform, leveraging consumer insights and location data to increase brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and deliver smarter business outcomes. Our proprietary technology enables local advertising and insights at scale, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.

To learn more, visit asklocala.com

Locala receives two gold awards
at French Cas d’Or Ceremony

Paris – March 2023 – Locala, the world’s leading commerce media platform, received two Cas d’Or awards in the Omnichannel and Mobile to Store categories. 

This recognition echoes Locala’s dedication to levering location intelligence and machine AI to help brands make smarter business decisions and ultimately increase revenue. 

The first award recognized Locala’s omnichannel campaign success for Audi in partnership with with Ekstend media agency. During its September 2022 open house, Audi launched the AUDI NOW campaign, with the goal to promote new vehicles already available in dealerships.

The second award regonized Locala’s multilocal activation campaign for Hyundai, and was also conducted in partnership with Ekstend media agency. Hyundai wanted to increase foot traffic to their dealerships by maintaining a 2022 always-on campaign that promoted the brand’s flagship models and featured “open house” highlights.


About “Les Cas d’Or”

Started in 2017, Les Cas d’OR celebrates  Digital Marketing successes in France with award ceremonies bringing together key players in the field. More than 20 annual events take place in several cities across France.

This initiative gives companies and public organizations the opportunity to showcase referent use cases in Digital Marketing, Online Advertising, E-Commerce & Connected Commerce.

Locala Launches New Retail Analytics Features For Smarter Business Outcomes

More and more, marketers are facing challenges when it comes to identifying and reaching the best audiences that will ensure the highest return on investment for their brands.  Between new privacy regulations, and a lack of effective attribution and measurement reporting, many are left wondering – are my campaigns actually working? 

To address those industry challenges, Locala created Retail Analytics – a location intelligence platform that offers detailed insights into consumer shopping behavior at both national and local levels. With Retail Analytics, advertisers can analyze and track store visits, footfall trends, competitor cross-visitation metrics, and more, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.

We’re excited to share the new enhancements to our platform that will help provide even more granularity and omnichannel insights for our customers advertising campaigns.

Here’s what’s new

1/ Enhanced geo-targeting.

Using the score function, you can easily remove unnecessary low areas of concentration and identify key zip codes to target. This will enable you to effectively target the right areas, and increase your client’s ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

Enhanced geo-targeting

2/Targeting the best zip code for DOOH panel placements.

Our latest release includes new capabilities for geotargeting export and DOOH export, which allow you to extract top-ranking zip codes and DOOH panels within a designated area based on socio-demographic data and DOOH-specific criteria. This feature will help you identify the most valuable inventory for activation, and allocate your budget more effectively.

Targeting the best zip code for DOOH panel placements.

Leveraging location intelligence to target the best audience, activate the most effective channel, and measure results has never been easier!

To learn more about our Retail Analytics features and other advertising solutions, please contact us today.

Kitchen Aid partners with Locala and IGPDecaux to launch a OOH+Mobile drive-to-store campaign

Translated from Italian by Travod. Original version available here.

Milan, February 2KitchenAid, known for its small household appliances as the perfect combination of professional performance, quality and iconic design, has adopted Locala’s Street-to-Store omnichannel solution featuring IGPDecaux’s OOH advertising: a fusion between digital and external communication producing better results than activating each channel separately.

The OOH+Mobile campaign, aired in Milan from November 7-20, 2022, was custom designed to meet the specific needs of KitchenAid and its main aim was to continue and expand the conversation with the target audience, by illustrating details of the current promo. The banner distribution in apps targeted users in the 35-60 age group, high spenders, lovers of design and cooking who had searched online for KitchenAid or competing brands and who had visited one of the stores with similar products in the last month.

Thanks to AdSquare Planner, IGPDecaux built up a custom OOH network of 200 displays, positioned in areas frequented by the target audience and close to the selected store locations. Both media channels were activated to ensure the maximization of the advertising investment.
Overall, more than 750,000 impressions were seen by users passing near the OOH locations or who were near stores. By clicking the banner, the user discovered further details of the ad which, thanks to the purchase of a small KitchenAid appliance, allowed them to recover part of the cost via live experiences. In addition to this, 33 million contacts were brought by the OOH campaign with a 94% reach on Milan residents.

The campaign produced significant results. A 0.5% visit rate was recorded on users exposed only via mobile, 0.7% on users exposed only to OOH and a percentage that rises to 6.3% when analyzing the visits of users exposed to both channels. The omnichannel campaign, therefore, performed brilliantly, generating 9x the result of visits that would have been achieved by planning only the OOH and 12x by mobile channel only.
Lastly, it’s worth pointing out that the OOH displays with the highest request of impressions were also those that, at the planning stage, had shown a high target compatibility index, proving the efficiency of the analyses done beforehand.

Giovanna Flore, KitchenAid SDA’s Marketing Manager says: “At a particularly competitive time of the year, we decided to increase the visibility of our first reward program by making use of the integration of OOH and mobile assets offered by IGPDecaux and Locala, with which we achieved significant results in terms of visibility and traffic generated both online and offline”.

Michele Casali, IGPDecaux’s Marketing & Data Director: “In an ever more complex context where standing out and attracting people’s attention is a key element for communication projects, through objective and data-driven information like those illustrated above, IGPDecaux and Locala show that OOH+Mobile multimedia is a winning combination for maximizing the effectiveness of campaigns”.

Benvenuto Alfieri, Country Manager at Locala Italia added “The generation of tangible results for KitchenAid, together with IGPDecaux, has been key for us. We are delighted that the collaboration with IGPDecaux continues to bring innovation to the Italian and international market, in the OOH+Mobile environment”.

IGPDecaux is leader in Italy in external communication. Surface Transport, Airports, Subways, Urban Decor and Bill Posting are the media to which we apply our Out-of-Home and Digital Out-of-Home communication solutions, always ensuring that they blend harmoniously into the urban context to make cities more welcoming, enjoyable and comfortable.

Locala Appoints Mary Layden as VP Marketing for the US.  


New York, NY, March 1st, 2023 – Locala, the leading commerce media platform, today announced the appointment of Mary Layden as VP of Marketing for the US market. A SaaS and AdTech veteran, Mary has a successful track record driving revenue growth and developing impactful marketing strategies for companies with a global reach.

I am excited to join the Locala team at a pivotal time in the company’s global expansion,” said Mary Layden. “With new user data privacy regulations being implemented in the US, I  am excited to bring a privacy-by-design commerce media solution to brands looking to maximize the impact of their ad spend while staying compliant. 

Prior to joining Locala, Mary served as Director of Marketing, North America for CARTO, the world’s leading cloud-native Location Intelligence platform. In that role, Mary was responsible for leading the North American marketing strategy, implementing a wide range of integrated campaigns designed to increase brand awareness and drive regional growth.

We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Mary Layden to our Locala family as the new Vice President of Marketing for the US market. Her extensive industry background and exceptional skills will be instrumental in achieving our global growth strategy.” noted CEO of Locala Christophe Collet. 

About Locala: 
Locala is the world’s leading commerce media platform, leveraging consumer insights and location data to increase brand awareness, drive consumers to store, and deliver smarter business outcomes. Our proprietary technology enables local advertising and insights at scale, all while meeting the highest user privacy standards in the industry.  

To learn more, visit asklocala.com

Locala Apoints Benjamin Soubeille as EMEA Marketing Director as part of the company’s European expansion

Paris, February 14, 2023 – Locala, the leading commerce media platform, today announced the appointment of Benjamin Soubeille as EMEA Marketing Director. Bringing 15 years of experience in digital advertising, Benjamin will lead the company’s marketing efforts and foster a culture of collaboration across the EMEA region.

Benjamin brings a wealth of knowledge to the team. He started his career at Mediacom as an Account Manager for various clients, including in the Automotive, Entertainment, and Consumer Packaged Goods industries. He then joined digital media and advertising sales houses, such as Lycos, Microsoft Advertising, and Yahoo, where he held different roles in Sales and Marketing.

“We are thrilled to welcome Benjamin to the Locala team,” said Sandrine Préfaut, General Manager Europe. “His expertise in digital advertising and his experience working with global companies will be invaluable as we continue to grow and expand our offerings in the EMEA region. We are confident that his leadership and creativity will drive growth and help us achieve our goals as we continue to expand.”

I am honored to join such a dynamic and innovative company. I am eager to work with the team to drive growth in the EMEA region.” said Benjamin.

The appointment of Benjamin Soubeille as the EMEA Marketing Director marks the beginning of a new chapter in the company’s journey. The team is excited to welcome him and looks forward to his contributions”. added Sandrine Préfaut.

About Locala:
Locala is a commerce media platform giving brands the ability to target their exclusive shoppers, switchers, and most valuable prospects in the areas with the highest business potential to increase store visits and raise brand awareness.
To learn more, visit asklocala.com

Say goodbye to radius targeting, and hello to travel time

Article by Pierre-Emmanuel Padiou

The topic of geomarketing is steadily gaining traction, especially as advertisers are looking for inexpensive, easy, and reliable targeting solutions.

Users are no longer searching for locations based on distance, but on the maximum travel time it will take them to get there. Picture this: You are looking for a place to eat near your office. As a user you want to be able to select one that requires no more than a 15-minute driving distance, instead of knowing that this location is 2.3 miles away. 

Luckily, at Locala six years ago we developed a core technology to help: Isochrone Targeting. This technology effectively targets areas based on driving or walking time around your location(s). As we are privacy compliant, you can target and scale the right audience at a local level!

Guess who started to highlight a similar feature: Google. If you’re searching for hotels in Google Maps, you will notice you can now choose one based on travel time. Now is the time for marketers, and advertisers to invest in a similar approach. Why? If users are venturing to locations with travel time in mind, you will need to capture and reach these high-potential consumers that are outside of a traditional radius.

Are you interested in learning more about how our commerce media platform can help your brand reach more consumers and drive business growth?

Contact us!

Locala Names Sandrine Préfaut as Europe Managing Director

Sandrine Préfaut expands her role to fuel company growth across Europe

New York, NY, January 30th, 2023 – As part of Locala’s global expansion as a leading commerce media platform, CEO and Founder Christophe Collet today announced the promotion of Sandrine Préfaut to Europe Managing Director.

“ Since joining Locala as France Managing Director three years ago, Sandrine has been instrumental in developing a successful French business strategy”, noted C. Collet. “I trust her leadership and industry knowledge will continue to fuel Locala’s growth as we expand globally”. ”

S.Préfaut brings 30 years of experience holding senior management positions in media advertising including CEO of Vizeum. Media Buying Director for Carat and Media Manager at Procter and Gamble.

“ In the current economic climate, brands are looking for a trusted partner that can bring them the highest return on their Marketing investments. I am thrilled to lead Locala’s European expansion as we evolve from a drive-to-store to a commerce media platform to better meet the needs of our clients. We have developed new tools to help them further improve their growth strategy. From a management perspective, I strongly believe cross-functional collaboration is key to sustainable growth and I look forward to working with Locala’s talented team across Europe to start this new chapter”.

About Locala:
Locala is a commerce media platform giving brands the ability to target their exclusive shoppers, switchers and most valuable prospects in the areas with highest business potential to increase store visits and raise brand awareness. To learn more, visit, www.asklocala.com

Locala Unveils Dynamic Commerce Areas

New York, NY, January 16, 2023 – Locala, the commerce media platform helping brands target their most valued customers and drive them to stores, today announced the launch of Dynamic Commerce Areas (DCA) .

Understanding consumers mobility trends and defining affinity areas has been at the core of Locala’s offering since the beginning. With the rise of commerce media, developing a closed-loop solution to go beyond location-based advertising and reach the right audience segment to get the best results is key to help brands navigate the demands of the new consumer journey.

Dynamic Commerce Areas takes geo-contextual  targeting one step further by  leveraging live mobility flux to highlight areas where people are most likely to visit a store later on.  When targeted, pre-existing visitors and  passersby’s travel habits allow a bigger impact on the conversion rate and overall foot traffic.

“Simply put, leveraging our mobility, purchase, and intent data enables our platform to drive incremental visits and sales” notes Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala.

“ With the rise of commerce-driven media, investing in the right technology to yield the highest results on ad spend is critical to stay competitive. Partnering with Locala has helped us increase our clients’ incremental revenue and access valuable insights to reach their audience. We trust that DCA will help increase ROI and drive footfall and sales for our clients” says Suzana Lay, Agency Planning Director at the Grove Media.

Developed in compliance with GDPR,  the strictest privacy regulation framework in the world, Locala’s DCA empowers brands with a reliable and powerful digital marketing tool that respects consumers essential right to privacy.

“ In the current economic climate, brands are looking to invest in reliable advertising that can yield the highest return. Our technology unleashes the power of data to refine customer targeting while meeting the highest privacy standards. This is a natural evolution from our drive-to-store focus.” adds Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala.

About Locala: 

Locala is a commerce media platform giving brands the ability to target their exclusive shoppers, switchers and most valuable prospects to increase store visits and raise brand awareness. To learn more, visit, www.asklocala.com

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