Book a meeting at DMEXCO 2018

The Locala team will be present at DMEXCO 2018 in Cologne! Be sure to stop by our booth to demo our brand new SaaS platform and AdBuilder.


Want to reserve a 1-to-1 demo at our stand? Fill out the form below and we will get in touch shortly.

Location targeting vs audience segments, what’s better for your brand?

In one of our previous posts we discussed why campaigns with one objective and straightforward targeting perform better, but with so many options, how can you know which is best for your brand?

When running drive-to-store campaigns, the main targeting decision you’ll have to make is whether you want to use location-based targeting or use aggregated audience data to find your audience. Although both options can result in a successful campaign, some product categories show more affinity with one or the other.

When to use real-time location targeting

Real-time location targeting, also called proximity targeting, consists of targeting users who are in a pre-defined location at a specific point in time. The most common way to identify the target location is using a radius around coordinates, but using our drive-to-store platform Fusio you can also target people within a certain walking or driving time from your store or areas with high affinity to your specific point of sale (Psst! We wrote a whole article about rediscovering your catchment area using location targeting).

Real-time location can also be used for hyper-location targeting, where a tight radius of 30M can be set around a very concrete POI, to be used for spot targeting like users at bus stops to do an OOH ad amplification.

Taking into account consumers’ current location works best for frequent, low consideration purchases such as food and drink, high street fashion, beauty, or most grocery and household products you can find in supermarkets.

The immediacy of this type of targeting can drive on the spot visitation and purchase decisions on low involvement categories, especially if it comes with a promotion!

When to use audience targeting

Audience targeting consists of analyzing aggregated online and offline consumer behavior like historical location data to divide anonymized consumers into groups by interests or affinities, such as ‘auto enthusiasts’ or ‘early tech adopters’. Locala’s platform is agnostic, you can access any data provider of your choice to activate the right audience for your brand, plus you can also use first-party data to create your own audiences.

Audience targeting works better for targeted user segments or high-value purchases that are less frequent and where customers would not expect to make a decision on the spot. These include consumer electronics, home furnishings, or automotive.

When to combine both

If your brand sits in between the categories we’ve described above, for example, luxury fashion or affordable home decor, you might be wondering why not use both. The main disadvantage of using both together is extremely limited reach which in some cases can make your campaign unviable.

However, Fusio allows you to have a smart setup where, for example, you start a campaign using audience segments and then retarget those users when they are in the vicinity of your stores. That way you are sure you are reaching your core target audience and also reinforcing your message when it’s most relevant.

It’s worth keeping in mind that these are general rules we’ve seen in over 10 years in ad tech, but the best way of knowing what works for your brand is to run a test.

If you’re interested in knowing more about drive-to-store or want to get started, reach out to our team.

Use one platform to improve your multichannel campaigns

We all know that a well-greased machine is much more than the simple sum of its parts. In the same way, multichannel campaigns are complex machines that work better when treated as one activity instead of multiple single-channel campaigns. 

And planning your multichannel campaigns doesn’t end just with crafting your strategy, it also includes planning how you’re going to run it. Choosing the right platform or team to run your advertising can really make an impact on the overall performance.

The best way to ensure that performance is the best it can be, is to run all or most of your media on the same platform and with the same trading team. Here’s why:

You’ll have a holistic vision of your campaign 

Have all your performance metrics across channels in one dashboard or platform. That way you’ll be able to have a birds-eye view of your campaigns across all channels and at once. With the data always available, you’ll be able to know exactly where your campaign is and make better decisions. 

You get recommendations at the local and big picture level

Whether you’re running the campaign in-house or using an external trading team, using only one platform will allow your teams to work better together, as there are fewer moving pieces. They will be able to put together timely optimization recommendations that work at the local level whilst continuing with your overarching strategy. 

Use one platform to improve your multichannel campaignsYour team can easily optimize your budget cross-channel

The simplest and most effective way to maximize your multichannel campaign performance is to be flexible with your channel budgets. Make sure you’re taking advantage of the opportunities that each channel brings, but also don’t be afraid to reassign your budget when it’s clear that one or two channels are driving your conversions above all others.

You’ll be comparing like for like

Different platforms can have different definitions for metrics, so using just one platform ensures that when you are talking about visits to your store or visits to your website you don’t count the same one twice (attributed to different channels) and that you are always comparing like for like.

The more you use a platform, the better the optimization algorithms work

Optimization algorithms need some time to understand which type of users responds best to your message. So, the more you use a platform, the easier it is for its AI technology to find exactly who is the most likely person to convert across each channel. 

There are of course other aspects of a platform to evaluate before choosing it, but making sure that it fits your campaign strategy is definitely one to look out for. 

If you want to know more about how Locala can help you make the most of your campaigns, please get in touch.

The Importance of Data Privacy Compliance at Locala

“Privacy will always be a big factor that will help business growth and it will be done in a beneficial way that both helps the consumer and the brands and inevitably the economy. If you put privacy first, and then work with your brands to connect with those consumers, you’ll grow.”

Locala’s Managing Director & Chief Revenue Officer, Americas Ed Silhan. LinkedIn interview

As a commerce media solution that uses location data to help brands drive business to their stores, privacy  is at the core of everything we do. We strongly believe that a consumer’s essential right to privacy shouldn’t prevent them from discovering your brand. Simply put, our approach is not focused on individual data but on the analysis of aggregated mobility trends within a commerce area. 

In this post, we answer the most commonly asked questions about our data use based on this approach.

What type of data do we use? 

We mainly collect GPS and IDFA information from phones and tablets.

Locala was founded  11 years ago in France, the birthplace of GDPR, often described as the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Our compliance with this European data privacy regulatory framework requires us to only use data obtained through opt-in. It is worth noting that our processing system automatically filters out personal data that was not obtained through opt-in for a specific use. 

Once the data we collect has served its purpose, it is aggregated and we discard all personal information.

How can you activate efficient geotargeting ad campaigns without tracking devices? 

We are not interested in device-centric data as our approach is based on point of interests analysis (work site, store, venue, etc..). We use census block analysis, which is the most commonly used statistical method for mapping specific trends within a specific area. While this method requires precise information regarding the boundaries of the location defined, it allows us to avoid tracking individual devices.  


How can you give relevant insights to brands without relying on individual data? 

While most advertisers relying on geotargeting gather a significant amount of data to guide brands, our 10 years of experience as a leader in drive-to-store campaigns allows us to adopt a reverse approach using brand needs as the starting point. We first identify the needs of the brands we serve and then only use a small amount of data to help them drive growth. 

How has data privacy regulation impacted your technology? 

Because we only need a small amount of data to produce valuable insights, our technology has not been impacted by recent data regulations like Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT). As we look towards an increasingly privacy-first environment, our approach is based on developing technology that is more and more reliable while using less and less individual data. 

Do you want to learn more about how our privacy-first solution can help your business grow? Contact us today!

Five Elements of Locala Commerce Media Solution

The rise of commerce media as a new model for digital advertising is making brands rethink how to invest their ad spend. As the digital advertising ecosystem is now entering a new era, it can be difficult to differentiate the numerous commerce media platforms popping up on a daily basis.This transformative shift is raising two questions : 1.What is commerce media?  and 2. How is Locala’s platform different from other commerce media solutions? 

Simply put, commerce media can be defined as an expanded version of retail media, closing the loop between media impressions and commerce transactions to improve targeting, provide new audience insights, and deliver more relevant and valuable experiences for consumers.

With 10 years of experience as a drive-to-store leader, Locala’s drive to store capabilities are now evolving into a closed-loop commerce media solution, which is an expected natural progression as we continue to grow. 

Building on the our core offering, five elements differentiate us from other commerce media solutions :

1/Competitive Battlefield

Our platform allows brands to access insights on their store traffic trends and consumer behavior  and compare their performance with their main competitors. Locala delivers a high level of granularity with insights available through dynamic dashboards at the network or store level.  

2/Privacy by design

Developed under the consumer privacy European regulated framework GDPR, our technology  is based on a proprietary closed data management platform

We comply with the highest standard in brand safety and we follow the IAB TCF V2 framework

3/ Omnichannel activation

Whether at the awareness, intent or decision stage, our omnichannel approach allows us to activate the best media channel to reach customers depending on where they are in the consumer journey.  

 4/ Real-time metrics

 Locala’s platform gives our clients access to real time campaign metrics and full data transparency. 

5/ Store-centric insights

Locala’s platform is store-centric and uses the most advanced AI to define the best performing commerce area.  

Are you interested in learning more about how our commerce media platform can help your brand reach more consumers and drive business growth? 

Contact us! 

LinkedIn Live: An Interview with Locala’s Ed Silhan

Anonymous device tracking — what’s the upside to the marketing strategy? And can businesses do it ethically for the benefit of all parties involved, including the consumer? Nina Melendez of LinkedIn speaks with our own Ed Silhan about the topic in a recent LinkedIn Live segment …

A Story of Locala’s Evolutive Software Development Journey at AxonIQCon22

As an adtech company relying on location data to help businesses drive more consumers to stores, bridging the gap between the technical and business ends of our solution is a challenge our product team is happy to tackle. 

Part of those challenges is the development of “evolutive” software, or our ability to build technology that can adapt to an ever changing  environment. “ In our industry, finding a balance between adapting to current business needs and anticipating upcoming trends is key to building a successful product roadmap” says Hugo Picard, VP of engineering at Locala. 

To succeed in this endeavor, Locala adopted  a collaborative approach and partnered with Axon to take advantage of its software development framework and knowledge base.  

Locala’s lead Engineer Laurent Thoulon shared the lessons learned and best practices from our event sourcing journey at AxonIQ22. 

Check the full presentation here :
Our journey in the World of Event Sourcing with Locala’s Laurent Thoulon – YouTube

Locala All Hands Retreat 2022 – Lisbon!

2022 has been an amazing year at Locala, including our first all-hands retreat in three years. This year’s location – Lisbon! Looking forward to many more years of fun and accomplishments with this great team!

Locala Wins the 2022 MarTech
Breakthrough Award for
Best Geolocation Platform

New York, New York, August 11, 2022 – Locala, the worldwide leader in driving consumers to stores and proving the results, announces that today they have been awarded the “Best Geolocation Platform” in the fifth annual MarTech Breakthrough Awards which recognizes “the best companies, technologies, products and services in the field of Marketing, Ad & Sales Technology.”

“We are honored to be recognized by our peers with this prestigious award. With 10 years of history in the geolocation space, our platform has continued to perform and evolve for our clients and deliver the ultimate goal – more customers to their stores,” commented Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala. “We look forward to another great year of working with the world’s top brands to help increase sales through our proprietary technology.”

Previously, Locala, formerly Locala, has won prestigious industry awards including AdExchanger’s 2021 Programmatic Power Players, ‘Best Attribution Solution’ at the Drum Digital Advertising Awards, ‘Best Restaurant Campaign’ at the OMMA Awards, and others. Click here for a complete list. 

About MarTech Breakthrough

Part of Tech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence and recognition platform for global technology innovation and leadership, the MarTech Breakthrough Awards program is devoted to honoring excellence in marketing, ad and sales technology companies, products and people. The MarTech Breakthrough Awards provide a platform for public recognition around the achievements of breakthrough marketing technology companies and products in categories including marketing automation, AdTech, SalesTech, marketing analytics, CRM, content and social marketing, website, SEM, mobile marketing and more. For more information, visit

About Locala
Trusted for more than a decade by the world’s top retailers, restaurants and auto brands, Locala is the recognized leader in driving consumers to stores and measuring the results. Locala’s powerful and complete suite of digital marketing tools provides unmatched visibility into shoppers and competitors while delivering complete control over where and when brands can reach high-potential consumers and drive them to buy. Founded in 2012, the company has offices in the United States, France, Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and the UAE.

Stop Wasting Money on Organic Visitors

Google decided long ago that brands would have to spend money to defend their most precious assets from their competitors: their brand names. Instead of focusing on new, incremental customers, brands today are still spending a good portion of a staggering $144.8 Billion on search advertising, with many of those clicks coming from their most loyal customers.

What if you could save money on organic visitors to your stores?

Paying for Organic Traffic to Your Stores

Most brick-and-mortar brands don’t realize it, but they have a problem similar to this. Many drive-to-store campaigns result in the brand paying for organic traffic even when the intent is for the business to attract new, rather than existing customers, to their stores. Would a business like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts want to pay the same amount to reach a loyal customer who visits five days a week vs. a new potential customer they are trying to entice to try their product? 

In Q1 2022, we found up to 63% of Starbucks customers in New York City also buy coffee from the Dunkin Donuts right down the road. This leaves a great amount of opportunity for both brands to reach out to those customers who are “cross-loyal” and focus marketing efforts on regaining their brand loyalty – and 37% of Starbucks loyalists that can be removed from typical competitor conquesting campaigns.

A competitive, local marketing strategy requires a greater understanding of shopping behavior and audience segmentation. Finding new, incremental customers — and conquering your competitors — requires a completely different strategy than keeping in touch with your loyal, organic customers. When building your next campaign to attract new customers to your store, make sure you’re thinking about the four A’s: Analytics, Audience, Attribution, and Activation.


It has been proven that the typical radius approach to identifying customers to your particular store lacks the true insight stores need to identify prospective new customers.

We can see where your customers live, work, and shop on any given day. And we can also identify and report on your local competition and the “battleground” areas you share with them. Incorporating data points like how long a person is willing to travel for a coffee, new clothes, or even a car vary incredibly — and analyzing this data in real time at your individual store level allows for a more comprehensive and cost-effective marketing strategy.


Understanding your most loyal customers can be fairly simple, but you should be able to exclude them entirely when trying to identify new customers. Stop wasting money on your organic visitors! Understand your competition’s customers instead. Finding the right audience to target is one key to a cost-effective, high-performing marketing strategy. In addition to the typical data inputs like gender, age and income, finding new customers and enticing them to visit your stores requires a platform that can identify your potential audience when and where they are most likely to convert. Using a platform that combines basic demographics along with real-world behaviors, online and offline purchases, and psychographics will drive the highest results.

For example, if Starbucks could identify loyal Dunkin Donuts customers who stop each morning at 10am at a store just one block from the closest Starbucks store, being able to reach them on their mobile device at 9am when they are heading out the door would significantly increase conversion rates. They could then reallocate their advertising budget to remove existing customers and use those dollars to conquer their main competitor. Knowing when and where to reach your potential audience is even more important than just drilling down into a basic lookalike model — and imperative when you’re trying to conquer your local competition.


Identifying incremental visitors for a given campaign will also allow you to effectively allocate budgets and determine ROI on your ad spend. Knowing in real time the number of incremental visits your campaign is driving allows you to pivot your strategy on the go as well as to fully understand the cost per incremental visit of your campaigns over time. Using a platform that can easily identify and attribute loyal vs. new, incremental visitors gives brands the opportunity to message loyal and new customers in a way that is unique to them and will result in an increased conversion rate.


Finding the right audience through sophisticated targeting, being able to attribute your campaign performance to new vs. existing customers, and then analyzing your customer makeup at a granular level allows brands to activate customers in real-time and reach a new, incremental audience with the highest chance of conversion — resulting in an overall lower cost, more effective marketing strategy. A strategy that includes all four of these key components will allow you to create a scalable, efficient and reliable growth engine for your business.

Originally Published in Advertising Wee

Locala Partners With Happydemics to Bring More Insights to Drive-to-Store Marketers

Paris, France, July 12, 2022 – Locala, the recognized leader in driving consumers to stores and proving the results, announces new data insights capabilities as part of its drive-to-store strategy. Co-built with brand performance measurement platform Happydemics, the data study gives Insight Managers access to automated reporting including both quantitative and qualitative data about their drive-to-store strategy.

“Our ability to measure brand lift plays a critical role in our drive-to-store strategy. Adding Happydemics’ targeted surveys to our campaign insights provides us with another layer of market knowledge to give our clients a competitive advantage” says Pierre Padiou, VP  Partnership at Locala.

With brand lift monitoring reports, advertisers will be able to rely on valuable metrics like local store implantation data to target audiences efficiently. The joint study also includes automated reporting features to monitor KPI and track progress multiple times a year from a reliable third-party partner.

“Our clients want to be able to measure the return on their investment in digital activation campaigns. Giving them a tool to measure brand awareness by combining Locala’s trusted data and Happydemics’ insights provides a critical asset to conquest the competition,” says Benvenuto Alfieri, Italy Country Manager at Locala.

By joining forces to provide advertisers with a SaaS platform giving access to key insights to increase brand awareness, Locala and Happydemics are able to offer a scalable solution to customers worldwide.

“This is a game changer for Marketing Managers who oversee a portfolio of international brands and need to validate their strategy performance.” says Virginie Chesnais, Chief Marketing Officer at Happydemics.  ”We are delighted to join a trusted partner to facilitate access to concrete metrics and offer a SaaS tool that meets the needs of brands with an international reach.”

About Locala
Trusted for more than a decade by the world’s top retailers, restaurants and auto brands, Locala is the recognized leader in driving consumers to stores and measuring the results. Locala’s powerful and complete suite of digital marketing tools provides unmatched visibility into shoppers and competitors while delivering complete control over where and when brands can reach high-potential consumers and drive them to buy. Founded in 2012, the company has offices in the United States, France, Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and the UAE.

Ed Silhan Appointed Managing Director & CRO, Americas

Industry veteran, and current Chief Revenue Officer, Ed Silhan, expands his role to fuel company growth across the US, Canada, and Latin America.

Ed Shilan headshotNew York, New York, June 30, 2022 – As part of Locala’s commitment to continued expansion of the award-winning drive-to-store platform, CEO and Founder, Christophe Collet announced the promotion of Ed Silhan to Managing Director & CRO, Americas effective July 1, 2022. “Since joining Locala in 2018 as Chief Revenue Officer, Ed has been instrumental in building and leading our sales efforts throughout the region,” commented Mr. Collet, “and I know he is the right person to help take Locala to the next level.” 

Prior to joining Locala, Mr. Silhan held senior leadership positions at industry powerhouses including eBay, PayPal, SITO mobile, and Meredith Corporation. His track record of building strong client relationships and driving incremental business through his vast network of industry contacts was key to fueling Locala’s expansion into the US market.

“I am honored to be part of such an incredible team, and I look forward to working together with Christophe, as well as our talented sales and operations teams in the US, Canada, and Latin America, to bring Locala’s drive-to-store platform to even more brands. We’ve got an exciting future ahead of us here!” said Mr. Silhan.

About Locala
Trusted for more than a decade by the world’s top retailers, restaurants and auto brands, Locala is the recognized leader in driving consumers to stores and measuring the results. Locala’s powerful and complete suite of digital marketing tools provides unmatched visibility into shoppers and competitors while delivering complete control over where and when brands can reach high-potential consumers and drive them to buy. Founded in 2012, the company has offices in the United States, France, Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and the UAE.

Even Amazon Agrees: Shoppers Prefer Physical Stores

Online retail sales have been steadily increasing since Amazon first launched their book selling website in 1995, but despite many predictions to the contrary, the physical store still reigns supreme, with over 85% of retail sales being conducted in person. Despite Amazon’s incredible market share of eCommerce sales, the online store accounts for just 1% of total retail sales. This week Amazon is doubling down on the continued endurance of physical stores with the appointment of Doug Harrington, CEO, Worldwide Amazon Stores.

Amazon Go storefront with people outside

In addition to over 500 Whole Foods Markets, Amazon’s physical stores include Amazon Go convenience stores, Amazon Books stores, Amazon 4-Star outlets, as well as Amazon Pop-Up locations. And in May, Amazon launched its first-ever Amazon Style store in Glendale, California, where customers can browse apparel and accessories on display in the massive, glass-walled storefront (that is fueled by the even more massive Amazon warehouse behind it).

What does this mean for other location-based retailers? The high-tech features that Amazon has implemented, and continues to evolve in their physical stores, should definitely be on the watch list for other retailers hoping to compete against the retail giant. Features like room-ready alerts to your mobile phone when your dressing room is ready, browsing the Amazon website and sending items directly to your dressing room, self-service checkout stations, and buy online – pick up in store, are just some of the shopping experiences that consumers are starting to expect.

Locala’s Commitment to Corporate Social and Ethical Responsibility

Building on the steps that Locala, formerly Locala, has taken to reduce its carbon footprint and create an environment of diversity and inclusion, Locala has announced a continued commitment to engage employees in carrying out our mission. “As our company grows, so does our commitment to operating in a socially and ethically responsible manner by further solidifying and organizing our sustainability and diversity initiatives. We are thrilled to have had such an overwhelming response by our employees around the world to help support these causes,” commented Christophe Collet, CEO.

Our Planet: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
In 2021, Locala received Bronze Status according to the EcoVadis scorecard. EcoVadis is an online platform that assesses individual company ESG and sustainability performance. Our goal for this year is to raise our rating to Silver Status through the following initiatives:

  • Set clear policies on environment, social, and governance
  • Conduct a third-party global audit
  • Publish our CSR commitments publicly
  • Create a marketing and social strategy to ensure transparency with our suppliers, clients, and the broader world
  • Sign the climate pledge & monitor our progress
  • Benchmark our carbon report against competitors in our industry
  • Commit to credible carbon offset targets

 Locala has been making tremendous progress on these initiatives including:

  • Commitment to invest $100K in sustainability initiatives
  • Offset 200 tons of carbon through our long-term partnership with NOOS & Ecotree, planting over 17,000 trees across the world since 2019
  • Our office buildings in Paris, Marseille & Miami were all low-energy consumption centers.
  • Increased staff recycling to 75% participation through our Greenquest initiative

Our People: Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion 
As a global company with employees from all over the world, Locala is committed to creating a workplace where all are welcome and our differences are celebrated. Our goal in bringing diversity and inclusion to the forefront of our workplace is to: 

  • Value, encourage and support a diverse workforce
  • Champion career and professional growth
  • Create a productive work environment free of harassment
  • Give back and support our local communities

Together, the 30+ volunteers of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) committee created a mission statement centered around  educating and celebrating the different backgrounds that represent our work community.

 2022 DEI committee initiatives will include: 

  • Internal Trainings: Inclusion, Equity & Unconscious Bias
  • Convening a subcommittee to audit external branding on a quarterly basis
  • Global Speaker Events

About Locala
Trusted for more than a decade by the world’s top retailers, restaurants and auto brands, Locala is the recognized leader in driving consumers to stores and measuring the results. Locala’s powerful and complete suite of digital marketing tools provides unmatched visibility into shoppers and competitors while delivering complete control over where and when brands can reach high-potential consumers and drive them to buy. Founded in 2012, the company has offices in the United States, France, Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and the UAE.

Leveraging Technology and Real Time to Generate In-Store Traffic

With the hybridization of consumption modes accelerated by Covid, stores must rethink their strategy to generate traffic. This is what Locala helps them do, as founder and CEO, Christophe Collet, explains.

What is Locala’s mission and what are its solutions?

For more than 10 years, Locala has been a leader in the drive-to-store market. We believe that the store is not only a place to sell, but also a place to connect with people and our mission is to drive as much traffic as possible to restaurants, stores and car dealerships.

We are a drive-to-store platform, whose sole purpose is to maximize real-time traffic to the point of sale and therefore revenue for our clients. To do this, our advanced algorithms optimize four dimensions in real time. Our technology defines the dynamic catchment area of each store, identifies the audiences most likely to come into the store and determines the best media to engage them – because every consumer behavior is different – and finally, we define the most appropriate advertising format. Our technology is able to create marketing campaigns with a single measure of effectiveness, the in-store visit.

How do you help companies adapt to the new post-Covid model?

The customer journey and consumption is no longer only digital or in-store, but has evolved to both at the same time. We help our clients understand and leverage this hybridization, identifying the right targets, in the optimal areas with the best message on the best medium. Our technology produces insights that help brands understand their catchment area, market share, competitive landscape, etc. If they are launching a new service, such as click and collect, we are able to help them through this transition by letting the right people know about the service. We also enable our clients to track geo-behavioral trends in real time at the store level and thus increase their knowledge of the customer and the competition. 

In this post-Covid world, we have seen a growing shift in shopper habits. With our geolocation data, we’re seeing customers go back to the office, expanding their shopping opportunities beyond their home catchment area, but also through schools, offices and more. And we’re able to reach them with the right message wherever they are.

How has Locala evolved with the market in its 10 years of existence?

Locala has been used by more than 600 major brands worldwide for 10 years because we have been able to anticipate both technological and regulatory changes. For example, we have always focused on consumer data protection, and we only apply our technology to people who have consented to receive targeted, location-based advertising. We have evolved to adapt to new consumer habits, using the latest technology. This allows our clients to take advantage of the hybridization of the customer journey, in real time, which is a real technological breakthrough because it allows them to test new products or services, launch them quickly and know right away what the impact on their ROI is.

Originally posted on BMF Business

The Importance of UX Design on Ad Platforms

Learn why Sophie Delrot, VP Design at AskLocala, believes good UX design is key when creating an ad platform that actually performs – especially for small and medium businesses.

Digital advertising has gone through many stages of evolution throughout the years. However, ever since programmatic—that is, data-driven, automated, digital—ad buying has become the norm for the vast majority of all ad spending, UX design has largely been forgotten as an essential element of advertising-platform design. This is the case primarily because highly skilled, experienced traders are now operating the actual campaigns, so there is little need to create intuitive, easy-to-use platforms. If you are an agency or brand with sufficient resources to hire dedicated staff, this is completely fine. However, this means businesses that have smaller budgets often encounter severe challenges when it comes to entering into the digital-consumer activation space.

By enhancing the user experience, we can democratize advertising technology … by offering SMBs a glide path for growth.
All too often, companies develop advertising platforms without a proper focus on the user. A recognition that UX design is essentially about solving problems for human beings is critical. This seems so obvious. Nevertheless, the fundamental role of UX design often gets forgotten. As a consequence, UX design often takes a path that presents users with convoluted, even frustrating experiences.

The implications of a bad user experience can be nothing short of existential. Dominant platforms such as Facebook and Google, among others, are typically hard to use, creating a barrier to entry for small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs). A business consequence is often predatory behavior and the resultant chaos that clouds what success should look like. By enhancing the user experience, we can democratize advertising technology, or ad tech, by offering SMBs a glide path for growth.

As someone who has built a product-design department at an ad-tech company from scratch, I’ve learned three core principles that are critical to creating a dynamic, sustainable design sensibility for our industry.

Accessibility Is Paramount
By accessibility, we mean aspiring to design a friction-free user experience for all….
By accessibility, we mean aspiring to design a friction-free user experience for all—the user-experience version of utopia. According to Donald Norman, the godfather of emotional design, “Design is really an act of communication, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating.”

But too many designers make human beings adapt to the designs they’ve conjured, which are, all too often, based on their own personal aesthetic. It really shouldn’t take someone ten minutes to figure out how to run a dishwasher or open a door. Our goal should be products that are seamless, whose use is instantaneous and easy. UX designers must adapt to human needs.

The UX designer’s ability to anticipate and meet all of the users’ relevant needs with one product design is tantamount to a formula for making your advertising platform more successful.
As ad-tech companies more fully embrace subscription models in the post-cookie era, the Software as a Service (SaaS) marketplace translates to more hands on keyboards in business-to-business (B2B) companies. This typically means a more diverse multitude of users who might have very different needs. The challenge and the opportunity for UX designers lies in designing keyboard navigation and typography—all in service of superior user experiences that are not uniform. Thus, the UX designer’s ability to anticipate and meet all of the users’ relevant needs with one product design is tantamount to a formula for making your advertising platform more successful.

Efficiency Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Speed
People often conflate productivity with efficiency. Why take eight hours to design something when you can get the work done in two? Because there is value in taking your time to get the design right. If designers are truly serious about the user experience, spending the extra time pays off in the long term. A frictionless user experience could become their calling card. Being efficient while designing the right user experience requires balancing insights that you’ve gleaned directly from users as well as analytics data.

As UX designers, our job is often combining our gut instincts with just the right amount of pragmatism. This means breaking complex tasks down into simple digestible steps to help reduce the user’s mental load. You must design user experiences through your clients’ eyes.

Invest the time necessary to truly understand the users’ challenges and identify patterns that guide them in overcoming their hurdles. So much of effective UX design stems from delving deeply into user psychology. This thorough spade work prepares the ground for creating a user experience that meets users’ needs. Design a button and place it at the top of the screen where users can see it. Not because of some arbitrary choice that is based on your personal aesthetic.

Utility Plus Desirability Equals User Engagement
Creating desire among our users is our overarching raison d’etre because ad-tech users are human beings, not bots.
Utility, in and of itself, is not the be-all-and-end-all. After all, for those of us in the ad-tech business, our core purpose is to inspire, aspire, and persuade. Creating desire among our users is our overarching raison d’etre because ad-tech users are human beings, not bots. In these chaotic times, which offer so many different options, human beings engage with brands experientially. It’s not enough for a jeans brand to make good-looking pants; they must manufacture their products with respect for the planet and the ultimate wearer of their jeans. Otherwise, they’ll go elsewhere.

Desirability that is rooted in a company’s values is as critical in B2B as in B2C (business-to-consumer). We are living in a truly pivotal period of the ad-tech business and the broader world. Sustainability and purpose are words that are on everyone’s lips. I may be biased, but I think humane, ethical UX design must be a fundamental part of everyone’s mission going forward. And by the way, having a good user experience is also good business.
Originally posted on UXmatters

Locala Belgium Launch Party – March 24th

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, Locala Belgium has organized a launch party at the Jardin du Grand Hospice for the occasion. With the participation of agencies and direct clients, we celebrated our past success and shared a drink to all the new things that are coming. Beautiful memories that we can share with you today through the following pictures:

Thank you again for your presence!

S4M is now Locala

Global Rebrand Announcement

We started Locala in 2012 with a single goal – create the best platform the world has ever seen for driving consumers to stores and proving the results. Ten years later, the top retailers, restaurant chains, and, auto dealerships from around the world look to us as their go-to partner for driving foot traffic to their brick and mortar locations, and digital traffic to their eCommerce stores.

The reason? Our data never sleeps, and our machine learning has been continuously optimizing since our launch, driving results that are 2-10X the competition. This is why in 2022 we are taking yet another huge leap. To celebrate our company’s 10 year anniversary, we at Locala are reinventing ourselves all over again.

We are doubling down on our commitment to supporting location-based businesses….by becoming Locala.

Changing our name to Locala cements our focus on leading innovation, discovery, performance, and service for businesses that are the backbones of our communities, our families, and our day-to-day lives.
We are so very excited about this change and what it means for the future. Our promise to all of you is that we will continue to work tirelessly in order to help you reach your goals.
Here’s to another amazing ten years!

Locala Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary and Rapid International Expansion With Worldwide Rebrand and Rename

Following impressive growth and increased penetration within the world’s top agencies and brands, the company has announced that it is further evolving.

NEW YORK, March 3, 2022 – S4M, the leading drive-to-store platform for tier-one retailers, restaurants & auto dealerships, today announced it is rebranding to Locala. The company was founded a decade ago with a mission to drive industry-leading success for location-based businesses using mobile advertising. Since 2011, S4M’s technology has consistently evolved, using machine learning algorithms to learn from consumer movements and their response to tens of thousands of campaigns. This unique, fully automated approach has resulted in a platform that is unmatched with regards to both hyper-localized campaign performance and granular measurement capabilities. The company has also scaled its business globally, now operating in over ten countries and performing campaigns in dozens more.

S4M’s move to the Locala name is designed to better represent the company’s complete suite of advertising and measurement solutions and cement its focus on supporting location-based businesses. Current worldwide events have increased the frequency with which consumer buying patterns have changed, and Locala has been designed from the ground up to create and sustain reliable revenue streams via physical or eCommerce traffic.

“It’s important that communities have thriving restaurants, busy shops, and successful auto dealerships! Physical stores are THE social bond that ties us all together. Everyone needs them. Everyone loves them.,” said Christophe Collet, Locala’s CEO. “Our mission is to help them to adapt to the new, post-covid world. This world is a hybrid where the customer journey is no longer digital or physical, but rather it is both at the same time”

“Locala is the perfect name to describe the power of our platform. We are unique in the industry with our ten years of machine learning algorithms continuously optimizing towards one goal – Drive more consumers to stores and prove the results.,” said Cameron V. Peebles, Locala’s Global Chief Marketing Officer. “We know that the marketplace views us as a globally insightful platform that can create local impacts. Whether it’s for audiences, analytics, attribution or activation, our data never sleeps and we are always thinking of new ways to accelerate client ROI.”

About Locala
Trusted for more than a decade by the world’s top retailers, restaurants, & auto brands, Locala is the recognized leader in driving consumers to physical and ecommerce stores, as well as proving the results. Locala’s powerful & complete suite of digital marketing products provides unmatched visibility into shoppers and competitors while delivering complete control over where and when brands can reach high-potential consumers and drive them to buy. Founded in 2011, the company has offices in the United States, France, Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and the UAE.

Locala appoints Benvenuto Alfieri as Country Manager Italy

The digital advertising expert comes back to the drive-to-store platform to accelerate its local growth

Milan, 21 December 2021 – Locala, the leading location-based platform for tier-1 retailers, restaurants and auto dealerships, today announced the appointment of Benvenuto Alfieri as Country Manager Italy to lead the company’s expansion in the region.

Alfieri previously held the positions of Director of Sales Italy then Head of Sales Italy from 2017 to 2020. Prior to this appointment as Country Manager at Locala, he served as Growth Director at Friendz, an Italian technology company specializing in consumer-driven marketing and online community activations, for which he led the expansion strategies.

Additionally, Alfieri was Sales Director at Channel Factory, a company specializing in investment optimization on YouTube and social video advertising, as well as Sales Director at Quantum Advertising, the leading provider of native advertising solutions for publishers, advertisers and agencies, and a pioneer in programmatic integrated ads.

“I’m excited to be back at Locala. My return to the company is just the beginning of many new things that we will soon be unveiling to the Italian and worldwide markets,” said Alfieri. “I’m really happy to be part of Locala’s next chapter and to help our Italian clients thrive in the post-covid era.”

Locala CEO Christophe Collet added: “We’re delighted to have Benvenuto back in the team. His ad tech expertise and his in-depth knowledge of Locala will be pivotal to help us expand even faster in Italy and support our customers to reach their goals, both now and in the future.”

Locala Stars – Janis Ramos, Head of Customer Success Americas

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our services to give our customers the best experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Spotlight on Janis, our Head of Customer Success Americas in Miami!

What does it mean to be Head of Customer Success Americas?
As HCS, I’m responsible for maximizing customer satisfaction and engagement with Locala’s products or services, while managing a team within the US territory.

How would you describe yourself?
I’d say I’m hardworking, persistent, and always up for a challenge!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
Traders! I would love to see our platform’s evolution and how we achieve our strategies and tactics.

What’s your most useful skill?

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Hold onto your seats! It’s Khaleesi on a dragon bubblehead 😁

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Hedy LaMarr. She’s the one who invented the tech behind today’s wi-fi. Impressive, right?

And your favorite superhero?
Sailor Moon.

What do you like most about your job?
Easy, the people!

What can we find in your fridge?
A lot of leftovers. I haven’t been cooking much these last 3 months!

Connect with Janis on LinkedIn.

Stay Calm. There Is A New Path Forward

A lot of people are tired.  They’ve grown weary of the lack of business certainty that the ongoing unpredictability of Covid-19 has wrought. For retail decision-makers, the past 18 months have been full of twists, turns, and massive challenges. But what could you expect from an unprecedented global health crisis impacting every single aspect of our lives? The ongoing Covid battle has put many folks on their back foot again.

The retail industry, in particular, has been losing sleep of late due to Covid’s negative impact on foot traffic and the disturbances in the supply chain, which have diminished inventory and caused prices to spike dramatically, throwing Q4 holiday season marketing budgets and schedules into chaos. With this pandemic, it seems that every time we feel close to getting over the hump and back to pre-Covid normalcy, we are hit with a new challenge with a merciless virus that refuses to go away without a fight. The anxiety and fear are normal. But through the fog of uncertainty, there are many reasons to maintain calm and stay the course.

Retail is alive and poised to thrive beyond its current level. The good news is it has never been more ready to innovate and embrace digital as the key element to fuel its success. Bricks-n-mortar is and will remain a key pillar to brand marketing strategies. Take a look at the aggressive efforts of brands like M&Ms and Lego. Both of them have made sizable investments in reinventing their physical stores into experiential destinations. M&Ms opened a 24,000 sq. ft. store in Minnesota’s Mall of America while Lego in 2021 alone launched over 100 new stores. Even digital natives like Warby Parker have acknowledged the critical importance of physical retail in their growth plans.

E-commerce is the new shiny toy because it fits our immediate gratification society in which we fantasize about finding the perfect product available and delivered quickly and at a cheaper price. The reality is that an online purchase comes with more and more disappointment from a consumer perspective and with greater risk from a brand’s standpoint. Where we thought online commerce was limitless, it is actually as limited– if not more – as its physical cousin.

Bricks-n-mortar and online shopping are both important elements of an evolved brand strategy. The combined entity needs to fight for customer satisfaction, a stellar reputation, positive reviews and churn rate improvement using as many tools as possible. Every brand will have to figure out how to combine both and what is the role for each of these two worlds.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that Digital Data should be applied to the consumer journey in a manner that prioritizes privacy-compliant consumer insights. The benefits should accrue to brands before, during and after campaigns with advanced targeting, ad spending efficiency, and channel optimization. The ultimate goals remain Desirability, Profitability and Longevity. Selling a desirable product to someone who won’t get it for months and losing money on delivery costs in the process is not sustainable. For E-Commerce or in Bricks-n-mortar, the success is related to Location and Reach.

The alleged diminishment in customer engagement at physical locations dovetails with the increasing challenges in targeting these people on mobile to drive traffic due to Apple’s ongoing deprecation of audience identifiers on iOS. But what’s truly dying is digital advertising’s overreliance on third-party identifier-based audience targeting driven primarily by Google’s Chrome cookie as well as Apple’s IDFA. As consumer privacy protection has become paramount, our business can no longer sit back on cruise control driven by programmatic era IDs. We must actually take a firmer grip on the wheel and steer our offerings down a more thoughtful, sophisticated path that puts the role of data and technology in the proper context.

The recent release of IOS 15 is the latest iteration of Apple’s privacy-first approach but that doesn’t mean retailers can no longer target and engage with customers in a personalized manner. What it does mean is that we need to return to traditional statistical modeling updated for the age of audience targeting. Fewer consumer signals on a smaller scale will require new sophistication to extrapolate targeting capabilities using asymmetrical data sets. By emphasizing device and geography signals, new statistical media mix modeling can be executed effectively.  I’m confident that this will yield just as much efficacy as the cookie and the IDFA.

At the end of the day, less addressability does not necessarily have to mean less return on advertising spend. I predict that incremental reach based on advances in linking digital messaging to actions taken at physical locations will become the centerpiece of how retailers measure success in the retail advertiser attribution model of the future.

Originally published on Advertising Week.

Locala Stars – Arnaud Taffo, Support Account Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our services to give our customers the best experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Spotlight on Arnaud, our Support Account Manager in Montreal!

What does it mean to be Support Account Manager?
My job consists in assisting our traders and account managers in their daily routine so that they can perform well and achieve their goals. Whether it’s getting an issue resolved on the frontend or pulling data from the backend for any insights or forecasting purposes or even helping set up a campaign with the inventory management.

How would you describe yourself?
I like to raise debates. I question the nature of things quite often. If I had not worked in IT, I might have worked as a journalist.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I would swap for Hadrien Bailly’s shoes, to see what a salesperson’s day is made of. He’s such a cool and funny guy, too!

What’s your most useful skill?
Stubbornness. I don’t give up until I have tried everything.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Nothing but a cup of coffee.

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Lewis Hamilton. He has made history in a sport he was not even predestined for. His innate talent for racing, his competitiveness and his dedication have led him to be a seven times F1 world champion despite all the obstacles throughout his path. When he was young, his father said: “do the talking on the track”. I’ll let you imagine what he has kept doing ever since. I also admire the fact that he always stays humble and grateful towards his team when he wins.

And your favorite superhero?
There is no superhero for me, but rather real-life heroes I might find inspiration from.

What do you like most about your job?
I like the fact that it gets me to explore beyond what I’m used to in such a way that I keep learning new things, reproducing them, and making them work for the benefit of my job.

What can we find in your fridge?
Delicious dishes cooked by my wife.

Connect with Arnaud on LinkedIn.

The impact of Apple’s iOS App Tracking Transparency on Locala clients

As a largely responsible, self-regulated sector, the AdTech industry has regularly taken a mindful stance on data collection and consumer privacy throughout its existence. With the launch of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT) in iOS 14.5 and continuation in iOS 15, Apple has used their vertical integration of hardware and software to limit access to anonymized consumer data, and thus creating doubt in the minds of some as to their ability to continue activation and measurement activities similar to years past. 

At Locala, we’ve been preparing for this update for some time as one of our most important priorities is to minimize any impact on our clients’ and partners’ business operations. Our mission is to empower our clients with impactful campaigns so they can drive their customers to stores, dealerships and restaurants and accurately measure the ROI.

The impact

Our July in-house impact study has shown we have not experienced any significant trend change related to iOS / ATT, whether it be op-in and opt-out rates, localization or audience targeting. Our reporting reliability, measurement accuracy (whether in-house or through our trusted partners) and targeting capabilities remain unchanged. This was proven throughout the latest campaigns we’ve run this summer.

Our teams have summarized the system impacts with the following important updates:

  • Apple’s AppTrackingTransparency has not impacted our offerings in any way.
  • Our ability to identify consumers and drive them to stores has not been impacted. 
  • The industry-leading scalability of our campaigns has not been impacted.
  • Our ability to provide accurate and actionable reporting has not been impacted.  

The bigger picture

Methodologies change as practices evolve, but core principles remain. We’re facing profound industry changes, and we must meet them through technical and structural evolution. At Locala, we have always been ahead of the game with our methodology, which allows us to anticipate and meet industry needs successfully. As a matter of fact, our product team has developed our very own extrapolation methodology, based on scientific principles, to ensure we are giving retailers an accurate view of their campaign results. 

This extrapolation algorithm allows us to estimate the total number of visits generated by a campaign, including those that were not seen by the footfall measurer but did happen. It also gives us additional insights to help advertisers better assess the impact of their campaigns on business KPIs, and addresses potential data volume diminutions we could face in the future. 

Our extrapolation methodology relies on complex statistical models and uses capture-recapture sampling, the reference methodology used in biology to estimate the size of animal populations.

What’s next?

At this stage, no one can fully predict how the ATT framework will affect the advertising industry in the long run, but we are closely monitoring the situation to continue delivering outstanding performance and addressing any concerns our clients and partners might have. While the industry as a whole should expect some disruption, we are confident Locala’s technology can and will be successful in this new ecosystem.

Report – Retail Media Advertising 2021

The Retail Media Advertising 2021 report by eMarketer provides an overview of the emerging retail media network and some considerations that retailers have shared with regards to its inception. We are proud to have Stan Coignard, our Locala Americas CEO, and Shareena Fontaine, our US Marketing Manager, as contributing industry sources to this piece.

As brands explore the new retailer media network trends, we’re happy to share how Locala’s ten years of machine learning optimization assists the world’s top advertisers with exclusive cross-retailer strategies, competitor conquesting campaigns, and independent measurement. These capabilities enable our clients to expand their visibility and pivot to meet industry-wide changes in consumer demand in real-time.

[cm_button text=”Download the full report here” link=”|||” alignment=”text-center”]


‘Tis the Season to SHOP

This holiday season, “revenge shopping” will very much be top of mind for many shoppers who have been ravenous to return to pre-pandemic shopping habits. With heavy consumer demand and vaccination numbers continuing to increase, a dynamic  opportunity for brick and mortar stores has arisen all over the world.

Looking back just one short year ago, retailers have quickly adapted to a new shopping landscape and customers have adjusted to a new normal. According to eMarketer, retail sales between November and December are expected to reach $1.147 trillion. The US, pummeled hard with store closings last spring and summer, has recovered with the number of new openings equalizing any closures.

With more demand comes more competition to reach your target audience among the myriad of competitors all vying for their attention. Now more than ever, brands will need to do more to break through and connect with their audiences in a meaningful way.  

Reacting fast and staying ahead of the curve is vital this season. We put together six strategies to maximize your holiday campaigns and finish the year on top, whether your consumers are shopping in store or online. 

  1. Create Targeted Messaging Based on Consumer Behavior
  2. Customize Your Omnichannel Strategy for Each Consumer
  3. Real Time is King
  4. Target Audiences with Different Activation Experiences, and Drive ROI
  5. Get Up Close and Hyper-localized
  6. Be Fast and Convenient 

To learn more, download our free Holiday Playbook here.

Locala Stars – Tomás Gowland, Senior Trading Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our services to give our customers the best experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Spotlight on Tomás, our Senior Trading Manager in New York!

What does it mean to be Senior Trading Manager?
My job means I get to work with sales, pre-sales, and account managers to set up and manage mobile ad campaigns. I use data analysis to optimize on bidding, pacing, performance, and margin and ensure all KPIs are met. I also make sure to offer insights on how to improve campaign effectiveness through Fusio’s functionality.

How would you describe yourself?
I would describe myself as kind, a team player, and passionate. Putting my best foot forward, treating people the way I’d like to be treated. I try to put the larger group before myself, whether it’s my family, friends, or the team I work with. I’m passionate and provide my all in my relationships with family and friends, playing sports, and at work.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
If I could switch positions with anyone, it would be Arnaud Taffo or Michael Colson. I’ve sent them crazy requests in the past that involved lots of data, effort, and time. And they’ve always delivered! I’d like to be in their shoes for one of those last minute, quick turnaround requests.

What’s your most useful skill?
I’d probably say it’s empathy, although it’s something that can be improved. Always.


What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Unfortunately, nothing crazy 😓

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Probably Martin Luther King. I remember first moving to the United States from Argentina and learning about him. I was blown away by what he had done, said, and how he was spearheading a movement of peace despite facing constant violence and the greatest adversity.

And your favorite superhero?
My favorite superhero is probably Spider-Man. His determination and ability to overcome challenges have always set him apart from the rest. Always fighting for those who can’t protect themselves, like he once was. Also, let’s not forget he’s in high school.

What do you like most about your job?
The people I work with. I consider myself fortunate to work with a diverse, kind, and caring group of people.

What can we find in your fridge?
Orange juice, can’t start the day without it.

Connect with Tomás on LinkedIn.

Locala Stars – Aurélie Guérit, Regional Account Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Spotlight on Aurélie, our Regional Account Manager in APAC!

What does it mean to be Regional Account Manager?
Being Regional Account Manager involves working closely with Sales to build strategic proposals and coordinating internal teams (Designers, AdOps, Traders) to set up campaigns on time and ensure that client needs are understood and satisfied in order to maintain a favorable relationship with them.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m a person who takes a little while to wake up but who, once fully charged, lives her day to the fullest!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I would be Zahra! A talented and promising designer!

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
A shoe box… to elevate my screen. Did I forget to tell you I’m a DYI person too?


What do you like most about your job?
That would be coordinating operations and working with different expertise!


What can we find in your fridge?
Sweet Thai Chili Sauce – it goes so well with everything!

Locala appoints Armelle Quenard Chief People Officer

Criteo’s former People Partner joins the drive-to-store platform as Chief People Officer to steer its HR actions 

Paris, 25 August 2021 – Locala, the leading drive-to-store platform for tier-1 retailers, restaurants & auto dealerships, today announced the appointment of Armelle Quenard as Chief People Officer to lead the company’s human resources strategy and development.

With over 20 years of experience as a Human Resources leader in the high-tech industry, Armelle brings strong skills and invaluable knowledge to the drive-to-store platform. Armelle started her career at telecommunications giant Bouygues Group, where she spent 12 years as HR Generalist for their Bouygues Telecom subsidiary. She then joined computer software company Dassault Systèmes, where she held the position of HR Director for the France R&D and IT departments for over three years. Most recently, Armelle was VP People Partner G&A and Head of French Collective Employee Relations at Criteo, where she assisted support function leaders on all aspects of management and leadership.

Locala Armelle Quenard Chief People OfficerArmelle’s role at Localawill be to steer the company’s growth and define its human resources policy. She will ensure Locala’s ambitions for expansion align with the company’s overall strategy and implement HR changes and initiatives in its offices around the world. Armelle will also be in charge of the day-to-day management and development of the HR team.

“I’m delighted to join Locala and use my experience to help it scale up,” said Armelle Quenard. “As Locala continues to expand, the HR team will support its worldwide talent and foster a positive, high-performance working environment where everyone can thrive and excel.”

Locala CEO Christophe Collet added “We’re very happy to welcome Armelle to the company. I have no doubt she will bring a fresh perspective to our HR actions and give our teams all the support they need to deliver on their missions”.

Locala Stars – Ludovic Garnier, Knowledge Base Content Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Content Manager?
In my opinion, knowledge and intelligence are the foundation of workplace productivity and business efficiency. As we are a worldwide company, it’s interesting to develop a common culture and language across the globe. For example, a sales member in the US will provide nearly the same Locala offering as a sales member in Europe or Asia. As knowledge content manager, I’m here to reduce risks and operational costs while improving efficiency across Locala. For example, I work closely with the Operations Manager to onboard new hires and assist them in their learning journey, especially at the early stages of their career. With People Managers, we collaborate to better serve new hires with training and face-to-face meetings to make sure that they understand the organization, the market and skills to ramp-up as soon as possible in their job.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m a curious person, focused on creating a learning organization. As I’m learning every day from my peers, I ask them tons of questions to better understand what they do and how I can contribute to make the onboarding process less time-consuming. As content manager, sharing pertinent and actionable knowledge with the teams is a great way to create a culture that fosters employee fulfillment and enhances their skills.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
It would be with Christophe Collet, our CEO and founder, because I decided to join Locala not only for its tech which I believe is a game changer, but also for the people who created it. Also, as I am very curious, I want to know everything about the company and what happens at the top.

What’s your most useful skill?
I’m a good listener and interviewer. During workshops, I always listen actively and question the expert to better understand how, why and how and discover the “secret sauce” of a sales member. This golden rule applies to other positions of course. That way, I’m able to share knowledge at a global scale with the learning community.


Locala Stars – Ludovic Garnier, Knowledge Base Content Manager


What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Besides plants, I have a ninja turtle on my desk. I found it funny when a colleague told me I looked like one of them as I sometimes wear a brown jacket. It’s Donatello, the nerdy guy in blue behind the screen who’s also an ace in the field.

What do you like most about your job?
The co-authoring part and being the facilitator during a workshop to share even more relevant information. I don’t produce content on my own. It’s always with an expert, a champion in their area of expertise, that I start to write a training. It’s not from scratch but it’s from people, Localaers, and I like it! That way, the learning community is aware that content is always double-checked by an expert and doesn’t come out of my hat, like magic.

Who’s your favorite historical character?
That would be Winston Churchill. He was a very talented writer, speaker and painter. “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” is one of my all-time favorite quotes. It follows one of the aspects of knowledge management such as “lessons learned”. You can tolerate failure as long as you are successful in the long run.

And your favorite superhero?
Tintin’s world by Hergé is still a must-read, even now. This guy has multiple hats. He guesses everything and connects the dots to find the solution. He is adventurous and courageous and his riding, diving and many other skills make him my favorite superhero.

What can we find in your fridge?
My fridge is full of cheese and ham to make on-demand sandwiches! It’s one of my favorite foods and you can guess that it goes along with grape juice. I like to go to the local market on Sundays to find seasonal vegetables and fruits.

We’re standing together with Belgium to help flood victims

Nearly two weeks after unprecedented rains have hit several regions across Europe, Belgium is slowly recovering and rebuilding what has been devastated. In this very difficult and painful time, Locala’s thoughts and prayers are with the families of those victims and all in Belgium who have been affected by this catastrophe.

At Locala, we want to do our bit to support the Belgian community and help those people who have been struck by the floods get back on their feet. We want to leverage our technology and capabilities and use the power of advertising as a force for good. Advertising does not only sell, it can also help in times of need. This is why we’re partnering with the Belgian Red Cross to broadcast a nationwide advertising campaign to collect donations – pro bono.

There is a great need for financial support to allow humanitarian organizations in the field to work quickly and efficiently to save lives, get everyone to safety and begin cleaning up and removing debris. Every little bit counts, and if we all stand together, we can make this situation a little easier for the people who are now faced with the challenge of rebuilding their whole lives after having lost everything. Together, we can make a difference.

Click here to donate

People who want to give financial help can also do so on the account number BE70 0000 0000 2525.

Special Red Cross psychosocial support volunteers can be reached at 105 to help the people who have suffered from this traumatic episode, both financially and psychologically. 

The Red Cross continues to intensify its actions and has set up food trucks throughout the country to address the needs of those affected.

Locala Stars – Sarah Moortgat, Sales Manager Benelux

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Sales Manager?
It basically means working on developing new partnerships and ensuring a good and solid relationship with our clients. Always with a smile on!

How would you describe yourself?
I’d say I’m cheerful, sociable, funny (at least from my point of view) and caring.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I guess that would be being a designer in Canada. On one hand, Canada is my favorite country, and I would love to go live on the other side of the world. On the other hand, I’m a creative woman and I would love to express it through design.

What’s your most useful skill?
Definitely being very sociable.

Locala Stars – Sarah Moortgat, Sales Manager Benelux

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
My desk is too full with food to add anything other than my computer!

What do you like most about your job?
Without any hesitation, MY TEAM! Laura, Quitterie, Lisa, Michelle and Benjamin are awesome people and I surely hope that everyone at Locala will have the pleasure of meeting and working with them.

Who’s your favorite historical character?
I’m a huge fan of Britney Spears but as she is not dead, I don’t know if that makes her historical. She definitely left a big mark on pop music.

And your favorite superhero?
You’re lucky, I’ve just watched all the Marvels. I would go for Black Widow, she’s such a badass!

What can we find in your fridge?
Desserts and Monbazillac.

Locala is named on AdExchanger’s 2021 Programmatic Power Players

Last week, Locala was named on the ‘2021 Programmatic Power Players’ list at AdExchanger. This list recognizes the top agencies and strategic partners in the programmatic advertising world.
The judges evaluated hundreds of agencies and strategic partners worldwide based on the strength and breadth of offerings, documented case studies and client references.

At Locala, we deliver advertising that drives more customers to stores, dealerships, and restaurants. We help brands move away from proxy media metrics to measure the real-world performance of their advertising spend in a single unified platform that links their investments back to real-world measurements.

Our Technology

Our omnichannel drive-to-store platform, Fusio, is the first platform which optimizes campaigns in real time to deliver incremental visits to stores as a direct result of brands’ advertising efforts – whether through mobile, video, audio, display or OOH. These visits are always independently verified by third-party measurement players to separate incremental visits from organic traffic, while also excluding passers-by and employees.

Fusio leverages reliable and unique location data from mobile devices to deliver data-driven drive-to-store campaigns to consumers across the globe. We help marketers optimize their campaign parameters such as location targeting, publishers, creatives, or the type of devices and network connection to get the best return on their ad spend and drive incremental store visits.

Our Methodology

We’ve created a robust incrementality methodology using tried and tested scientific methods and applied it to drive-to-store programmatic advertising. For each and every campaign we create two identical groups, a control and an exposed group. We add a variable (delivering the advert) and compare the effect of this variable by comparing it to a consistent control group that didn’t receive it. That means we can be sure that the difference in the outcome is because of that one variable (as everything else was the same) and not an external factor.

The Locala method randomly divides your target in two groups in real time: an exposed group who will see the ad, and a smaller control group who will not see the ad.

Although the audience is the same, there are factors that can affect their composition. Some people in your audience might be employees, organic visits, near the store and mistakenly be counted as a visit. Our methodology uses ratios to ensure results are statistically relevant quickly and avoids any errors due to data randomness.

You can learn more about incrementality and how it’s measured in our Academy Webinar Series.

We also measure statistical significance with our Uplift Trust feature to ensure results are reliable.

This is a measure of statistical significance of the result, it shows that we have enough data to be sure that the results (uplift and incremental visits) aren’t affected by data randomness. Fusio analyses the volume of data and signals when it has enough data for the results to be statistically significant.

Proven Results

A recent campaign for Palmer’s, the number one Cocoa Butter brand in the US, generated impressive results against business KPIs, driving +27,736 in-store visits to specified retailer locations, garnering a 0.38% CTR above the standard benchmark. Locala’s Dynamic Catchment Area (DCA) tool had a significant impact on driving visits for the brand, accounting for 93% of the visits.

Another campaign for restaurant chain Subway generated significant traffic to its locations around France. The Initial campaign objective was to achieve 200,000 visits to the store locator but, the campaign optimization and specific targeting exceeded the goal by 31% and acquired 262,160 visits within 30 days. Subway also saw a high click-through-rate of 4.26%, which is an impressive rate when compared to an industry benchmark of 1.6%. Finally, when comparing the total users exposed to the campaign versus users not exposed, the results showed a 46.72% uplift of visits to Subway restaurants across France.

Contact us now to learn more about how our drive to store solution can help you.

About AdExchanger

AdExchanger is an integrated media and events company devoted to the digital advertising and marketing space.

Their award-winning publication enables the exchange of ideas between all members of the “ecosystem,” including marketers, agencies, publishers, data providers, advertising and marketing technology companies, analysts, the investment community and the press. AdExchanger has 223,000 monthly unique visitors, and editorial newsletters with more than 28,000 subscribers.

Deterministic Audience Insights For Drive-to-Store Campaigns

Locala partnered with zeotap, the global deterministic identity and data platform. This partnership enables Locala to leverage zeotap’s deterministic audience segments and consumer insights on behalf of their clients for their drive-to-store campaigns across Europe, the US, Canada and LATAM.

Zeotap provides data from unique enterprise sources such as security companies and payroll providers. It has access to more than one billion global unique profiles with ID-verified sociodemographic and raw app usage data as well as granular purchase intent data. Thanks to this partnership, Locala can provide a holistic understanding of consumers, allowing marketers to turn them into actionable insights in order to meet their business objectives.

With access to zeotap’s deterministic audience insights mid and post-campaign, Fusio by Locala optimizes strategies in real-time and further provides insights into in-store visitors as well as the engaged audiences within any advertising campaign – through the implementation of a lightweight pixel.

If you’re interested in seeing how deterministic audience targeting can optimize your brand or client’s campaigns, please get in touch.

Générez du trafic vers vos magasins avec le ciblage d’audience de Locala

Locala, la plateforme drive-to-store, cible la bonne audience pour vos campagnes drive-to-store. Notre plate-forme propriétaire Fusio est la boîte à outils tout-en-un pour les spécialistes du marketing, fournissant des informations grâce au ciblage d’audience qui vous aideront à attirer les bons clients dans vos magasins physiques.

Ce ciblage consiste à analyser le comportement agrégé des consommateurs en ligne et hors ligne, comme les données de localisation historiques, pour diviser les consommateurs anonymisés en groupes par intérêts ou affinités, tels que les « passionnés d’automobile » ou les « premiers utilisateurs de technologie ». La plate-forme de Locala est agnostique, vous pouvez accéder à n’importe quel fournisseur de données de votre choix pour activer la bonne audience pour votre marque, et vous pouvez également utiliser des données de première partie pour créer vos propres audiences.

Le ciblage d’audience fonctionne bien pour des segments d’utilisateurs spécifiques ou des achats de grande valeur qui sont moins fréquents et pour lesquels les clients ne s’attendent pas à prendre une décision sur-le-champ. Il s’agit notamment de l’électronique grand public, de l’ameublement ou de l’automobile.

Si vous souhaitez découvrir comment le ciblage par type d’audience peut optimiser les campagnes de votre marque ou de vos clients, veuillez nous contacter .

Drive Traffic to Your Stores with Locala’s Audience Targeting

Locala, the drive-to-store platform, targets the right audience for your drive-to-store campaigns. Our proprietary platform Fusio is the all-in-one tool kit for marketers, providing insights through audience targeting that will help you get the right customers into your brick-and-mortar stores.

This targeting consists of analyzing aggregated online and offline consumer behavior like historical location data to divide anonymized consumers into groups by interests or affinities, such as ‘auto enthusiasts’ or ‘early tech adopters’. Locala’s platform is agnostic, you can access any data provider of your choice to activate the right audience for your brand, plus you can also use first-party data to create your own audiences.

Audience targeting works well for specific user segments or high-value purchases that are less frequent and where customers would not expect to make a decision on the spot. These include consumer electronics, home furnishings, or automotive.

If you’re interested in seeing how audience targeting can optimize your brand or client’s campaigns, please get in touch.

Indirizza traffico verso i tuoi negozi con il targeting per pubblico di Locala

Locala, la piattaforma drive-to-store, si rivolge al pubblico giusto per le tue campagne drive-to-store. La nostra piattaforma proprietaria Fusio è il kit di strumenti all-in-one per gli esperti di marketing, che fornisce approfondimenti attraverso il targeting del pubblico che ti aiuterà a portare i clienti giusti nei tuoi negozi fisici.

Questo targeting consiste nell’analisi del comportamento aggregato dei consumatori online e offline, come i dati storici sulla posizione, per dividere i consumatori anonimi in gruppi in base a interessi o affinità, come “appassionati di automobili” o “appassionati di tecnologia per primi”. La piattaforma di Locala è indipendente, puoi accedere a qualsiasi fornitore di dati di tua scelta per attivare il pubblico giusto per il tuo marchio, inoltre puoi anche utilizzare dati proprietari per creare il tuo pubblico.

Il targeting per pubblico funziona bene per segmenti di utenti specifici o per acquisti di alto valore che sono meno frequenti e per i quali i clienti non si aspetterebbero di prendere una decisione in loco. Questi includono elettronica di consumo, arredamento per la casa o automobilistico.

Se sei interessato a vedere come il targeting per pubblico può ottimizzare le campagne del tuo marchio o dei tuoi clienti, contattaci .

Locala launches its very first Retail Insights Barometer

There’s no denying it, the retail revolution is underway! Whether it’s from a digital or societal perspective, the industry is facing some profound changes that have been accelerated by the health crisis we are going through today. If digital-savvy consumers already wanted to regain control of their purchases before the crisis, helped by technology and its many applications, this desire to give meaning back to their consumption has intensified today and implies many in-depth transformations for retailers.

At Locala, we want to help retailers drive more customers to stores, dealerships and restaurants by delivering outstanding advertising campaigns. This is why we’re launching the “Retail Insights” barometer, where we will be analyzing the trends that are reshaping the market through an in-depth study. It will consist of a trend book highlighting the 15 major developments that are shaking up the retail industry today and a quantitative and qualitative B-to-B section that will be unveiled later on this fall.

To give you a preview of what’s to come, discover these 6 major trends, taken from our Retail Insights barometer:

Pre-order your copy today!

Juneteenth and The Importance of the BIPOC Community

This year, Juneteenth, the nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the US, will be celebrated on a larger scale than ever before. Just days before the holiday, the Senate passed a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday and now awaits approval from the House. Many major companies already recognize Juneteenth as a day of observance including Nike, Target, and the NFL. But, this holiday isn’t just about giving employees the day off, it’s about acknowledging the African American community in a larger way outside of Black History Month.

Historically, The BIPOC community has not been prioritized as a target audience. Even though their spending power is currently at $1.3 trillion, their tastes, culture, and traditions have not always been a point of interest for brands. Now, in this new day and age, this community that makes up nearly 15% of the population can no longer be neglected.

Companies are being held accountable for keeping the BIPOC audience top of mind not only at the register, but on the shelves as well. The 15% Pledge, a nonprofit organization founded by Aurora James, challenges retailers to dedicate at least 15% of its shelf space to black owned businesses. Among the 22 brands that have pledged include Sephora, GAP, and West Elm. Within the workforce, Diversity Inclusion and Equity roles have catapulted as well. According to Indeed, Diversity Inclusion & Equality roles rose 123% between May and September 2020.

As people all over the country celebrate Juneteenth this year, it’s paramount for all retailers to create and follow through with long term strategies and commitments to incorporate the BIPOC audience in a meaningful and conspicuous way. To authentically achieve this, companies must understand they cannot solely ingratiate themselves with this audience through discounted offers and deals. It’s through representation, community, and acknowledgement of the black influence and existence in America that brands will exhibit a real desire to create long lasting change and inclusivity.

Over the next few days, Locala will create a series of posts on how our drive-to-store platform can help you target a specific audience on a localized level. When launching multicultural campaigns, it is important to speak to the exact audience you are targeting. Fusio identifies zones with a large volume of potential shoppers, so you can focus your efforts on high-potential areas.

Locala Stars – Giulia Demontis, Design Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Design Manager?
It involves creating something from nothing sometimes. Because of that, I always look for inspiration around me: even a little detail can give you the chance to develop a great idea! As a designer, I always do my best to create impacting formats, but at the same time efficient formats, in a logical way and with the best user experience. Of course, I’m an everyday support too for my team and for anyone who needs help solving creative issues 😉

How would you describe yourself?
I’m always smiling, always ready to do stupid funny things but focused and serious if I have a job to accomplish. I really love listening to music, all music but good music! I think I’m a good friend and an excellent listener: you can always find a shoulder if you need it. I love discovering new places and looking around, there is always something new to learn.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
Well, I really love my job so I don’t have a specific switch I want to do. I would probably like to try all the positions in my team, stay on the other side, better understand the dynamics of every job.

What’s your most useful skill?
As I said before, I’m a good listener and observer and that helps me be rather diplomatic in many situations.
Locala Stars – Giulia Demontis, Design Manager
What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
A cow-shaped AirPods holder! I have a really weird love for cows 😄

What do you like most about your job?
Creating something starting from a concept, an idea, and grabbing the attention of the user with my work. And why not, be proud when a client says “ok, wow, really good job”!

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Margaret Thatcher. Absolutely! I don’t like her political ideas but her temperament. A strong and determined woman, ready to do anything to put into practice what she believed in.

And your favorite superhero?
Iron Man! He’s the best. Tech and smart! Love him.

What can we find in your fridge?
There is a lot of vegetables, some dairy products, my beloved smoked salmon… and of course, dark chocolate 😆!

Locala appoints Jean-François Coutanceau as SVP CSR

Coutanceau takes on this new role to develop Locala ’s global CSR strategy and initiatives

London, June 07 2021 – Locala has appointed Jean-François Coutanceau as SVP Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to lead its efforts to make its business more sustainable while giving back to people and the planet.

This new role comes in addition to his SVP Procurement position, widening his scope to include CSR and environment-conscious actions as the company seeks to become even more socially responsible.

As the newly appointed SVP CSR, Coutanceau will be in charge of developing Locala ’s overall CSR strategy and commitments and deploying them through local and global initiatives in the different markets where Locala is present.

“I am thrilled to take on this new role”, said Coutanceau. “The digital industry has an important toll on the environment, and we need to make a conscious effort to shake the status quo and offset our impact on the planet. I am sure the initiatives we have already put in place, and those we’re working on, will help us make a real difference.”

CSR is a fundamental pillar of Locala ’s sustainability efforts and an integral part of its values. Since 2019, the company has planted over 2,000 trees and is planning on planting an additional 1,000 in 2021 to offset its carbon emissions. It has also been using recycled or refurbished tech products throughout its offices and has even reduced the length of its codes to relieve servers.

The digital advertising industry is the 6th biggest carbon emitter, with 4% of total global CO2 emissions – a number that is set to double by 2025.

To limit its very own impact on the planet, the drive-to-store specialist is aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 8% by the end of 2021 and become net carbon neutral by 2023. Locala is also focusing on building a strong and diverse team with talent from all backgrounds represented at all levels of the company.

CEO Christophe Collet said “As a strong advocate for sustainability and environmentally friendly behavior, Jean-François is a prime candidate to lead our CSR actions. I am confident he will help us make a positive impact on the environment while creating value for our partners.”

Locala Stars – Giuseppe Mastrolonardo, IT Technician

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be IT Technician?
As one of the company’s IT technicians, my responsibility is to make sure everyone else can do their job without any technical issues! Every position and every employee/intern is so dependent on their computer working correctly to do their job, that any issues can cause delays and headaches. My job also involves improving the Locala technical infrastructure and automating long and repetitive tasks.

How would you describe yourself?
I’d say as someone who is humble, hungry and ready to learn from many of my failures! I measure success by actually walking the walk and not talking the talk – even if what I set out to do doesn’t really work out at the end – the important thing for me is that I actually tried.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I would honestly love to switch positions with anyone here. I find everyone’s job so fascinating and vastly different that it’s hard to choose someone. I would love to learn a little bit of everyone’s job and become the jack of all trades (but master of none).

What’s your most useful skill?
Knowing that it’s impossible to know everything. The world is always improving and evolving so knowing everything all the time is just impossible (especially in the tech world). My most useful skill is saying “I don’t know the answer to that question, but I will do everything in my power to figure it out”.

Locala Stars - Giuseppe Mastrolonardo, IT Technician

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
I like to believe I’m a minimalist at heart and not very materialistic, so I don’t keep a lot of things on my desk. A few cool things I have are my SONOS PLAY:5, an extra wide monitor, and a little desk fan that powers via USB. I love listening to music while on the job – and nothing beats the SONOS PLAY:5.

What do you like most about your job?
I genuinely love how nice and likable everyone is. I like how everyone really believes in our product and services and that energy is infectious. On the IT side, I like my teammates – although I have never met them in person, we have built a good foundation of communication and we trust each other to fix whatever issue comes at hand.

Who’s your favorite superhero?
Is Mando a superhero? If so, then him! What’s not to love about him? A bad*ss character that learns how to care for someone that is not him.

What can we find in your fridge?
I recently bought a house with a friend and we both like the art of fermentation. In our fridge, you can find a lot of homemade Kombucha, Kimchi, different types of butters and spreads, etc. Also, lots of fruits and veggies and different types of proteins. If you know about fermenting Kombucha, we have named our SCOBY ‘Scoby Bryant’.

Connect with Giuseppe on LinkedIn.

Grand reopening – Belgium welcomes customers back to stores

2020 was the most unpredictable year most retailers have ever seen. But one thing is for sure, after long months of successive lockdowns, closed shops and social distancing, customers are ready, willing and able to hit their favorite spots.

And today, the wait is finally over! Starting this week, Belgium will begin easing coronavirus restrictions in a bid to go back to normal and kick-start recovery. This is fantastic news for non-essential businesses such as fashion outlets, hairdressers, bars and restaurants, who saw their foot traffic decrease by 40% year-on-year because of the pandemic (COMEOS).

As we enter a phase where brands and retailers will welcome customers eager to go back to stores, this is prime time for you to re-engage with your audience on all levels and get them through your doors. Drive-to-store advertising is the perfect way for you to do so (yes it is, we wrote a whole handbook about that).

At Locala, we’re here to help your brand succeed. We want to see busy stores, popular restaurants and thriving car dealerships. By using Fusio, our drive-to-store platform, you can:

Look at the results major brands like VolkswagenBrico & BricoPlanit and Dr. Oetker achieved from running a drive-to-store campaign with Locala.Grand reopening - Belgium welcomes customers back to stores

Get in touch with us to see how we can help you drive customers back to your stores, dealerships and restaurants.

Use a store-centric strategy to increase visits across all your stores

Planning a national drive-to-store campaign should be done with a store-centric strategy in place to increase visits. Although bringing a national campaign with a store-centric strategy together might be a bit more complex, you already have all the knowledge you need from regional or local activities. You’ll just need to apply that perspective to a wider campaign to ensure that you maximize your performance per store, and you’ll be able to see a consistent uplift across all your points of sale. 

These are the four key areas to include in your plan for an effective store-centric strategy:

1. The location of your store

If you use the same strategy for metropolitan stores and the ones in less populated or frequented areas, you’ll find that they don’t respond the same to your advertising efforts. For example, the catchment area – the maximum distance from your store where it’s most likely to find your customers – around metropolitan stores tends to be fairly small, but rural areas attract customers that live or work further away. 

With Fusio, our drive-to-store platform, you can use a proprietary location targeting tool that takes into account true travel distance and brand affinity, so that you can easily find the dynamic catchment area of each of your stores.

2. Personalizing your ads with DCO

Having a strategy per store also gives you the opportunity to use DCO or Dynamic Creative Optimization to show directions or the address of the closest store for each consumer who sees your ad. Or even specific discounts that are only available at selected stores.

Using our studio service and proprietary creatives, we can work together to ensure your campaign has the right message for each store and helps consumers find their way to you more easily.

3. Setting a budget per store

If you set a budget for your campaign but don’t specify it for individual stores, advertising platforms will optimize to increase your overall visitation uplift, without taking into account that certain stores might need more support to achieve the same results as others. This means stores that don’t register as many incremental visits at the start of the campaign, or that are in less populated areas (and thus cannot generate absolute values for visits as high as others), are left further and further behind by optimizing towards your best performing stores. 

This can be manually corrected, but it’s easily avoided by setting a budget per store that takes into account the store characteristics and priority for your business. That way you can ensure that all your stores are evenly benefiting from your advertising activity.

4. Discover trends and insights at the store level to feedback your strategy

Finally, by thinking about your campaign at the store level, you’ll be able to easily generate insights that are particular to each store and feed them back to your campaign tactics in real time. When you are already thinking about how to increase your visitation across all POS, you’ll be more likely to search for and see trends that could have been missed with a national approach. 

Having a strategy and a budget set per store allows you more ease and flexibility on your optimizations and to increase your performance across the board. If you want to know how that would look for your brand, please get in touch.

Locala Stars – Andrea Marchini, Head of Trading Italy

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Head of Trading?
I see myself as the campaigns’ mechanic. I care about delivery, performance and profitability and also about finding solutions that are ‘out of the box’ if something is outside the usual workflow (which, in the digital advertising environment, means almost all the time).

How would you describe yourself?
I’m eclectic and passionate about a lot of different things, from ad tech to board games, and global politics to cats. I wrote a fantasy book that you can find on Amazon (in Italian, sorry!) and I regularly attend LARP (Live Action Role Playing) events, though not during Covid, obviously.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I would like to try the ‘sales experience’ once in a while, to see how the world is from the other side of the barricade.

What’s your most useful skill?
I think I’m a good listener. Most of the time when there is friction with someone, it’s just a matter of taking a breath, sitting down and trying to understand each other better.

Locala Stars - Andrea Marchini - Head of Trading

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
I’ve mostly worked from home since joining Locala, so I don’t have a proper desk. But in the room where I usually work, I have 3 Viking shields on the wall.

What do you like most about your job?
Sometimes, working in campaign delivery is like a detective’s job: you have to make guesses and find proof about the issues you’re facing. Only then can you find the right solution. Even with algorithms and super modern platforms, human intuition can make a huge difference.

Who’s your favorite historical character?
He’s probably not really known abroad but I really like the figure of Cavour. He was an Italian king’s counselor and guided Italy to modernity during the age of resurgence and during the reunification of the country. A pragmatic but idealistic man, with a strong sense of responsibility.

And your favorite superhero?
Captain America, because I have a sweet spot in my heart for idealists.

What can we find in your fridge?
A lot of healthy food. And hidden underneath it, some super unhealthy food too. And beer.

Connect with Andrea on LinkedIn.

Why a stop-start approach to drive-to-store is hurting your brand

Drive-to-store (DTS) is still the new kid in the block and some brands are only now finding out about the benefits of focusing on business outcomes rather than media KPIs to determine the success of a campaign in the real world. 

But if this isn’t your first rodeo, and you have made the shift towards measuring offline results using offline metrics (visits and footfall uplift), it may be time to shift to a long term DTS strategy as opposed to a stop-start approach where you always have to plan and optimize from scratch. 

Now, when we’re talking about a long term strategy, we don’t mean you should have the same level of investment all year round – that could be an unsustainable budget and it may overwhelm your audience. However, a low investment commitment during ‘off-peak’ months can help maintain brand awareness, keep your audience engaged, and allow you to collect data and generate useful insights. 

Running a combination of short seasonal campaigns that provide you with a spike or boost in engagement and visitors and smaller scale off-peak activity can help you generate lasting and recurring engagement with your audience. Here are some of the benefits of ditching a start-stop DTS strategy and thinking about your long-term goals:

Easier optimization & better results across all your channels 

It’s no secret that short campaigns are harder to optimize and can deliver mixed results. That is not only because of the short time-frame that trading teams and AI have to find your audience, but also because short campaigns can be planned and delivered too fast providing an inaccurate snapshot of the reality

Short campaigns are also subpar at evaluating the performance of a channel or a creative. A better use for short bursts with an additional budget would be to use the learnings and recommendations from your off-peak periods to craft a strategy with guaranteed success.

Develop your DTS know-how and AI’s know-how

The more you use a platform or run a type of campaign the better you will be able to recognize signs that something is or isn’t working, and the better that platform’s optimization algorithms will be at optimizing your campaign for you. 

With a low investment always-on approach, you can make sure that you’re tuned in to your audience’s preferences and you’re able to find them and convert them at the right time from the start of your campaign.

Remove all guesswork: test & renew your messaging with confidence

Allowing yourself more time to work on your strategy and your assets also gives you time to test at a smaller scale new messaging, creatives, and audience segments. These tests can be run cheaply at off-peak times for your brand, minimizing the risk of choosing the wrong message during crucial times, and improving your performance

You can also spend your off-peak time testing out new channels for drive-to-store, like audio or desktop, and seeing how these might fit in your media mix. To fully understand how your activity or lack of really affects your stores, you could use tracking tools, like our Retail Analytics dashboard, that help you monitor your total footfall across all stores and at the network level.

Really understand your audience

Lastly, it’s not only about finding your audience but also about understanding them better, what their motivations are, and how they want to engage with your brand. By running off-peak campaigns you’ll be able to generate insights that aren’t impacted by seasonality – and be able to improve your performance regardless of the timing of the campaign. 

For example, this could help you understand your cycle to conversion better: how does your audience respond to different messages and at different timings? Does your audience respond better to time bound activity?

Moving from a stop-start approach to an always-on strategy means looking at your media planning and buying at a more strategic level that serves your long term plans as well as delivers on your short term objectives. It means brands and media agencies working with drive-to-store platforms directly and closely to understand what is the best approach for every moment in time. It means having enough time and data to analyze true trends and generate useful insights that can be applied across all types of campaigns. 

If you’re interested in seeing what an off-peak strategy could look like for your brand or client, please get in touch

Locala Stars – Sarah Hamouda, Legal Counsel

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Legal Counsel?
It means protecting Locala’s interests and ensuring the company complies with all the regulations in force – like GDPR or CCPA to only name the most famous – while helping the business grow.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m an optimistic and joyful person, even if I can be a little shy at times. I also think that I’m pragmatic, which allows me to approach one situation after the other to get out of any problem. This is particularly useful these days, what with the pandemic.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I’d go for someone from the Marketing team because, for me, it’s a very interesting and complete job. You have to be creative and a good communicator to create the supports, strategic to put forward the company’s vision and even a little bit technical to properly understand the product and promote it.

What’s your most useful skill?
I’m someone who can be counted on and who listens to others, which is why people talk to me openly about all kinds of things. I can be a bit like a confidant. However, I’m not sure to always give good advice…
What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
I’d say it’s a hippo-shaped pencil holder. It was a gift at the Secret Santa we organized last year in our Paris office. Thanks Steve! It’s very useful to keep my desk tidy, as things tend to quickly pile up on top of it.

What do you like most about your job?
It’s the variety of subjects I deal with. You never get bored between the commercial, privacy, or corporate needs of all the group’s subsidiaries! Every day is different, and it allows me to be in touch with various teams. Contrary to what many may think, it’s not boring at all!

Who’s your favorite superhero?
Batman! He represents justice without having any superpowers. So, he’s not a classic superhero. Also, Christopher Nolan’s trilogy is brilliant. I’m always happy to watch one of those movies.

What can we find in your fridge?
You can always find cheese because, like any good Frenchwoman, I love cheese. You’ll also find many vegetables, which I try to buy in season!

Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.

Locala Stars – Sarah Hamouda, consulente legale

Siamo un team in crescita, dedicato a rendere Locala la piattaforma drive-to-store leader a livello mondiale. Ogni giorno creiamo, codifichiamo, progettiamo e miglioriamo la nostra piattaforma per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza drive-to-store possibile. In Locala amiamo ciò che facciamo e le persone con cui lo facciamo. Vieni a conoscerci!

Cosa significa essere Consulente Legale?
Significa tutelare gli interessi di Locala e garantire che l’azienda rispetti tutte le normative vigenti – come GDPR o CCPA per citare solo le più famose – aiutando al contempo la crescita del business.

Come ti descriveresti?
Sono una persona ottimista e gioiosa, anche se a volte posso essere un po’ timida. Penso anche di essere pragmatico, il che mi permette di affrontare una situazione dopo l’altra per uscire da qualsiasi problema. Ciò è particolarmente utile in questi giorni, con la pandemia.

Se potessi cambiare posizione con un collega, chi sarebbe e perché?
Sceglierei qualcuno del team Marketing perché, per me, è un lavoro molto interessante e completo. Devi essere creativo e un buon comunicatore per creare i supporti, strategico per proporre la visione dell’azienda e anche un po’ tecnico per capire correttamente il prodotto e promuoverlo.

Qual è la tua abilità più utile?
Sono una persona su cui si può contare e che ascolta gli altri, motivo per cui le persone mi parlano apertamente di ogni genere di cose. Posso essere un po’ come un confidente. Tuttavia, non sono sicuro di dare sempre buoni consigli…
Qual è l’oggetto più pazzo che hai sulla scrivania?
Direi che è un portapenne a forma di ippopotamo. È stato un regalo al Secret Santa che abbiamo organizzato l’anno scorso nel nostro ufficio di Parigi. Grazie Steve! È molto utile tenere in ordine la mia scrivania, poiché le cose tendono ad accumularsi rapidamente sopra di essa.

Cosa ti piace di più del tuo lavoro?
È la varietà di argomenti di cui mi occupo. Non ti annoierai mai tra le esigenze commerciali, di privacy o aziendali di tutte le filiali del gruppo! Ogni giorno è diverso e mi permette di essere in contatto con varie squadre. Contrariamente a quanto molti potrebbero pensare, non è affatto noioso!

Chi è il tuo supereroe preferito?
Batman! Rappresenta la giustizia senza avere alcun superpotere. Quindi, non è un classico supereroe. Inoltre, la trilogia di Christopher Nolan è brillante. Sono sempre felice di guardare uno di quei film.

Cosa possiamo trovare nel tuo frigorifero?
Il formaggio lo trovi sempre perché, come ogni brava francese, amo il formaggio. Troverai anche tante verdure, che cerco di acquistare in stagione!

Entra in contatto con Sarah su LinkedIn .

Locala Stars – Sarah Hamouda, Conseillère juridique

Nous sommes une équipe en pleine croissance, dédiée à faire de Locala la principale plateforme de drive-to-store au monde. Chaque jour, nous créons, codons, concevons et améliorons notre plateforme pour offrir à nos clients la meilleure expérience drive-to-store possible. Chez Locala, nous aimons ce que nous faisons et les gens avec qui nous le faisons. Apprendre a nous connaitre!

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie d’être conseiller juridique?
C’est protéger les intérêts de Locala et s’assurer que l’entreprise se conforme à toutes les réglementations en vigueur – comme GDPR ou CCPA pour ne citer que les plus célèbres – tout en aidant l’entreprise à se développer.

Comment vous décririez-vous?
Je suis une personne optimiste et joyeuse, même si je peux parfois être un peu timide. Je pense aussi que je suis pragmatique, ce qui me permet d’aborder une situation après l’autre pour sortir de n’importe quel problème. Ceci est particulièrement utile de nos jours, avec la pandémie.

Si vous pouviez changer de poste avec un collègue, qui serait-ce et pourquoi ?
J’opterais pour quelqu’un de l’équipe Marketing car, pour moi, c’est un travail très intéressant et complet. Il faut être créatif et bon communicant pour créer les supports, stratégique pour mettre en avant la vision de l’entreprise et même un peu technique pour bien comprendre le produit et le promouvoir.

Quelle est votre compétence la plus utile ?
Je suis quelqu’un sur qui on peut compter et qui est à l’écoute des autres, c’est pourquoi les gens me parlent ouvertement de toutes sortes de choses. Je peux être un peu comme un confident. Cependant, je ne suis pas sûr de toujours donner de bons conseils…
Quel est l’objet le plus fou que vous ayez sur votre bureau ?
Je dirais que c’est un porte-crayon en forme d’hippopotame. C’était un cadeau au Secret Santa que nous avons organisé l’année dernière dans notre bureau de Paris. Merci Steve! C’est très utile pour garder mon bureau bien rangé, car les choses ont tendance à s’empiler rapidement dessus.

Qu’est-ce que vous aimez le plus dans votre travail?
C’est la variété des sujets que je traite. On ne s’ennuie jamais entre les besoins commerciaux, privacy ou corporate de toutes les filiales du groupe ! Chaque jour est différent et cela me permet d’être en contact avec différentes équipes. Contrairement à ce que beaucoup pourraient penser, ce n’est pas ennuyeux du tout !

Quel est ton super-héros préféré ?
Homme chauve-souris! Il représente la justice sans avoir de super pouvoirs. Donc, ce n’est pas un super-héros classique. De plus, la trilogie de Christopher Nolan est géniale. Je suis toujours heureux de regarder un de ces films.

Que trouve-t-on dans votre frigo ?
On trouve toujours du fromage car, comme toute bonne française, j’adore le fromage. Vous trouverez également de nombreux légumes, que j’essaie d’acheter en saison !

Connectez-vous avec Sarah sur LinkedIn .

Locala dans le French Tech 120 pour la deuxième année consécutive

French Tech 120 sélectionne chaque année 120 start-up françaises prometteuses ayant le potentiel de devenir des leaders technologiques mondiaux. Nous sommes très fiers d’avoir fait la coupe pour la deuxième année consécutive, ce qui est une reconnaissance fantastique de notre technologie drive-to-store.

Après une année 2020 étrange, figurer dans cette liste est encore plus significatif. C’est une preuve solide de l’efficacité de notre plateforme et de l’ancrage fort que nous avons établi en France. Notre expansion sur les marchés européens clés, ainsi qu’aux États-Unis et en Asie, a sans aucun doute contribué à nous démarquer parmi les centaines d’espoirs pour cette édition 2021. Les prix que nous avons remportés tout au long de 2020 ont probablement aussi joué en notre faveur. Parmi eux figuraient : le FW500 de FrenchWeb , les fournisseurs de solutions à la croissance la plus rapide d’Adweek , les Drum Digital Advertising Awards, les MarTech Breakthrough Awards et les OMMA Awards.

Nous n’aurions pas atteint cet objectif sans le travail de notre équipe exceptionnelle et notre technologie primée de drive-to-store , qui ont fait de Locala la plateforme leader mondiale qu’elle est aujourd’hui.

Félicitations à toutes les entreprises qui ont participé à cette édition ! Voici une année remplie de nouvelles opportunités.

Locala produce il Tech 120 francese per il secondo anno consecutivo

Ogni anno, French Tech 120 seleziona 120 promettenti start-up francesi con il potenziale per diventare leader tecnologici globali. Siamo molto orgogliosi di aver fatto il taglio per il secondo anno consecutivo, che è un fantastico riconoscimento della nostra tecnologia drive-to-store.

Dopo uno strano 2020, comparire in questa lista è ancora più significativo. È una solida prova dell’efficacia della nostra piattaforma e del forte punto d’appoggio che abbiamo stabilito in Francia. La nostra espansione nei principali mercati europei, così come negli Stati Uniti e in Asia, ha senza dubbio contribuito a distinguerci tra le centinaia di aspiranti per questa edizione 2021. Probabilmente anche i premi che abbiamo vinto nel corso del 2020 hanno giocato a nostro favore. Tra questi c’erano: FW500 di FrenchWeb , i fornitori di soluzioni in più rapida crescita di Adweek , i Drum Digital Advertising Awards, i MarTech Breakthrough Awards e gli OMMA Awards.

Non avremmo raggiunto questo obiettivo senza il lavoro del nostro eccezionale team e la nostra pluripremiata tecnologia drive-to-store , che hanno reso Locala la piattaforma leader mondiale che è oggi.

Congratulazioni a tutte le aziende che hanno partecipato a questa edizione! Un anno pieno di nuove opportunità.

Locala makes the French Tech 120 for second year running

Every year, French Tech 120 selects 120 promising French start-ups with the potential of becoming global technology leaders. We’re very proud to have made the cut for the second year in a row, which is a fantastic recognition of our drive-to-store technology.

Following a strange 2020, featuring in this list is even more meaningful. It is solid proof of the effectiveness of our platform and the strong foothold we’ve established in France. Our expansion into key European markets, as well as the US and Asia, has no doubt contributed to make us stand out among the hundreds of hopefuls for this 2021 edition. The awards we won throughout 2020 probably played in our favor too. Among them were: FrenchWeb’s FW500, Adweek’s Fastest Growing Solution ProvidersThe Drum Digital Advertising Awards, the MarTech Breakthrough Awards and the OMMA Awards.

We would not have achieved this without the work of our outstanding team and our award-winning drive-to-store technology, which have made Locala the worldwide leading platform it is today.

Congratulations to all the companies who have made it into this edition! Here’s to a year filled with new opportunities.

Locala Stars – Geoffrey Dupeyron, Senior Trading Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Senior Trading Manager?
The main tasks of my job consist in setting-up the campaigns and making sure that they deliver in full, with outstanding performances.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m someone you can always count on if you want to have fun. I’ve always been very curious, and with this pandemic, the only positive outcome for me was that I had more time to develop my professional and personal skills: learning to play piano/music production, data courses through the DataCamp platform, photography/video, etc. I love exploring new countries and new cultures, that’s why I made the choice to live exactly 5518km away from my hometown.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
It would be with someone from the Data Science team. It’s fascinating to see what you can do with data and powerful algorithms. They will not only define the future of our platform, but more globally impact our daily lives.

What’s your most useful skill?
My dancing…no I’m kidding! More seriously, it’s staying calm under pressure. It allows me to stay focused and find solutions. No great results ever came from stressful situations for me.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Since we’re working from home and I’m sharing my desk with my girlfriend, who happens to work in the wine industry, I have a lot of bottles of wine from all over the world in front of me. Cheers guys!

What do you like most about your job?
What I like is that media trading involves working with different groups of people at Locala. I enjoy the diversity of the discussions depending on who I’m talking to. It can be regarding a creative with the designers or a more technical subject with the support team.

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Martin Luther King, because he fought to end segregation and racism in the United States but influenced the rest of the world. It’s sad to see what happened in 2020 and we can see that MLK’s job is unfortunately not done yet, but he showed us the way.

And your favorite superhero?
Thor. He’s portrayed as a very masculine figure but behind all his muscles, he’s one of the superheroes with a big heart – he’s caring and loyal. I especially like his humor.

What can we find in your fridge?
As I’m willing to be a true Canadian, you will always find a can of maple syrup in there.

Connect with Geoffrey on LinkedIn.

Stelle Locala – Geoffrey Dupeyron, Senior Trading Manager

Siamo un team in crescita, dedicato a rendere Locala la piattaforma drive-to-store leader a livello mondiale. Ogni giorno creiamo, codifichiamo, progettiamo e miglioriamo la nostra piattaforma per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza drive-to-store possibile. In Locala amiamo ciò che facciamo e le persone con cui lo facciamo. Vieni a conoscerci!

Cosa significa essere Senior Trading Manager?
I compiti principali del mio lavoro consistono nell’impostare le campagne e assicurarmi che producano in pieno, con prestazioni eccezionali.

Come ti descriveresti?
Sono qualcuno su cui puoi sempre contare se vuoi divertirti. Sono sempre stato molto curioso e, con questa pandemia, l’unico risultato positivo per me è stato che ho avuto più tempo per sviluppare le mie capacità professionali e personali: imparare a suonare il pianoforte/produzione musicale, corsi dati attraverso la piattaforma DataCamp, fotografia/ video, ecc. Amo esplorare nuovi paesi e nuove culture, ecco perché ho scelto di vivere esattamente a 5518 km dalla mia città natale.

Se potessi cambiare posizione con un collega, chi sarebbe e perché?
Sarebbe con qualcuno del team di Data Science. È affascinante vedere cosa puoi fare con dati e potenti algoritmi. Non solo definiranno il futuro della nostra piattaforma, ma avranno un impatto più globale sulla nostra vita quotidiana.

Qual è la tua abilità più utile?
La mia danza… no sto scherzando! Più seriamente, è rimanere calmi sotto pressione. Mi permette di rimanere concentrato e trovare soluzioni. Nessun grande risultato è mai venuto da situazioni stressanti per me.

Qual è l’oggetto più pazzo che hai sulla scrivania?
Dato che lavoriamo da casa e condivido la mia scrivania con la mia ragazza, che per caso lavora nel settore del vino, ho davanti a me molte bottiglie di vino da tutto il mondo. Ciao ragazzi!

Cosa ti piace di più del tuo lavoro?
Quello che mi piace è che il media trading implica il lavoro con diversi gruppi di persone in Locala. Mi piace la diversità delle discussioni a seconda della persona con cui sto parlando. Può riguardare una creatività con i designer o un argomento più tecnico con il team di supporto.

Qual è il tuo personaggio storico preferito?
Martin Luther King, perché ha combattuto per porre fine alla segregazione e al razzismo negli Stati Uniti, ma ha influenzato il resto del mondo. È triste vedere cosa è successo nel 2020 e possiamo vedere che il lavoro di MLK purtroppo non è ancora finito, ma ci ha mostrato la strada.

E il tuo supereroe preferito?
Thor. È ritratto come una figura molto mascolina, ma dietro tutti i suoi muscoli, è uno dei supereroi con un grande cuore: è premuroso e leale. Mi piace particolarmente il suo umorismo.

Cosa possiamo trovare nel tuo frigorifero?
Dato che sono disposto a essere un vero canadese, troverai sempre una lattina di sciroppo d’acero lì dentro.

Connettiti con Geoffrey su LinkedIn .

Locala Stars – Geoffrey Dupeyron, responsable commercial senior

Nous sommes une équipe en pleine croissance, dédiée à faire de Locala la principale plateforme de drive-to-store au monde. Chaque jour, nous créons, codons, concevons et améliorons notre plateforme pour offrir à nos clients la meilleure expérience drive-to-store possible. Chez Locala, nous aimons ce que nous faisons et les gens avec qui nous le faisons. Apprendre a nous connaitre!

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie d’être Senior Trading Manager ?
Les tâches principales de mon travail consistent à mettre en place les campagnes et à m’assurer qu’elles livrent pleinement, avec des performances exceptionnelles.

Comment vous décririez-vous?
Je suis quelqu’un sur qui tu peux toujours compter si tu veux t’amuser. J’ai toujours été très curieux, et avec cette pandémie, le seul résultat positif pour moi a été que j’ai eu plus de temps pour développer mes compétences professionnelles et personnelles : apprentissage du piano/production musicale, cours de données via la plateforme DataCamp, photographie/ vidéo, etc. J’aime explorer de nouveaux pays et de nouvelles cultures, c’est pourquoi j’ai fait le choix de vivre à exactement 5518km de ma ville natale.

Si vous pouviez changer de poste avec un collègue, qui serait-ce et pourquoi ?
Ce serait avec quelqu’un de l’équipe Data Science. C’est fascinant de voir ce que l’on peut faire avec des données et des algorithmes puissants. Ils définiront non seulement l’avenir de notre plateforme, mais impacteront plus globalement notre vie quotidienne.

Quelle est votre compétence la plus utile ?
Ma danse… non je plaisante ! Plus sérieusement, c’est rester calme sous la pression. Cela me permet de rester concentré et de trouver des solutions. Aucun grand résultat n’est jamais venu de situations stressantes pour moi.

Quel est l’objet le plus fou que vous ayez sur votre bureau ?
Comme nous travaillons à domicile et que je partage mon bureau avec ma copine qui travaille dans le vin, j’ai devant moi beaucoup de bouteilles de vin du monde entier. Acclamations gars!

Qu’est-ce que vous aimez le plus dans votre travail?
Ce que j’aime, c’est que le commerce des médias implique de travailler avec différents groupes de personnes chez Locala. J’apprécie la diversité des discussions en fonction de mon interlocuteur. Il peut s’agir d’un sujet créatif avec les designers ou d’un sujet plus technique avec l’équipe support.

Quel est votre personnage historique préféré ?
Martin Luther King, parce qu’il s’est battu pour mettre fin à la ségrégation et au racisme aux États-Unis mais a influencé le reste du monde. C’est triste de voir ce qui s’est passé en 2020 et on voit bien que le travail de MLK n’est malheureusement pas encore terminé, mais il nous a montré le chemin.

Et votre super-héros préféré ?
Thor. Il est décrit comme une figure très masculine mais derrière tous ses muscles, il fait partie des super-héros au grand cœur – il est attentionné et loyal. J’aime particulièrement son humour.

Que trouve-t-on dans votre frigo ?
Comme je suis prêt à être un vrai Canadien, vous y trouverez toujours une boîte de sirop d’érable.

Connectez-vous avec Geoffrey sur LinkedIn .

Master the tricks of drive-to-store advertising with The Drive-to-Store Handbook

2020 was a particularly difficult year for brick-and-mortar. On top of ongoing concerns like the shift to ecommerce or how to engage with customers looking for more innovative in-store experiences, retailers now had to contend with a global pandemic that was shifting the marketplace like never before.

Social distancing and successive lockdowns took their toll on business owners. Faced with the closing of all non-essential businesses, retailers had to adapt their strategy to face these challenges head-on and pivoted to create new omnichannel experiences to keep on engaging with their customers. People were very receptive to this new approach, as was proven by their eagerness to get out of their homes and back to normal, and to stores, as restrictions were lifted.

If you are a business, big or small, with a physical location, you must figure out how to run advertising that can successfully deliver against your goals and drive customers into your stores, dealerships and restaurants.

That is why at Locala, we’ve developed a best practices handbook highlighting the most effective drive-to-store tactics for brands across verticals, with success stories from our very own clients.

In this guide, you will find the three critical elements of creating, managing and optimizing drive-to-store campaigns. The insights in the report include:

  • How to get your campaign set-up right. The goal of a drive-to-store campaign is different from a standard ad campaign, which means considering things like travel time, radius targeting, and precise competitor targeting.
  • The biggest mistake people make when running drive-to-store campaigns. Measuring performance only at the end of your campaign is too little too late. That’s why foot traffic and optimizing the campaign mid-flight is critical to its overall success.
  • Success stories from major brands like L’Occitane, Volkswagen, McDonald’s, Dr.Oetker and Burberry, that show the real impact of a well-executed drive-to-store campaign.

Get your copy of our Drive-to-Store Handbook: US editionEurope edition.

Learn how your brand can increase visits to your store or online shop. Get in touch at

Padroneggia i trucchi della pubblicità drive-to-store con il Manuale Drive-to-Store

Il 2020 è stato un anno particolarmente difficile per i mattoni e malta. Oltre alle preoccupazioni in corso come il passaggio all’e-commerce o come interagire con i clienti in cerca di esperienze in negozio più innovative, i rivenditori ora hanno dovuto fare i conti con una pandemia globale che stava cambiando il mercato come mai prima d’ora.

Il distanziamento sociale e i successivi blocchi hanno messo a dura prova gli imprenditori. Di fronte alla chiusura di tutte le attività non essenziali, i rivenditori hanno dovuto adattare la loro strategia per affrontare queste sfide frontalmente e si sono orientati per creare nuove esperienze omnicanale per continuare a interagire con i propri clienti. Le persone sono state molto ricettive a questo nuovo approccio, come è stato dimostrato dal loro desiderio di uscire dalle loro case e tornare alla normalità e ai negozi, quando le restrizioni sono state revocate.

Se sei un’azienda, grande o piccola, con una sede fisica, devi capire come gestire la pubblicità che può raggiungere con successo i tuoi obiettivi e attirare i clienti nei tuoi negozi, concessionarie e ristoranti.

Ecco perché in Locala, abbiamo sviluppato un manuale di best practice che mette in evidenza le tattiche drive-to-store più efficaci per i marchi in tutti i verticali, con storie di successo dei nostri stessi clienti.

In questa guida troverai i tre elementi critici per creare, gestire e ottimizzare le campagne drive-to-store. Gli approfondimenti nel rapporto includono:

  • Come impostare correttamente la tua campagna. L’obiettivo di una campagna drive-to-store è diverso da una campagna pubblicitaria standard, il che significa considerare elementi come il tempo di viaggio, il targeting per raggio e il targeting preciso della concorrenza.
  • L’errore più grande che le persone commettono quando eseguono campagne drive-to-store. Misurare il rendimento solo alla fine della tua campagna è troppo poco e troppo tardi. Ecco perché il traffico pedonale e l’ottimizzazione della campagna a metà volo sono fondamentali per il suo successo generale.
  • Storie di successo di grandi marchi come L’Occitane, Volkswagen, McDonald’s, Dr.Oetker e Burberry, che mostrano il reale impatto di una campagna drive-to-store ben eseguita.

Ottieni la tua copia del nostro Manuale Drive-to-Store: Edizione USA – Edizione Europa .

Scopri come il tuo marchio può aumentare le visite al tuo negozio o negozio online. Mettiti in contatto con .

Maîtrisez les astuces de la publicité drive-to-store avec The Drive-to-Store Handbook

2020 a été une année particulièrement difficile pour le brick-and-mortar. En plus des préoccupations persistantes telles que le passage au commerce électronique ou la manière d’interagir avec les clients à la recherche d’expériences en magasin plus innovantes, les détaillants devaient désormais faire face à une pandémie mondiale qui modifiait le marché comme jamais auparavant.

La distanciation sociale et les fermetures successives ont fait des ravages sur les propriétaires d’entreprise. Confrontés à la fermeture de toutes les entreprises non essentielles, les détaillants ont dû adapter leur stratégie pour faire face à ces défis de front et pivoter pour créer de nouvelles expériences omnicanales pour continuer à interagir avec leurs clients. Les gens ont été très réceptifs à cette nouvelle approche, comme en témoigne leur empressement à sortir de chez eux et à revenir à la normale, et aux magasins, à mesure que les restrictions ont été levées.

Si vous êtes une entreprise, grande ou petite, avec un emplacement physique, vous devez comprendre comment diffuser une publicité qui peut réussir à atteindre vos objectifs et attirer les clients dans vos magasins, concessionnaires et restaurants.

C’est pourquoi, chez Locala, nous avons développé un manuel des meilleures pratiques mettant en évidence les tactiques de drive-to-store les plus efficaces pour les marques dans tous les secteurs verticaux, avec des exemples de réussite de nos propres clients.

Dans ce guide, vous trouverez les trois éléments essentiels pour créer, gérer et optimiser les campagnes drive-to-store. Les informations contenues dans le rapport incluent :

  • Comment configurer correctement votre campagne. L’objectif d’une campagne drive-to-store est différent d’une campagne publicitaire standard, ce qui implique de prendre en compte des éléments tels que le temps de trajet, le ciblage par rayon et le ciblage précis des concurrents.
  • La plus grosse erreur que les gens commettent lorsqu’ils lancent des campagnes drive-to-store. Mesurer les performances uniquement à la fin de votre campagne est trop peu trop tard. C’est pourquoi le trafic piétonnier et l’optimisation de la campagne en cours de diffusion sont essentiels à son succès global.
  • Des success stories de grandes marques comme L’Occitane, Volkswagen, McDonald’s, Dr.Oetker et Burberry, qui montrent l’impact réel d’une campagne drive-to-store bien exécutée.

Obtenez votre exemplaire de notre manuel Drive-to-Store : édition US – édition Europe .

Découvrez comment votre marque peut augmenter les visites dans votre magasin ou votre boutique en ligne. Contactez-nous à .

66% of Gen Z will shop in-store for their food and beverages

The COVID pandemic definitely altered the grocery industry, bringing on the accelerated growth of online grocery ordering and delivery systems, but people still prefer to shop in-store for their groceries and food. Year-over-year growth of online grocery shopping will slow to 4.9% in 2021, down from a 41.9% growth rate in 2020. 

According to data from eMarketer and Braze, consumers said they still plan to go in-store for food and beverages:

  • 66% of Gen Z (age 18-23)
  • 73% of Millennials (age 24-39)
  • 78% of Gen Xers (age 40-55)
  • 82% of Baby Boomers (age 56-74)

Research from Google/Ipsos found that 70% of shoppers say the ability to shop in a store is important when deciding which brand or retailer to buy from, further highlighting the need for in-person grocery shopping.

At Locala, we help brands drive more consumers into their store, restaurant, or dealership. We recently partnered with a well-known national grocery store chain to help them increase their in-store visits and discovered insightful behaviors about their consumers that allowed the brand to better inform their advertising. 

The key insights and strategies we found were:

Shoppers are spending less than twenty-minutes in the store, likely running in and out for planned items. 70% of shoppers spent upwards of 15 minutes in-store, with the overall average dwell time of 10 minutes. 

To increase dwell time grocery brands can consider leveraging the following interactive and engaging custom ad formats:

  • A ‘slider’ creative to feature weekly promotional offers to pique users’ interest so they spend additional time navigating through the store, likely picking up extra or unplanned items. 
  • An ‘animated interstitial’ showcasing a creative recipe that entices people to shop for the ingredients and engage with the brand.

The brand’s audience is traveling on average less than 6 miles, and some consumers were traveling as much as 10 miles.

Visitors are traveling from short distances, so we can infer that the brand’s stores are in proximity to home and work locations.

To keep your brand top of mind:

  • Locala suggests targeting consumers who have been seen at close-by competitor stores as a great way to attain new customers. 
  • Leverage creatives that call out exclusive limited-time in-store offers such as one-day-only offers to further drive foot traffic.

Get the infographic here.

Il 66% della Gen Z farà acquisti in negozio per i propri cibi e bevande

La pandemia di COVID ha decisamente alterato l’industria alimentare, provocando la crescita accelerata dei sistemi di ordinazione e consegna di generi alimentari online, ma le persone preferiscono ancora fare acquisti in negozio per i loro generi alimentari e cibo. La crescita anno su anno della spesa online rallenterà al 4,9% nel 2021, in calo rispetto a un tasso di crescita del 41,9% nel 2020.

Secondo i dati di eMarketer e Braze, i consumatori hanno affermato che hanno ancora intenzione di andare in negozio per cibo e bevande:

  • 66% della Gen Z (età 18-23)
  • 73% dei Millennial (24-39 anni)
  • 78% dei Gen Xers (40-55 anni)
  • 82% dei baby boomer (età 56-74)

Una ricerca di Google/Ipsos ha rilevato che il 70% degli acquirenti afferma che la possibilità di fare acquisti in un negozio è importante quando si decide da quale marchio o rivenditore acquistare , evidenziando ulteriormente la necessità di fare la spesa di persona.

In Locala, aiutiamo i marchi a portare più consumatori nei loro negozi, ristoranti o concessionarie. Di recente abbiamo collaborato con una nota catena nazionale di negozi di alimentari per aiutarli ad aumentare le loro visite in negozio e abbiamo scoperto comportamenti perspicaci sui loro consumatori che hanno permesso al marchio di informare meglio la loro pubblicità.

Le informazioni chiave e le strategie che abbiamo trovato sono state:

Gli acquirenti trascorrono meno di venti minuti nel negozio, probabilmente entrando e uscendo per gli articoli pianificati. Il 70% degli acquirenti ha trascorso più di 15 minuti in negozio, con un tempo di permanenza medio complessivo di 10 minuti.

Per aumentare il tempo di permanenza, i marchi di generi alimentari possono prendere in considerazione l’utilizzo dei seguenti formati di annunci personalizzati interattivi e accattivanti:

  • Una creatività “a scorrimento” per presentare offerte promozionali settimanali per stimolare l’interesse degli utenti in modo che trascorrano più tempo a navigare nel negozio, probabilmente raccogliendo articoli extra o non pianificati.
  • Un “interstitial animato” che mostra una ricetta creativa che invoglia le persone a fare acquisti per gli ingredienti e a interagire con il marchio.

Il pubblico del marchio percorre in media meno di 6 miglia e alcuni consumatori hanno viaggiato fino a 10 miglia.

I visitatori viaggiano da brevi distanze, quindi possiamo dedurre che i negozi del marchio sono in prossimità di casa e luoghi di lavoro.

Per mantenere il tuo marchio al primo posto:

  • Locala suggerisce di rivolgersi ai consumatori che sono stati visti nei negozi vicini della concorrenza come un ottimo modo per raggiungere nuovi clienti.
  • Sfrutta le creatività che richiamano offerte esclusive in negozio a tempo limitato, come offerte per un solo giorno, per aumentare ulteriormente il traffico pedonale.

Ottieni l’infografica qui.

66 % des membres de la génération Z achèteront en magasin leurs aliments et leurs boissons

La pandémie de COVID a définitivement modifié l’industrie de l’épicerie, entraînant la croissance accélérée des systèmes de commande et de livraison d’épicerie en ligne, mais les gens préfèrent toujours faire leurs courses en magasin pour leurs courses et leur nourriture. La croissance d’une année sur l’autre des achats d’épicerie en ligne ralentira à 4,9 % en 2021, contre un taux de croissance de 41,9 % en 2020.

Selon les données d’eMarketer et de Braze, les consommateurs ont déclaré qu’ils prévoyaient toujours d’aller en magasin pour acheter de la nourriture et des boissons :

  • 66 % de la génération Z (18-23 ans)
  • 73% des Millennials (24-39 ans)
  • 78 % de la génération X (40-55 ans)
  • 82 % des baby-boomers (56-74 ans)

Une étude de Google/Ipsos a révélé que 70 % des acheteurs affirment que la possibilité de faire leurs achats dans un magasin est importante pour décider de la marque ou du détaillant auprès duquel acheter , ce qui souligne davantage la nécessité de faire ses courses en personne.

Chez Locala, nous aidons les marques à attirer plus de consommateurs dans leur magasin, restaurant ou concession. Nous nous sommes récemment associés à une chaîne d’épiceries nationale bien connue pour les aider à augmenter leurs visites en magasin et avons découvert des comportements perspicaces sur leurs consommateurs qui ont permis à la marque de mieux informer leur publicité.

Les principales idées et stratégies que nous avons trouvées étaient :

Les acheteurs passent moins de vingt minutes dans le magasin, entrant et sortant probablement des articles planifiés. 70 % des acheteurs ont passé plus de 15 minutes en magasin, avec un temps d’attente moyen de 10 minutes.

Pour augmenter le temps d’attente, les marques d’épiceries peuvent envisager de tirer parti des formats d’annonces personnalisés interactifs et attrayants suivants :

  • Une création “slider” pour présenter des offres promotionnelles hebdomadaires afin de susciter l’intérêt des utilisateurs afin qu’ils passent plus de temps à naviguer dans le magasin, en achetant probablement des articles supplémentaires ou non planifiés.
  • Un « interstitiel animé » présentant une recette créative qui incite les gens à acheter les ingrédients et à s’engager avec la marque.

L’audience de la marque parcourt en moyenne moins de 6 miles, et certains consommateurs parcourent jusqu’à 10 miles.

Les visiteurs voyagent sur de courtes distances, nous pouvons donc en déduire que les magasins de la marque sont à proximité de leur domicile et de leur lieu de travail.

Pour garder votre marque en tête :

  • Locala suggère de cibler les consommateurs qui ont été vus dans des magasins concurrents à proximité comme un excellent moyen d’atteindre de nouveaux clients.
  • Tirez parti des créations qui proposent des offres exclusives à durée limitée en magasin, telles que des offres d’une journée seulement, pour générer davantage de trafic piétonnier.

Obtenez l’infographie ici.

Locala Stars – Laura Weig, Insights Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Insights Manager?
Data is central to my role, which involves highlighting key trends and spotlighting nuggets of information to tell a story. My goal is to show the strengths of our location insights offerings through data visualization for pre- and post-sales efforts. I primarily work with account management for campaigns analysis to help strategize future recommendations. I think of this role like being a detective as I’m “uncovering” the 5 W’s – who, what, where, when, why, and how – which is vital for us and clients alike for learning and future enhancements.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m an eternal optimist, a very calm person, and a team player. As I love to listen and bounce off ideas – please do not hesitate to reach out! I live for organization and planning even if my desktop looks like a nightmare right now! Also, don’t be surprised if you get a message from me super early in the morning – I’m such an early bird and usually wake up before sunrise.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
Definitely one of the designers! While I’m certainly not the most artistic or creative person, I know that it has to feel amazing creating an ad and then actually seeing your work online! I think it’d be interesting to see how I would interpret the brief/proposal and how my ad would look in comparison to a designer’s – which I know they would win hands down!

What’s your most useful skill?
As no one day is the same, being able to adapt and be flexible are key! I love to challenge myself and learn something new – especially as it can always help the team.


What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Not sure how crazy it is since we’ve been working from home, but Tide2Go is such a lifesaver and a must-have, with me at all times. Another random object I have is a Matryoshka doll.

What do you like most about your job?
I love the fact that I get to work internally with so many different teams and people. We all bring our own perspective and take when we brainstorm, allowing us to create worthwhile data insights collateral and/or presentations. We’re all great communicators even with us all working from home.

Who’s your favorite historical character?
I don’t have an exact person in mind, but I feel most inspired by those who went against the conventional norms of their time. It takes such strength to think differently and raise questions that make you a leader and not a follower.

What can we find in your fridge?
It depends on what I find at the grocery store and what’s in season, but staples for me are cheese, tzatziki, tons of fresh vegetables, and raspberry jam.

Connect with Laura on LinkedIn.

Stelle Locala – Laura Weig, Responsabile Insights

Siamo un team in crescita, dedicato a rendere Locala la piattaforma drive-to-store leader a livello mondiale. Ogni giorno creiamo, codifichiamo, progettiamo e miglioriamo la nostra piattaforma per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza drive-to-store possibile. In Locala amiamo ciò che facciamo e le persone con cui lo facciamo. Vieni a conoscerci!

Cosa significa essere Insights Manager?
I dati sono fondamentali per il mio ruolo, che consiste nell’evidenziare tendenze chiave e mettere in luce pepite di informazioni per raccontare una storia. Il mio obiettivo è mostrare i punti di forza delle nostre offerte di informazioni sulla posizione attraverso la visualizzazione dei dati per le attività pre e post vendita. Mi occupo principalmente di gestione degli account per l’analisi delle campagne per aiutare a definire strategie future. Penso a questo ruolo come quello di essere un detective mentre “scopro” le 5 W – chi, cosa, dove, quando, perché e come – che sono vitali per noi e per i clienti allo stesso modo per l’apprendimento e i miglioramenti futuri.

Come ti descriveresti?
Sono un eterno ottimista, una persona molto calma e un giocatore di squadra. Poiché amo ascoltare e rimbalzare idee, non esitare a contattarci! Vivo per l’organizzazione e la pianificazione anche se il mio desktop sembra un incubo in questo momento! Inoltre, non sorprenderti se ricevi un messaggio da me molto presto al mattino: sono così mattiniero e di solito mi sveglio prima dell’alba.

Se potessi cambiare posizione con un collega, chi sarebbe e perché?
Sicuramente uno dei designer! Anche se non sono certamente la persona più artistica o creativa, so che deve essere fantastico creare un annuncio e poi vedere il tuo lavoro online! Penso che sarebbe interessante vedere come interpreterei il brief/proposta e come apparirebbe il mio annuncio rispetto a quello di un designer – che so che vincerebbero a mani basse!

Qual è la tua abilità più utile?
Poiché nessun giorno è lo stesso, essere in grado di adattarsi ed essere flessibile è fondamentale! Amo sfidare me stesso e imparare qualcosa di nuovo, soprattutto perché può sempre aiutare la squadra.


Qual è l’oggetto più pazzo che hai sulla scrivania?
Non sono sicuro di quanto sia pazzesco dal momento che lavoriamo da casa, ma Tide2Go è un vero toccasana e un must, con me in ogni momento. Un altro oggetto casuale che ho è una bambola Matrioska.

Cosa ti piace di più del tuo lavoro?
Adoro il fatto di poter lavorare internamente con così tanti team e persone diverse. Tutti portiamo il nostro punto di vista e prendiamo in considerazione quando facciamo un brainstorming, permettendoci di creare utili informazioni collaterali sui dati e/o presentazioni. Siamo tutti ottimi comunicatori anche se lavoriamo tutti da casa.

Qual è il tuo personaggio storico preferito?
Non ho in mente una persona precisa, ma mi sento molto ispirato da coloro che sono andati contro le norme convenzionali del loro tempo. Ci vuole tanta forza per pensare in modo diverso e sollevare domande che ti rendono un leader e non un seguace.

Cosa possiamo trovare nel tuo frigorifero?
Dipende da cosa trovo al supermercato e da cosa c’è di stagione, ma per me i prodotti base sono formaggio, tzatziki, tonnellate di verdure fresche e marmellata di lamponi.

Entra in contatto con Laura su LinkedIn .

Locala Stars – Laura Weig, responsable des connaissances

Nous sommes une équipe en pleine croissance, dédiée à faire de Locala la principale plateforme de drive-to-store au monde. Chaque jour, nous créons, codons, concevons et améliorons notre plateforme pour offrir à nos clients la meilleure expérience drive-to-store possible. Chez Locala, nous aimons ce que nous faisons et les gens avec qui nous le faisons. Apprendre a nous connaitre!

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie d’être Insights Manager ?
Les données sont au cœur de mon rôle, qui consiste à mettre en évidence les tendances clés et à mettre en lumière des pépites d’informations pour raconter une histoire. Mon objectif est de montrer les points forts de nos offres d’informations sur la localisation grâce à la visualisation des données pour les efforts avant et après-vente. Je travaille principalement avec la gestion de compte pour l’analyse des campagnes afin d’aider à élaborer des stratégies pour les recommandations futures. Je considère ce rôle comme étant un détective car je «découvre» les 5 W – qui, quoi, où, quand, pourquoi et comment – ce qui est vital pour nous et les clients pour l’apprentissage et les améliorations futures.

Comment vous décririez-vous?
Je suis un éternel optimiste, une personne très calme et un joueur d’équipe. Comme j’aime écouter et proposer des idées, n’hésitez pas à me contacter ! Je vis pour l’organisation et la planification même si mon bureau ressemble à un cauchemar en ce moment ! Aussi, ne soyez pas surpris si vous recevez un message de ma part très tôt le matin – je suis un lève-tôt et je me réveille généralement avant le lever du soleil.

Si vous pouviez changer de poste avec un collègue, qui serait-ce et pourquoi ?
Certainement l’un des créateurs ! Bien que je ne sois certainement pas la personne la plus artistique ou la plus créative, je sais que cela doit être incroyable de créer une annonce et de voir votre travail en ligne ! Je pense qu’il serait intéressant de voir comment j’interpréterais le brief/la proposition et à quoi ressemblerait mon annonce par rapport à celle d’un designer – dont je sais qu’il gagnerait haut la main !

Quelle est votre compétence la plus utile ?
Parce qu’aucune journée ne se ressemble, être capable de s’adapter et d’être flexible est essentiel ! J’aime me mettre au défi et apprendre quelque chose de nouveau – d’autant plus que cela peut toujours aider l’équipe.


Quel est l’objet le plus fou que vous ayez sur votre bureau ?
Je ne sais pas à quel point c’est fou depuis que nous travaillons à domicile, mais Tide2Go est une telle bouée de sauvetage et un incontournable, avec moi à tout moment. Un autre objet aléatoire que j’ai est une poupée Matryoshka.

Qu’est-ce que vous aimez le plus dans votre travail?
J’aime le fait de pouvoir travailler en interne avec autant d’équipes et de personnes différentes. Nous apportons tous notre propre point de vue et prenons en compte lorsque nous réfléchissons, ce qui nous permet de créer des documents et/ou des présentations utiles sur les données. Nous sommes tous d’excellents communicateurs, même si nous travaillons tous à domicile.

Quel est votre personnage historique préféré ?
Je n’ai pas de personne précise en tête, mais je me sens surtout inspiré par ceux qui sont allés à l’encontre des normes conventionnelles de leur époque. Il faut une telle force pour penser différemment et soulever des questions qui font de vous un leader et non un suiveur.

Que trouve-t-on dans votre frigo ?
Cela dépend de ce que je trouve à l’épicerie et de ce qui est de saison, mais les aliments de base pour moi sont le fromage, le tzatziki, des tonnes de légumes frais et de la confiture de framboises.

Connectez-vous avec Laura sur LinkedIn .

Locala Academy Podcast Episode 6 featuring IAB Europe: Is 2020 the year that humanized advertising?

2020 was the most unpredictable year for advertising that most of us have ever seen. But with the unpredictability came a lot of innovation and reimagination from brands. 

One thing that we noticed is that brands really adapted how they spoke and connected to their consumers. Advertisements were no longer about purely selling products, but for those brands who did it right, they became about informing people how to stay safe, or what they are doing to help fight the virus and help communities. Brands took a human approach to reassure people that things would be alright and that their brand would be with them along the way. 

In our latest podcast Helen Mussard, Marketing & Business Strategy Director, IAB Europe, and Dominique Blanc, VP, Customer Success, Locala, talked about the other major trends they noticed in 2020, as well as what they expect we’ll see in 2021. 

Take a listen below!

LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Locala Academy Podcast featuring IAB Europe: 2020Trends

Helen Mussard, Marketing & Business Strategy Director, IAB Europe



Dominique Blanc, VP, Customer Success, Locala


Hosted by Lauren Bigland, VP, Brand Strategy and Communications, Locala

Locala Academy Podcast Episode 6 con IAB Europe: il 2020 è l’anno in cui la pubblicità umanizza?

Il 2020 è stato l’anno più imprevedibile per la pubblicità che la maggior parte di noi abbia mai visto. Ma con l’imprevedibilità è arrivata molta innovazione e reimmaginazione dai marchi.

Una cosa che abbiamo notato è che i marchi hanno davvero adattato il modo in cui parlano e si sono collegati ai loro consumatori. La pubblicità non riguardava più solo la vendita di prodotti, ma per quei marchi che lo facevano bene, si trattava di informare le persone su come stare al sicuro o su cosa stanno facendo per aiutare a combattere il virus e aiutare le comunità. I marchi hanno adottato un approccio umano per rassicurare le persone che le cose sarebbero andate bene e che il loro marchio sarebbe stato con loro lungo il percorso.

Nel nostro ultimo podcast Helen Mussard, Marketing & Business Strategy Director, IAB Europe, e Dominique Blanc, VP, Customer Success, Locala, hanno parlato delle altre principali tendenze che hanno notato nel 2020 e di cosa si aspettano che vedremo nel 2021 .

Ascolta qui sotto!

LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Podcast Locala Academy con IAB Europe: 2020Trends

Helen Mussard, Direttore Marketing e Strategia Aziendale, IAB Europa



Dominique Blanc, VP, Customer Success, Locala


Presentato da Lauren Bigland, VP, Brand Strategy and Communications, Locala

Locala Academy Podcast Episode 6 avec IAB Europe : 2020 est-elle l’année de la publicité humanisée ?

2020 a été l’année la plus imprévisible pour la publicité que la plupart d’entre nous aient jamais vue. Mais avec l’imprévisibilité, il y a eu beaucoup d’innovation et de réimagination de la part des marques.

Une chose que nous avons remarquée est que les marques ont vraiment adapté leur façon de parler et de se connecter à leurs consommateurs. Les publicités ne visaient plus uniquement à vendre des produits, mais pour les marques qui ont bien fait les choses, elles se sont tournées vers l’information des gens sur la manière de rester en sécurité ou sur ce qu’ils font pour aider à combattre le virus et aider les communautés. Les marques ont adopté une approche humaine pour rassurer les gens sur le fait que tout irait bien et que leur marque les accompagnerait tout au long du chemin.

Dans notre dernier podcast, Helen Mussard, Marketing & Business Strategy Director, IAB Europe, et Dominique Blanc, VP, Customer Success, Locala, ont parlé des autres tendances majeures qu’ils ont remarquées en 2020, ainsi que de ce qu’ils s’attendent à voir en 2021 .

Écoutez ci-dessous!

LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Podcast Locala Academy avec IAB Europe : 2020Trends

Helen Mussard, directrice marketing et stratégie commerciale, IAB Europe



Dominique Blanc, vice-président, réussite client, Locala


Animé par Lauren Bigland, vice-présidente, stratégie de marque et communications, Locala

Understanding visits and other metrics in drive-to-store campaigns

As drive-to-store campaigns become more mainstream, it’s important to understand what metrics mean for the provider you are running campaigns with. ‘Visits’ can be measured or calculated in several ways, so to truly compare the impact of campaigns run across different platforms, you need to understand what each metric means for each solution.

What is a visit?

A visit in drive-to-store refers to someone who has been exposed to your advertising campaign and then gone into one of your stores. To determine a visit has happened, an identifier is collected when an ad is served and then collected again in the store. 

Currently, the best solution in the market is the MAID (mobile advertising ID), as people carry their phones with them all the time and it is a very accurate indicator of the true location. Fusio collects this ID from the bid requests it serves and our visit measurement partners also use this identifier.

When advertising has run on mobile devices, this process is fairly easy. When advertising has run on other devices, cookies or IP addresses are matched to MAIDs. 

The only constraint of deterministic measurement of visits, such as using MAIDs, is that it is impossible to measure all visits, as it relies on user consent to share their location and MAID for advertising purposes. Furthermore, with Apple’s announcement of new privacy changes to be introduced in iOS 14, users will have more opportunities to decide to opt-in or out of sharing their data with third-party companies for purposes such as visit measurement. 

We’ll talk about industry trends around measurement in section four.

1 – Self-measured or third-party visit measurement

Your provider can either measure the impact of the campaign on visits on their own or use a third-party data provider. Fusio uses third party data to give clients the impartiality and security of knowing that we don’t mark our own homework. 

Working with third-party providers also gives our clients more flexibility on how to measure the visits by choosing the measurement partner that works best for their campaign. For example, some providers don’t have enough reach in certain locations, so being able to choose gives our clients the chance to run successful campaigns worldwide.

2 – Unique or deduplicated visits

It is important to know if your solution presents you with deduplicated visits. Deduplication is the process of eliminating redundant information, in this case, visits measured more than once. That can happen because measurement providers send as much data as they can regarding visits, which means the same visit might be counted twice or more times.

A process of cleaning and tidying up that data (deduplication) is needed to see a more realistic picture of the impact of your campaign and metrics that reflect the true price of driving people to your store. 

The risk of not deduplicating visits is reporting on inflated and inaccurate metrics that do not match your offline reality.

When choosing a drive-to-store partner, we recommend checking that visits are deduplicated. Our platform Fusio ensures that visits at the order level are deduplicated. 

3 – Visits vs incremental visits and footfall uplift

Incrementality is the measurement of the lift in a certain metric, visits in this case, caused by an advertising campaign. ‘Incremental visits’ is a calculated metric, as opposed to simply measuring all visits. It takes into account the baseline at which visits happen organically, and calculates how many additional visits have occurred.

In Fusio we calculate incremental visits and footfall uplift in real-time with the data that we receive from our visit measurement partners via live API. This means we have live reporting on the impact of your campaign. To ensure these metrics are reliable, we’ve also developed an uplift trust feature that signals when campaigns have collected enough data to be statistically significant. 

Read more about our methodology and how it’s been awarded the Best Attribution Solution by the Drum in 2020. 

To understand the overall impact and the incremental impact of your campaign on in-store footfall, it’s important to have both metrics and to know they are reliable.

4 – Measured visits vs estimated visits

We’ve mentioned earlier that MAID is the most reliable way of measuring store visits as it provides advertisers with an anonymous identifier to match ad exposure to store visits. The industry and regulations are moving towards giving more control over to consumers on whether or not they want to share this identifier for advertising targeting purposes. The latest upcoming change has been Apple’s announcement that with iOS 14 users will be required to opt-in or out of sharing their MAID. 

Giving more choice back to consumers and ensuring all targeting is done with their consent is crucial, yet in this case it poses the question of how we can continue to measure store visits without this identifier.

This move is going to increase the need for creating a robust methodology to estimate total visits based on the sample of visits that can be measured. This is fairly new for the mobile industry, where deterministic measurement has been possible, but it is common practice across other media – for example estimating audience in TV or OOH. 

At Locala we are working on understanding what extrapolation could look like for our campaigns to make sure that if it is needed in the future, we can provide you with a reliable estimated visit metric. 

When looking at visits, make sure you know whether the metric is measured visits or extrapolated. They can both be useful, but should be reported separately.

5 – How to compare DTS results across solutions

To ensure you are comfortable understanding the results of your drive-to-store campaign and you are able to compare between providers, here’s a handy question list that you can ask your provider:

  • How are visits measured? Do they use MAID or other identifiers?
  • Do they measure their own results or do they use third party measurement?
  • Do they deduplicate visits? How do they ensure metrics aren’t inflated?
  • Do they measure lift in visits or only absolute visits? How do they calculate incrementality?
  • Do they extrapolate results? Do you have access to both measured visits and the extrapolated metric?

If you have any other questions regarding drive-to-store or about our solution, please get in touch.

Locala Academy Podcast: Episode 5 featuring EcoTree: How small acts can result in big changes

There’s often the notion that your voice doesn’t count, your vote doesn’t’ matter, or that if you say something it might not be as impactful as you hope. This sometimes feels true to many of us. But what happens when you challenge that thought and you take the small step?

In this episode, Guillaume Dannaud, Corporate Partnerships Officer at EcoTree, told us a well-known story about the little bird in the forest fire. As all the other animals started to flee, the hummingbird gathered the small amount of water in their beak that they could and went back and forth to the fire to help put it out. The other creatures told him that he was too small and he wouldn’t be able to help. The message here is that we must do what we can to help matters, no matter what. We cannot be in the mindset that our efforts don’t matter, because every little drop counts. 

We sat down with both Guillaume Dannaud and Jean-Francois Coutanceau, SVP Procurement and CSR at S4M to get their take on how one company’s CSR can impact their own company as well as the environment and people around the globe. With everyone doing their part, there may actually be a possibility of change.  

Take a listen to their conversation below!


LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · LocalaAcademy Podcast Ep5 – EcoTree


Guillaume Dannaud, Corporate Partnerships Officer, EcoTree



Jean-Francois Coutanceau, SVP Procurement and CSR, S4M


Hosted by Lauren Bigland, VP, Brand Strategy and Communications, Locala

Podcast Locala Academy : Épisode 5 avec EcoTree : comment de petits actes peuvent entraîner de grands changements

Il y a souvent l’idée que votre voix ne compte pas, que votre vote n’a pas d’importance, ou que si vous dites quelque chose, cela pourrait ne pas avoir autant d’impact que vous l’espérez. Cela semble parfois vrai pour beaucoup d’entre nous. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque vous défiez cette pensée et que vous faites le petit pas ?

Dans cet épisode, Guillaume Dannaud, Chargé des Partenariats Entreprises chez EcoTree, nous a raconté une histoire bien connue sur le petit oiseau dans le feu de forêt. Alors que tous les autres animaux commençaient à fuir, le colibri a recueilli la petite quantité d’eau dans son bec qu’il pouvait et a fait des allers-retours vers le feu pour aider à l’éteindre. Les autres créatures lui ont dit qu’il était trop petit et qu’il ne pourrait pas aider. Le message ici est que nous devons faire ce que nous pouvons pour aider les choses, quoi qu’il arrive. Nous ne pouvons pas être dans l’état d’esprit que nos efforts ne comptent pas, car chaque petite goutte compte.

Rencontre avec Guillaume Dannaud et Jean-François Coutanceau, SVP Achats et RSE chez S 4M pour avoir leur avis sur la manière dont la RSE d’une entreprise peut avoir un impact sur sa propre entreprise ainsi que sur l’environnement et les personnes dans le monde entier. Avec chacun faisant sa part, il peut effectivement y avoir une possibilité de changement.

Écoutez leur conversation ci-dessous!


LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Podcast LocalaAcademy Ep5 – EcoTree


Guillaume Dannaud, Chargé des partenariats entreprises, EcoTree



Jean-François Coutanceau, SVP Achats et RSE, S 4M


Animé par Lauren Bigland, vice-présidente, stratégie de marque et communications, Locala

Podcast Locala Academy: Episodio 5 con EcoTree: come piccoli atti possono portare a grandi cambiamenti

Spesso c’è l’idea che la tua voce non conti, il tuo voto non abbia importanza o che se dici qualcosa potrebbe non avere l’impatto che speri. Questo a volte sembra vero per molti di noi. Ma cosa succede quando sfidi quel pensiero e fai il piccolo passo?

In questo episodio, Guillaume Dannaud, Corporate Partnerships Officer di EcoTree, ci ha raccontato una famosa storia dell’uccellino nell’incendio della foresta. Quando tutti gli altri animali iniziarono a fuggire, il colibrì raccolse nel becco la piccola quantità d’acqua che potevano e andò avanti e indietro verso il fuoco per aiutarlo a spegnerlo. Le altre creature gli dissero che era troppo piccolo e non sarebbe stato in grado di aiutarlo. Il messaggio qui è che dobbiamo fare il possibile per aiutare le cose, qualunque cosa accada. Non possiamo essere nella mentalità che i nostri sforzi non contano, perché ogni piccola goccia conta.

Abbiamo incontrato Guillaume Dannaud e Jean-Francois Coutanceau, SVP Procurement e CSR a S 4M per ottenere la loro opinione su come la CSR di un’azienda può avere un impatto sulla propria azienda, sull’ambiente e sulle persone in tutto il mondo. Con ognuno che fa la sua parte, potrebbe esserci effettivamente una possibilità di cambiamento.

Ascolta la loro conversazione qui sotto!


LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · LocalaAcademy Podcast Ep5 – EcoTree


Guillaume Dannaud, responsabile delle partnership aziendali, EcoTree



Jean-Francois Coutanceau, SVP Appalti e CSR, S 4M


Presentato da Lauren Bigland, VP, Brand Strategy and Communications, Locala

Locala Stars – Elijah Zechariah Zhang, Studio Design Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Studio Design Manager?
As a studio creative, I seek to captivate audiences’ attention with my work. It involves conceptualizing something out of nothing, solving day-to-day creative problems, juggling multiple accounts, and being a nuanced individual. As a creative, I draw inspiration from everything around me and I constantly have my head in the clouds thinking of new ideas and creative feasibility. Every workday is different! I live by this quote: “To create is to live twice” – Albert Camus.

How would you describe yourself?
A true blue Libra, a dire fan of karaoke and always coloring outside the lines. I’m very easy-going so please don’t be shy and talk to me, I love making new friends! Outside of work, I like to dabble in both digital and film photography, as well as the occasional film making when I have the chance. My bucket list includes skydiving and visiting New York!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
Definitely with my account managers. I’m always intrigued by what they do and I think that being able to interact with new people and clients is a really good soft skill.

What’s your most useful skill?
Being able to crack jokes at any given time of day. My friends love my lame jokes as much as they hate to admit it. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Probably my bottle of melatonin pills, because I constantly find myself struggling to fall asleep!

What do you like most about your job?
I love that every single workday is different and I get to design for brands I love! I also love the sense of satisfaction whenever I complete a campaign, knowing that I’m making an impact, sometimes even if it’s just a little dent 😊

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Lee Kuan Yew. A real-life David vs Goliath story…

And your favorite superhero?
Luke Skywalker. The character and the series taught me that with a little hope, you can change the world.

What can we find in your fridge?
Soy milk, dark chocolate and probably many other dairy free products (the woes of being lactose intolerant…). OH YES! and most definitely, a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc 😉

Connect with Elijah on LinkedIn.

Locala Stars – Elijah Zechariah Zhang, directeur de la conception du studio

Nous sommes une équipe en pleine croissance, dédiée à faire de Locala la principale plateforme de drive-to-store au monde. Chaque jour, nous créons, codons, concevons et améliorons notre plateforme pour offrir à nos clients la meilleure expérience drive-to-store possible. Chez Locala, nous aimons ce que nous faisons et les gens avec qui nous le faisons. Apprendre a nous connaitre!

Que signifie être Studio Design Manager ?
En tant que studio créatif, je cherche à captiver l’attention du public avec mon travail. Cela implique de conceptualiser quelque chose à partir de rien, de résoudre des problèmes créatifs quotidiens, de jongler avec plusieurs comptes et d’être un individu nuancé. En tant que créatif, je m’inspire de tout ce qui m’entoure et j’ai constamment la tête dans les nuages en pensant à de nouvelles idées et à la faisabilité créative. Chaque journée de travail est différente ! Je vis par cette citation : “Créer, c’est vivre deux fois” – Albert Camus.

Comment vous décririez-vous?
Une vraie Balance bleue, une grande fan de karaoké et qui sort toujours des sentiers battus. Je suis très facile à vivre alors s’il vous plaît ne soyez pas timide et parlez-moi, j’adore me faire de nouveaux amis ! En dehors du travail, j’aime m’adonner à la fois à la photographie numérique et argentique, ainsi qu’à la réalisation occasionnelle de films lorsque j’en ai l’occasion. Ma liste de choses à faire comprend le parachutisme et visiter New York !

Si vous pouviez changer de poste avec un collègue, qui serait-ce et pourquoi ?
Certainement avec mes gestionnaires de compte. Je suis toujours intrigué par ce qu’ils font et je pense que pouvoir interagir avec de nouvelles personnes et de nouveaux clients est une très bonne compétence non technique.

Quelle est votre compétence la plus utile ?
Être capable de faire des blagues à tout moment de la journée. Mes amis aiment mes blagues boiteuses autant qu’ils détestent l’admettre. Merci d’être venu à ma conférence Ted.

Quel est l’objet le plus fou que vous ayez sur votre bureau ?
Probablement mon flacon de pilules de mélatonine, car j’ai constamment du mal à m’endormir !

Qu’est-ce que vous aimez le plus dans votre travail?
J’aime le fait que chaque journée de travail soit différente et je peux concevoir pour des marques que j’aime ! J’aime aussi le sentiment de satisfaction chaque fois que je termine une campagne, sachant que j’ai un impact, parfois même si ce n’est qu’un petit coup 😊

Quel est votre personnage historique préféré ?
Lee Kuan Yew. Une histoire vraie de David contre Goliath…

Et votre super-héros préféré ?
Luke Skywalker. Le personnage et la série m’ont appris qu’avec un peu d’espoir, on peut changer le monde.

Que trouve-t-on dans votre frigo ?
Du lait de soja, du chocolat noir et probablement bien d’autres produits sans lactose (les malheurs d’être intolérant au lactose…). OH OUI! et très certainement, une bouteille de Sauvignon Blanc 😉

Connectez-vous avec Elijah sur LinkedIn .

Locala Stars – Elijah Zechariah Zhang, Studio Design Manager

Siamo un team in crescita, dedicato a rendere Locala la piattaforma drive-to-store leader a livello mondiale. Ogni giorno creiamo, codifichiamo, progettiamo e miglioriamo la nostra piattaforma per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza drive-to-store possibile. In Locala amiamo ciò che facciamo e le persone con cui lo facciamo. Vieni a conoscerci!

Cosa significa essere Studio Design Manager?
Come creativo in studio, cerco di catturare l’attenzione del pubblico con il mio lavoro. Implica il concettualizzare qualcosa dal nulla, risolvere i problemi creativi quotidiani, destreggiarsi tra più account ed essere un individuo ricco di sfumature. Come creativo, traggo ispirazione da tutto ciò che mi circonda e ho costantemente la testa tra le nuvole pensando a nuove idee e fattibilità creativa. Ogni giornata lavorativa è diversa! Vivo secondo questa citazione: “Creare è vivere due volte” – Albert Camus.

Come ti descriveresti?
Una vera Bilancia blu, una fan sfegatata del karaoke e sempre fuori dagli schemi. Sono molto accomodante quindi per favore non essere timido e parla con me, adoro fare nuove amicizie! Al di fuori del lavoro, mi piace dilettarmi sia nella fotografia digitale che su pellicola, così come occasionalmente nella realizzazione di film quando ne ho la possibilità. La mia lista dei desideri include il paracadutismo e la visita a New York!

Se potessi cambiare posizione con un collega, chi sarebbe e perché?
Sicuramente con i miei account manager. Sono sempre incuriosito da quello che fanno e penso che essere in grado di interagire con nuove persone e clienti sia davvero un’ottima soft skill.

Qual è la tua abilità più utile?
Essere in grado di fare battute in qualsiasi momento della giornata. I miei amici amano le mie battute stupide tanto quanto odiano ammetterlo. Grazie per essere venuto al mio discorso di Ted.

Qual è l’oggetto più pazzo che hai sulla scrivania?
Probabilmente la mia bottiglia di pillole di melatonina, perché mi ritrovo costantemente a lottare per addormentarmi!

Cosa ti piace di più del tuo lavoro?
Adoro il fatto che ogni singola giornata lavorativa sia diversa e posso progettare per i marchi che amo! Amo anche il senso di soddisfazione ogni volta che porto a termine una campagna, sapendo che sto avendo un impatto, a volte anche se è solo una piccola ammaccatura 😊

Qual è il tuo personaggio storico preferito?
Lee Kuan Yew. Una vera storia di Davide contro Golia…

E il tuo supereroe preferito?
Luke Skywalker. Il personaggio e la serie mi hanno insegnato che con un po’ di speranza puoi cambiare il mondo.

Cosa possiamo trovare nel tuo frigorifero?
Latte di soia, cioccolato fondente e probabilmente molti altri prodotti lattiero-caseari (i guai di essere intolleranti al lattosio…). OH SI! e sicuramente una bottiglia di Sauvignon Blanc 😉

Connettiti con Elia su LinkedIn .

Brand safety and ad fraud protection in Fusio

Maintaining a brand’s image whilst making sure your advertising is reaching real people is a challenge, but using the right technology can make it easy.

According to IAS, ad fraud losses have decreased by 10% since 2017, but they still account for approximately $5.8 billion on digital display advertising alone. It’s no wonder that advertisers want to have more control over the brand safety and ad fraud measures of their campaigns.

We have implemented many brand-safety and anti-fraud measures into our technology, including several curated blacklists and whitelists updated regularly, as well as premium publisher deals ensuring campaigns are run on quality inventory, so advertisers can be confident that their brand is associated with the right content. We have also developed a proprietary algorithm, called GeoAccuracy, that filters out suspicious location data used for targeting to ensure your bids reach real people around your stores. 

But it’s even easier to ensure brand safety and viewability and to prevent ad fraud using our drive-to-store platform Fusio. Thanks to our partnership with IAS, we are able to offer pre-defined publisher segments that can cater to any brand safety requirement, so that advertising dollars can be put to good use throughout the campaign. 

When you run a campaign using Fusio, you’ll be able to choose specific publisher segments you’d like to bid on in the supply section. They’re divided into three categories:


Bid only on placements that meet or exceed your viewability goals, to ensure your campaigns are seen by real people. Viewability targets are really important for all types of brands to make sure they are paying for valuable impressions.

Brand safety

Brand safety is measured by the potential risk a publisher or placement poses to the brand image. High-risk content could be alcohol content, whereas low-risk content can be weather updates. You can now use customizable brand-risk thresholds that work for your brand image. 

Ad fraud

You make the most of your budget when your bids aren’t wasted on suspicious placements. Fusio will help to prevent your tactics from bidding on suppliers that are associated with illegal or deceptive activities such as click fraud or invalid traffic.

With a few simple clicks, you will be able to ensure your brand and your money are protected. This is a great addition to the other brand safety and anti-fraud tools you can use in Fusio, such as black or whitelisting, or accessing premium private deals directly in the platform.

Do you have any questions about how to protect your brand when running drive-to-store campaigns? Get in touch to have a chat with our team.

Sicurezza del marchio e protezione dalle frodi pubblicitarie a Fusio

Mantenere l’immagine di un marchio assicurandoti che la tua pubblicità raggiunga persone reali è una sfida, ma l’utilizzo della giusta tecnologia può renderlo facile.

Secondo la IAS, le perdite per frode pubblicitaria sono diminuite del 10% dal 2017, ma rappresentano ancora circa 5,8 miliardi di dollari solo sulla pubblicità display digitale. Non sorprende che gli inserzionisti vogliano avere un maggiore controllo sulla sicurezza del marchio e sulle misure di frode pubblicitaria delle loro campagne.

Abbiamo implementato molte misure di sicurezza del marchio e antifrode nella nostra tecnologia, tra cui diverse blacklist e whitelist curate aggiornate regolarmente, nonché accordi premium per i publisher che garantiscono che le campagne vengano eseguite su uno spazio pubblicitario di qualità, in modo che gli inserzionisti possano essere certi che il loro marchio sia associato a il contenuto giusto. Abbiamo anche sviluppato un algoritmo proprietario, chiamato GeoAccuracy, che filtra i dati sulla posizione sospetta utilizzati per il targeting per garantire che le tue offerte raggiungano persone reali nei tuoi negozi.

Ma è ancora più facile garantire la sicurezza e la visibilità del marchio e prevenire le frodi pubblicitarie utilizzando la nostra piattaforma drive-to-store Fusio. Grazie alla nostra partnership con IAS , siamo in grado di offrire segmenti di editori predefiniti in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza di sicurezza del marchio, in modo che i fondi pubblicitari possano essere utilizzati al meglio durante la campagna.

Quando esegui una campagna utilizzando Fusio, potrai scegliere segmenti di publisher specifici per i quali desideri fare offerte nella sezione dell’offerta. Sono divisi in tre categorie:


Fai offerte solo per i posizionamenti che soddisfano o superano i tuoi obiettivi di visibilità, per assicurarti che le tue campagne siano viste da persone reali. Gli obiettivi di visibilità sono davvero importanti per tutti i tipi di marchi per assicurarsi che stiano pagando per impressioni preziose.

Sicurezza del marchio

La sicurezza del marchio è misurata dal rischio potenziale che un editore o un posizionamento pone per l’immagine del marchio. Il contenuto ad alto rischio potrebbe essere il contenuto di alcol, mentre il contenuto a basso rischio può essere gli aggiornamenti meteorologici. Ora puoi utilizzare soglie di rischio del marchio personalizzabili che funzionano per l’immagine del tuo marchio.

Frode pubblicitaria

Ottieni il massimo dal tuo budget quando le tue offerte non vengono sprecate per posizionamenti sospetti. Fusio ti aiuterà a impedire che le tue tattiche facciano offerte su fornitori associati ad attività illegali o ingannevoli come clic fraudolenti o traffico non valido.

Con pochi semplici click potrai proteggere il tuo marchio e il tuo denaro. Questa è un’ottima aggiunta agli altri strumenti di sicurezza del marchio e anti-frode che puoi utilizzare in Fusio, come l’inserimento nella lista nera o bianca o l’accesso a offerte private premium direttamente nella piattaforma.

Hai domande su come proteggere il tuo marchio durante l’esecuzione di campagne drive-to-store? Mettiti in contatto per avere una chat con il nostro team.

Sécurité de la marque et protection contre la fraude publicitaire dans Fusio

Maintenir l’image d’une marque tout en s’assurant que votre publicité touche de vraies personnes est un défi, mais l’utilisation de la bonne technologie peut vous faciliter la tâche.

Selon l’IAS, les pertes liées à la fraude publicitaire ont diminué de 10 % depuis 2017, mais elles représentent toujours environ 5,8 milliards de dollars pour la seule publicité par affichage numérique. Il n’est pas étonnant que les annonceurs souhaitent avoir plus de contrôle sur la sécurité de la marque et les mesures de fraude publicitaire de leurs campagnes.

Nous avons mis en place de nombreuses mesures de sécurité de la marque et anti-fraude dans notre technologie, y compris plusieurs listes noires et listes blanches mises à jour régulièrement, ainsi que des offres d’éditeurs premium garantissant que les campagnes sont exécutées sur un inventaire de qualité, afin que les annonceurs puissent être sûrs que leur marque est associée à le bon contenu. Nous avons également développé un algorithme propriétaire, appelé GeoAccuracy, qui filtre les données de localisation suspectes utilisées pour le ciblage afin de garantir que vos enchères atteignent de vraies personnes autour de vos magasins.

Mais il est encore plus facile d’assurer la sécurité et la visibilité de la marque et de prévenir la fraude publicitaire en utilisant notre plateforme de drive-to-store Fusio. Grâce à notre partenariat avec IAS , nous sommes en mesure de proposer des segments d’éditeurs prédéfinis qui peuvent répondre à toutes les exigences de sécurité de la marque, afin que l’argent publicitaire puisse être utilisé à bon escient tout au long de la campagne.

Lorsque vous exécutez une campagne à l’aide de Fusio, vous pourrez choisir des segments d’éditeurs spécifiques sur lesquels vous souhaitez enchérir dans la section d’approvisionnement. Ils sont divisés en trois catégories :


N’enchérissez que sur des emplacements qui atteignent ou dépassent vos objectifs de visibilité, afin de vous assurer que vos campagnes sont vues par de vraies personnes. Les objectifs de visibilité sont vraiment importants pour tous les types de marques afin de s’assurer qu’elles paient pour des impressions de valeur.

Sécurité de la marque

La sécurité de la marque est mesurée par le risque potentiel qu’un éditeur ou un emplacement représente pour l’image de la marque. Le contenu à haut risque peut être la teneur en alcool, tandis que le contenu à faible risque peut être les mises à jour météorologiques. Vous pouvez désormais utiliser des seuils de risque de marque personnalisables qui conviennent à votre image de marque.

Fraude publicitaire

Vous tirez le meilleur parti de votre budget lorsque vos enchères ne sont pas gaspillées sur des emplacements suspects. Fusio vous aidera à empêcher vos tactiques d’enchérir sur des fournisseurs associés à des activités illégales ou trompeuses telles que la fraude au clic ou le trafic invalide.

En quelques clics, vous pourrez vous assurer que votre marque et votre argent sont protégés. Il s’agit d’un excellent ajout aux autres outils de sécurité de la marque et anti-fraude que vous pouvez utiliser dans Fusio, tels que la liste noire ou blanche, ou l’accès à des offres privées premium directement sur la plateforme.

Avez-vous des questions sur la manière de protéger votre marque lors de campagnes drive-to-store ? Contactez-nous pour discuter avec notre équipe.

Locala Furthers Brand Safety and Ad Fraud Measures with IAS Integration

NEW YORK – December 2, 2020 – Locala announced today the global integration of Integral Ad Science (IAS) targeting segments in its drive-to-store platform Fusio. IAS is the global leader in digital ad verification, offering technologies that drive high-quality advertising media.

According to IAS’ latest Media Quality Report, campaigns in which fraud mitigation tools were not present tend to encounter levels of ad fraud up to 25 times higher than those optimized against ad fraud. Now available in Fusio, IAS targeting segments help advertisers to prevent ad fraud, improve viewability, and meet brand safety requirements. The enhanced partnership will help to ensure that clients using Locala’s drive-to-store platform maximize their advertising dollars throughout the entire campaign.

The integration helps Locala clients to control the content that is presented next to their brand and maximize their media spend. Brands will be able to activate the add-on line settings and choose the specific segments they’d like to bid on or segments to exclude in the supply section across three categories:

  • Viewability: Bid only on placements that meet or exceed viewability goals, to ensure real people see the campaigns.
  • Brand safety: Customizable brand-risk thresholds to protect brand name and reputation.
  • Ad fraud: Make the most of ad budgets by ensuring that budgets are not wasted on suspicious placements.

The new release is a great addition to the other brand safety and anti-fraud tools that Locala has already implemented into the Fusio platform. This includes curated inclusion and exclusion lists as well as premium publisher deals, ensuring campaigns are run on quality inventory, so advertisers can be confident that their brand is associated with the right content. Locala has also developed a proprietary algorithm, called GeoAccuracy, which filters out suspicious location data used for targeting to ensure ad bids reach real people around actual stores.

“IAS has been a longtime partner of Locala, making sure that we are providing our clients with the best tools to protect their brand,” said Locala CEO, Christophe Collet. “This integration highlights our commitment to ensuring that our clients are protected, offering the opportunity to pre-determine the viewability they want, customizing where content shows up, and avoiding waste on suspicious placements. We are pleased to be able to roll-out this offer to our clients so they can even more confidently run their drive-to-store campaigns.”

“In collaboration with Locala, we’re helping advertisers continue to raise the bar for viewability standards and brand suitability efforts, while reducing ad fraud across their programmatic campaigns,” said Chance Johnson, Chief Revenue Officer, Integral Ad Science. “As mobile programmatic investments continue to grow worldwide, this new integration with IAS and Locala will bring greater efficiency to campaigns and drive stronger business outcomes.”

Locala améliore la sécurité de la marque et les mesures de fraude publicitaire avec l’intégration IAS

NEW YORK – 2 décembre 2020 – Locala a annoncé aujourd’hui l’intégration mondiale des segments de ciblage Integral Ad Science (IAS) dans sa plateforme de drive-to-store Fusio. IAS est le leader mondial de la vérification des publicités numériques, offrant des technologies qui génèrent des supports publicitaires de haute qualité.

Selon le dernier rapport sur la qualité des médias d’IAS, les campagnes dans lesquelles les outils d’atténuation de la fraude n’étaient pas présents ont tendance à rencontrer des niveaux de fraude publicitaire jusqu’à 25 fois plus élevés que ceux optimisés contre la fraude publicitaire. Désormais disponibles dans Fusio, les segments de ciblage IAS aident les annonceurs à prévenir la fraude publicitaire, à améliorer la visibilité et à répondre aux exigences de sécurité de la marque. Le partenariat amélioré aidera à garantir que les clients utilisant la plateforme drive-to-store de Locala maximisent leurs investissements publicitaires tout au long de la campagne.

L’intégration aide les clients de Locala à contrôler le contenu qui est présenté à côté de leur marque et à maximiser leurs dépenses médiatiques. Les marques pourront activer les paramètres de ligne complémentaire et choisir les segments spécifiques sur lesquels elles souhaitent enchérir ou les segments à exclure dans la section d’approvisionnement dans trois catégories :

  • Visibilité : enchérissez uniquement sur les emplacements qui atteignent ou dépassent les objectifs de visibilité, afin de garantir que de vraies personnes voient les campagnes.
  • Sécurité de la marque : seuils de risque de marque personnalisables pour protéger le nom et la réputation de la marque.
  • Fraude publicitaire : tirez le meilleur parti des budgets publicitaires en vous assurant qu’ils ne sont pas gaspillés sur des emplacements suspects.

La nouvelle version est un excellent ajout aux autres outils de sécurité de la marque et anti-fraude que Locala a déjà mis en œuvre dans la plate-forme Fusio. Cela inclut des listes d’inclusion et d’exclusion organisées ainsi que des offres d’éditeurs premium, garantissant que les campagnes sont exécutées sur un inventaire de qualité, afin que les annonceurs puissent être sûrs que leur marque est associée au bon contenu. Locala a également développé un algorithme propriétaire, appelé GeoAccuracy, qui filtre les données de localisation suspectes utilisées pour le ciblage afin de garantir que les enchères publicitaires atteignent de vraies personnes autour de magasins réels.

“IAS est un partenaire de longue date de Locala, s’assurant que nous fournissons à nos clients les meilleurs outils pour protéger leur marque”, a déclaré le PDG de Locala, Christophe Collet. “Cette intégration souligne notre engagement à garantir la protection de nos clients, en leur offrant la possibilité de déterminer à l’avance la visibilité qu’ils souhaitent, de personnaliser l’endroit où le contenu s’affiche et d’éviter le gaspillage de placements suspects. Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir déployer cette offre auprès de nos clients afin qu’ils puissent mener leurs campagnes drive-to-store avec encore plus de confiance.

« En collaboration avec Locala, nous aidons les annonceurs à continuer à relever la barre des normes de visibilité et des efforts d’adéquation de la marque, tout en réduisant la fraude publicitaire dans leurs campagnes programmatiques », a déclaré Chance Johnson, directeur des revenus, Integral Ad Science. “Alors que les investissements programmatiques mobiles continuent de croître dans le monde entier, cette nouvelle intégration avec IAS et Locala apportera une plus grande efficacité aux campagnes et générera de meilleurs résultats commerciaux.”

Locala promuove misure di sicurezza del marchio e frode pubblicitaria con l’integrazione di IAS

NEW YORK – 2 dicembre 2020 – Locala ha annunciato oggi l’integrazione globale di Integral Ad Science (IAS) per i segmenti di targeting nella sua piattaforma drive-to-store Fusio. IAS è il leader globale nella verifica degli annunci digitali, offrendo tecnologie che promuovono media pubblicitari di alta qualità.

Secondo l’ultimo Media Quality Report di IAS, le campagne in cui non erano presenti strumenti di mitigazione delle frodi tendono a incontrare livelli di frode pubblicitaria fino a 25 volte superiori a quelli ottimizzati contro la frode pubblicitaria. Ora disponibili in Fusio, i segmenti di targeting IAS aiutano gli inserzionisti a prevenire le frodi pubblicitarie, migliorare la visibilità e soddisfare i requisiti di sicurezza del marchio. La partnership rafforzata aiuterà a garantire che i clienti che utilizzano la piattaforma drive-to-store di Locala massimizzino i loro dollari pubblicitari durante l’intera campagna.

L’integrazione aiuta i clienti Locala a controllare i contenuti presentati accanto al loro marchio e a massimizzare la spesa per i media. I marchi potranno attivare le impostazioni della linea aggiuntiva e scegliere i segmenti specifici per i quali desiderano fare offerte o i segmenti da escludere nella sezione dell’offerta in tre categorie:

  • Visibilità: fai offerte solo per i posizionamenti che soddisfano o superano gli obiettivi di visibilità, per garantire che persone reali vedano le campagne.
  • Sicurezza del marchio: soglie di rischio del marchio personalizzabili per proteggere il nome e la reputazione del marchio.
  • Frode pubblicitaria: ottieni il massimo dai budget pubblicitari assicurandoti che i budget non vengano sprecati in posizionamenti sospetti.

La nuova versione è un’ottima aggiunta agli altri strumenti di sicurezza e antifrode del marchio che Locala ha già implementato nella piattaforma Fusio. Ciò include elenchi di inclusione ed esclusione curati, nonché offerte premium per i publisher, assicurando che le campagne vengano eseguite su uno spazio pubblicitario di qualità, in modo che gli inserzionisti possano essere certi che il loro marchio sia associato ai contenuti giusti. Locala ha anche sviluppato un algoritmo proprietario, chiamato GeoAccuracy, che filtra i dati sulla posizione sospetta utilizzati per il targeting per garantire che le offerte pubblicitarie raggiungano persone reali nei negozi reali.

“IAS è un partner di lunga data di Locala, assicurandosi di fornire ai nostri clienti gli strumenti migliori per proteggere il loro marchio”, ha affermato Christophe Collet, CEO di Locala. “Questa integrazione evidenzia il nostro impegno nel garantire che i nostri clienti siano protetti, offrendo l’opportunità di predeterminare la visibilità che desiderano, personalizzando dove vengono visualizzati i contenuti ed evitando sprechi in posizionamenti sospetti. Siamo lieti di poter presentare questa offerta ai nostri clienti in modo che possano gestire con ancora più sicurezza le loro campagne drive-to-store”.

“In collaborazione con Locala, stiamo aiutando gli inserzionisti a continuare ad alzare il livello degli standard di visibilità e degli sforzi di idoneità del marchio, riducendo al contempo le frodi pubblicitarie nelle loro campagne programmatiche”, ha affermato Chance Johnson, Chief Revenue Officer, Integral Ad Science. “Poiché gli investimenti programmatici mobili continuano a crescere in tutto il mondo, questa nuova integrazione con IAS e Locala porterà una maggiore efficienza alle campagne e porterà a risultati di business più solidi”.

Locala wins ‘Best Attribution Solution’ at The Drum Digital Advertising Awards

Two weeks ago, Locala won ‘Best Attribution Solution’ at The Drum Digital Advertising Awards APAC. These awards recognize businesses that deliver cut-through advertising, and the talented individuals, teams, products and services that are making the biggest difference in the digital advertising world.

The judges were looking for the best attribution solution available to the APAC market today – along with evidence that it really works.

At Locala, we deliver advertising that drives more customers to stores, dealerships, and restaurants. We help brands move away from proxy media metrics to measure the real-world performance of their advertising spend in a single unified platform that links their investments back to real-world measurements.

Our Technology

Our omnichannel drive-to-store platform, Fusio, is the first platform which optimizes campaigns in real time to deliver incremental visits to stores as a direct result of brands’ advertising efforts – whether through mobile, video, audio, display or OOH. These visits are always independently verified by third-party measurement players to separate incremental visits from organic traffic, while also excluding passers-by and employees.

Fusio leverages reliable and unique location data from mobile devices to deliver data-driven drive-to-store campaigns to consumers across the globe. We help marketers optimize their campaign parameters such as location targeting, publishers, creatives, or the type of devices and network connection to get the best return on their ad spend and drive incremental store visits.

Our Methodology

We’ve created a robust incrementality methodology using tried and tested scientific methods and applied it to drive-to-store programmatic advertising. For each and every campaign we create two identical groups, a control and an exposed group. We add a variable (delivering the advert) and compare the effect of this variable by comparing it to a consistent control group that didn’t receive it. That means we can be sure that the difference on the outcome is because of that one variable (as everything else was the same) and not an external factor.

The Locala method randomly divides your target in two groups in real time: an exposed group who will see the ad, and a smaller control group who will not see the ad.

Although the audience is the same, there are factors that can affect their composition. Some people in your audience might be employees, organic visits, near the store and mistakenly be counted as a visit. Our methodology uses ratios to ensures results are statistically relevant quickly and avoids any errors due to data randomness.

You can learn more about incrementality and how it’s measured in our Academy Webinar Series.

We also measure statistical significance with our Uplift Trust feature to ensure results are reliable.

This is a measure of statistical significance of the result, it shows that we have enough data to be sure that the results (uplift and incremental visits) aren’t affected by data randomness. Fusio analyses the volume of data and signals when it has enough data for the results to be statistically significant.

Proven Results

A recent campaign for auto brand SEAT generated impressive results against business KPIs, with an average of 5 days recorded between ad exposure and dealership visit. Overall, SEAT registered a +16% footfall uplift while the cost per incremental visit decreased by 20%, demonstrating a significant return on ad spend.

Another campaign for restaurant chain Nando’s generated meaningful business outcomes for the brand (and was Highly Commended for Best Mobile Campaign in the same awards). It reached an impressive 800,000 Singaporeans over its month-long duration and drove more than 10,000 visits to restaurants. This represents a 1.51% visitation rate – 1.5X higher than the market average. Among the total visits registered in Nando’s restaurants, over 43% were incremental, with an impressive footfall uplift of 72%.

Contact us now to learn more about how our award-winning attribution solution can help you.

About The Drum

The Drum is Europe’s largest media and marketing website and the fastest growing in the US and APAC. Each month, they attract over 1.4 million unique users and have over 200,000 social followers. Their role is to help readers make informed decisions and by showcasing the very best effective digital advertising executions, they can promote the people and businesses behind the best work. Their global positioning means that they are constantly being approached to media partner major events and they work with the likes of Cannes, SXSW, DMexco, CES, New York Festivals, Advertising Week, Clio Awards, etc.

Locala vince la “Best Attribution Solution” ai Drum Digital Advertising Awards

Due settimane fa, Locala ha vinto la “Best Attribution Solution” ai Drum Digital Advertising Awards APAC. Questi premi premiano le aziende che offrono pubblicità incisiva e le persone, i team, i prodotti e i servizi di talento che stanno facendo la differenza più grande nel mondo della pubblicità digitale.

I giudici stavano cercando la migliore soluzione di attribuzione oggi disponibile per il mercato APAC, insieme alla prova che funziona davvero.

In Locala, forniamo pubblicità che attira più clienti verso negozi, concessionarie e ristoranti. Aiutiamo i marchi ad abbandonare le metriche dei media proxy per misurare le prestazioni reali della loro spesa pubblicitaria in un’unica piattaforma unificata che collega i loro investimenti alle misurazioni del mondo reale.

La nostra tecnologia

La nostra piattaforma drive-to-store omnicanale, Fusio , è la prima piattaforma che ottimizza le campagne in tempo reale per offrire visite incrementali ai negozi come risultato diretto degli sforzi pubblicitari dei marchi, sia tramite dispositivi mobili, video, audio, display o OOH. Queste visite sono sempre verificate in modo indipendente da attori di misurazione di terze parti per separare le visite incrementali dal traffico organico, escludendo anche i passanti e i dipendenti.

Fusio sfrutta i dati sulla posizione affidabili e unici dai dispositivi mobili per fornire campagne drive-to-store basate sui dati ai consumatori di tutto il mondo. Aiutiamo i professionisti del marketing a ottimizzare i parametri della loro campagna come targeting per località, publisher, creatività o il tipo di dispositivi e connessione di rete per ottenere il miglior ritorno sulla spesa pubblicitaria e aumentare le visite in negozio.

La nostra metodologia

Abbiamo creato una solida metodologia incrementale utilizzando metodi scientifici collaudati e l’abbiamo applicata alla pubblicità programmatica drive-to-store. Per ogni campagna creiamo due gruppi identici, un gruppo di controllo e un gruppo esposto. Aggiungiamo una variabile (consegnando l’annuncio) e confrontiamo l’effetto di questa variabile confrontandola con un gruppo di controllo coerente che non l’ha ricevuta. Ciò significa che possiamo essere sicuri che la differenza sul risultato è dovuta a quella variabile (poiché tutto il resto era uguale) e non a un fattore esterno.

Il metodo Locala divide casualmente il tuo target in due gruppi in tempo reale: un gruppo esposto che vedrà l’annuncio e un gruppo di controllo più piccolo che non vedrà l’annuncio.

Sebbene il pubblico sia lo stesso, ci sono fattori che possono influenzare la loro composizione. Alcune persone nel tuo pubblico potrebbero essere dipendenti, visite organiche, vicino al negozio ed essere erroneamente conteggiate come una visita. La nostra metodologia utilizza i rapporti per garantire che i risultati siano statisticamente rilevanti rapidamente ed evita errori dovuti alla casualità dei dati.

Puoi saperne di più sull’incrementalità e su come viene misurata nella nostra serie di webinar dell’Accademia.

Misuriamo anche la significatività statistica con la nostra funzione Uplift Trust per garantire che i risultati siano affidabili.

Questa è una misura della significatività statistica del risultato, mostra che abbiamo dati sufficienti per essere sicuri che i risultati (aumento e visite incrementali) non siano influenzati dalla casualità dei dati. Fusio analizza il volume dei dati e segnala quando dispone di dati sufficienti affinché i risultati siano statisticamente significativi.

Risultati provati

Una recente campagna per il marchio automobilistico SEAT ha generato risultati impressionanti rispetto ai KPI aziendali, con una media di 5 giorni registrati tra l’esposizione dell’annuncio e la visita alla concessionaria. Complessivamente, SEAT ha registrato un aumento del numero di visitatori pari al +16%, mentre il costo per visita incrementale è diminuito del 20%, dimostrando un significativo ritorno sulla spesa pubblicitaria.

Un’altra campagna per la catena di ristoranti Nando’s ha generato risultati commerciali significativi per il marchio (ed è stata altamente elogiata per la migliore campagna mobile negli stessi premi). Ha raggiunto ben 800.000 singaporiani nel corso della sua durata di un mese e ha generato oltre 10.000 visite ai ristoranti. Ciò rappresenta un tasso di visite dell’1,51%, 1,5 volte superiore alla media del mercato. Tra le visite totali registrate nei ristoranti di Nando, oltre il 43% è stato incrementale, con un impressionante aumento del numero di visitatori del 72%.

Contattaci ora per saperne di più su come la nostra premiata soluzione di attribuzione può aiutarti.

A proposito del tamburo

The Drum è il più grande sito web di media e marketing d’Europa e quello in più rapida crescita negli Stati Uniti e nell’APAC. Ogni mese attirano oltre 1,4 milioni di utenti unici e hanno oltre 200.000 follower sui social. Il loro ruolo è aiutare i lettori a prendere decisioni informate e, mostrando le migliori esecuzioni pubblicitarie digitali efficaci, possono promuovere le persone e le aziende dietro il miglior lavoro. Il loro posizionamento globale significa che vengono costantemente avvicinati ai principali eventi dei media partner e lavorano con artisti del calibro di Cannes, SXSW, DMexco, CES, New York Festivals, Advertising Week, Clio Awards, ecc.

Tirez le meilleur parti du Black Friday de cette année avec la publicité Drive-to-Store

Avec les vacances qui approchent à grands pas, les annonceurs réfléchissent aux meilleurs canaux pour conduire en magasin tout en faisant la promotion de leurs offres Black Friday. Mais avec le grave impact que la pandémie a eu sur les ouvertures de magasins, les stocks et les heures d’ouverture, amener les gens à visiter est devenu un défi.

Mais les gens envisagent toujours de faire leurs achats des Fêtes, en personne et en ligne. Selon eMarketer, le commerce de détail aux États-Unis pour cette fête atteindra toujours 822,79 milliards de dollars. Cette année, nous verrons également les ventes de commerce électronique au détail aux États-Unis bondir de 35,8 % pour atteindre 190,47 milliards de dollars. Les jours de shopping les plus fréquentés seront le Black Friday et le Cyber Monday.

Alors que 60 % des internautes américains ont déclaré qu’ils feraient leurs achats en ligne cette saison, 45 % ont déclaré qu’ils feraient leurs achats dans les grands magasins, 30 % dans les magasins de vêtements et d’accessoires, 23 % dans les petites boutiques et 21 % achèteraient principalement. dans les magasins d’électronique.

Nous savons que les achats en ligne vont connaître une augmentation massive cette année, accélérée par la pandémie, mais cela ne signifie pas que les marques disposant d’emplacements physiques doivent complètement ignorer l’expérience d’achat en magasin. Cette année, les marques doivent être plus intelligentes dans la façon dont elles ciblent leurs clients afin de pouvoir les convertir efficacement en une visite en magasin. La publicité drive-to-store peut être extrêmement puissante lorsqu’elle est effectuée de manière stratégique et appropriée.

Voici trois choses que les marques devraient prendre en compte pour augmenter les visites des consommateurs lors du Black Friday.


Une marque peut tirer parti du ciblage géographique intelligent de plusieurs manières pour attirer les bons consommateurs dans ses magasins, restaurants ou concessions. La clé est de travailler avec un fournisseur capable de le faire efficacement.

  • Ciblez les consommateurs en fonction de leur temps de trajet ou de marche jusqu’à votre magasin.
    • En ciblant en fonction du temps de trajet de l’utilisateur, vous pouvez maximiser vos dépenses médias en définissant un temps de trajet approprié pour chacun de vos magasins. Ceci est particulièrement pertinent lorsque vous envisagez un emplacement urbain ou suburbain lorsque la différence entre la distance en voiture et la distance à pied est cruciale.
  • Cibler les zones de haute affinité
    • En ciblant les quartiers ayant une affinité ou une ressemblance plus élevée avec vos clients actuels, vous pouvez atteindre des zones avec un grand nombre d’acheteurs potentiels. L’astuce consiste à trouver un partenaire capable de découvrir et de détecter l’affinité des zones environnantes de vos emplacements de magasin.
  • Tirez parti de la géo-conquête pour cibler les acheteurs de vos concurrents
    • Utilisez des capacités de conquête concurrentielles pour atteindre les acheteurs vus dans des magasins avec une marque et des produits similaires. Cela vous permet de capter les clients de vos concurrents car vous pouvez cibler les zones autour de leurs emplacements ainsi que leurs zones de haute affinité à proximité de vos magasins.



Chez Locala, nous savons qu’une campagne publicitaire peut être bien plus qu’une simple publicité avec le bon format créatif. C’est pourquoi cette année, il sera particulièrement crucial d’utiliser le bon format pour transmettre vos messages aux consommateurs. Vous voulez rendre la tâche aussi simple que possible pour l’utilisateur, qu’il s’agisse de lui fournir des instructions en temps réel vers votre magasin ou de lui rappeler les offres du Black Friday. Voici quelques créations Locala qui permettront une conversion facile de l’impression à la visite.

  • Localisateur de magasin
    • Avec la création Store Locator, les marques peuvent intégrer l’adresse de leur magasin le plus proche, ce qui contribuera à maximiser les chances de visites, en guidant votre client potentiel avec des directions en temps réel vers votre emplacement le plus proche.
  • DCO multi-magasins
    • Le format DCO Multistore permet à votre marque de promouvoir une sélection de magasins, triés par proximité physique avec la localisation des acheteurs. Ce format est idéal pour les consommateurs pressés qui souhaitent choisir le magasin le mieux adapté à leur parcours d’achat.
  • Compte à rebours
    • L’utilisation du compte à rebours signifie que vous pouvez créer un sentiment d’urgence chez les acheteurs, en mettant en évidence le temps passé loin du Black Friday, ce qui le rend idéal pour la saison des fêtes .
  • Module complémentaire en temps réel
    • Tirez parti du format en temps réel pour rappeler à votre public qu’il est temps de magasiner le jour de l’événement. Ce format est idéal pour les campagnes de marketing instantané et les promotions chronométrées telles que les offres du Black Friday.



Il est vrai que les campagnes omnicanales cohérentes sont plus performantes que la publicité sur un seul canal. Des études ont montré que l’exécution d’une stratégie omnicanal pour une campagne publicitaire a des taux d’engagement presque 3 fois plus élevés qu’à partir d’un seul canal. En ce Black Friday, assurez-vous de vous adresser à vos consommateurs via différents canaux afin d’étendre votre portée et de renforcer votre message. Cette année, assurez-vous de travailler avec un partenaire drive-to-store qui peut exécuter votre campagne sur plusieurs canaux pertinents. Avec l’efficacité de CTV et DOOH pour captiver les gens avec le message de votre marque, le bureau a l’une des plus grandes portées pour une campagne publicitaire. Et bien que ces canaux soient excellents pour capter l’attention des utilisateurs, n’oubliez pas que le mobile reste le principal appareil pour le temps passé par les consommateurs. En associant ces autres canaux à une approche axée sur le mobile, votre marque peut renforcer votre histoire Black Friday de la manière la plus puissante, en convertissant les utilisateurs en visiteurs du magasin.

Apprenez-en plus sur les stratégies et tactiques clés pour augmenter les visites des consommateurs en magasin avec le manuel Drive-to-Store de Locala. Télécharger ici .

Make the Most of This Year’s Black Friday with Drive-to-Store Advertising

With the holidays right around the corner, advertisers are considering the best channels to drive in-store while promoting their Black Friday deals. But with the serious impact that the pandemic has had on store openings, inventory, and hours, getting people to visit has become a challenge. 

But people are still planning to do their holiday shopping, both in-person and online. According to eMarketer, US brick-and-mortar retail for this holiday will still reach $822.79 billion. This year, we will also see US retail eCommerce sales will jump 35.8% to $190.47 billion. The highest traffic shopping days will be Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 

While 60% of US internet shoppers stated they would be shopping online this season, 45% said they would be doing their shopping in department stores, 30% in clothing and accessories stores, 23% in small business shops, and 21% would shop primarily in electronic stores. 

We know that online shopping is going to see a massive increase this year, accelerated by the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean brands with physical locations should completely ignore the in-store shopping experience. This year, brands need to be smarter about the way they target their customers so they can effectively convert them to an in-store visit. Drive-to-store advertising can be extremely powerful when done strategically and properly. 

Here are three things brands should consider to increase consumer visits on Black Friday. 


There are several ways that a brand can leverage smart location targeting to drive the right consumers into their stores, restaurants, or dealerships. The key is working with a vendor that is able to effectively do it. 

  • Target consumers by their drive time or walk time to your store. 
    • By targeting based on the user’s travel time, you can maximize your media spend by setting an appropriate travel time to each of your stores. This is especially relevant when you are considering an urban versus suburban location when the difference between driving distance and walking distance is crucial. 
  • Target higher affinity areas 
    • By targeting neighborhoods with higher affinity or likeness to your already consumers, you can reach zones with a large volume of potential shoppers. The trick is being able to find a partner that can discover and detect the affinity of the surrounding areas of your store locations. 
  • Leverage geo-conquesting to target your competition’s shoppers
    • Use competitive conquesting capabilities to reach shoppers seen at stores with similar branding and products. Doing this allows you to capture your competitor’s customers because you can target the areas around their locations as well as their high-affinity zones in proximity to your stores. 



At Locala, we know that an advertising campaign can be much more than just an ad with the right creative format. That’s why this year it will be especially crucial to use the right format when delivering your messages to consumers. You want to make it as easy as possible for the user, whether that be providing them with real-time directions to your store, or reminding them of Black Friday deals. Here are a few Locala creatives that will allow for easy conversion from impression to visit. 

  • Store Locator 
    • With the Store Locator creative, brands can Integrate the address of their nearest store, which will help maximize the chances of visits, guiding your potential customer with real-time directions to your closest location. 
  • Multistore DCO
    • The Multistore DCO format allows your brand to promote a selection of stores, sorted by physical proximity to shoppers’ location. This format is great for busy consumers who want to choose the store best suiting their shopping journey.
  • Countdown 
    • Using the Countdown means that you can create a sense of urgency among shoppers, highlighting the time away from Black Friday, making it ideal for the holiday season
  • Real-Time Add-On
    • Leverage the Real-time format to remind your audience it’s time to shop on the day of the event. This format is ideal for moment marketing campaigns and timed promotions such as Black Friday deals. 



It’s true that cohesive omnichannel campaigns perform better than advertising on one channel alone. Studies have shown that executing an omnichannel strategy for an advertising campaign has almost 3x higher engagement rates than from one single channel. This Black Friday, make sure that you’re speaking to your consumers through different channels so you can extend your reach and reinforce your message. This year make sure you are working with a drive-to-store partner that can execute your campaign across several relevant channels. With the effectiveness of CTV and DOOH in captivating people with your brand’s message, desktop has one of the largest reaches for an ad campaign. And while these channels are great at capturing user attention, don’t forget that mobile is still the primary device for consumer time spent. By coupling these other channels with a mobile-focused approach, your brand can reinforce your Black Friday story in the most powerful way, converting users to store visitors. 

Learn more about key strategies and tactics for boosting consumer in-store visits with Locala’s The Drive-to-Store Handbook. Download here.

Ottieni il massimo dal Black Friday di quest’anno con la pubblicità Drive-to-Store

Con le festività dietro l’angolo, gli inserzionisti stanno valutando i migliori canali per guidare in negozio mentre promuovono le loro offerte del Black Friday. Ma con il grave impatto che la pandemia ha avuto sulle aperture dei negozi, sull’inventario e sugli orari, convincere le persone a visitare è diventata una sfida.

Ma le persone stanno ancora pianificando di fare i loro acquisti natalizi, sia di persona che online. Secondo eMarketer, la vendita al dettaglio di mattoni e malta negli Stati Uniti per questa festività raggiungerà ancora $ 822,79 miliardi. Quest’anno, vedremo anche le vendite di eCommerce al dettaglio negli Stati Uniti aumenteranno del 35,8% a 190,47 miliardi di dollari. I giorni di shopping più trafficati saranno il Black Friday e il Cyber Monday.

Mentre il 60% degli acquirenti su Internet negli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che avrebbe fatto acquisti online in questa stagione, il 45% ha affermato che avrebbe fatto acquisti nei grandi magazzini, il 30% nei negozi di abbigliamento e accessori, il 23% nei negozi di piccole imprese e il 21% avrebbe effettuato acquisti principalmente nei negozi di elettronica.

Sappiamo che lo shopping online vedrà un enorme aumento quest’anno, accelerato dalla pandemia, ma ciò non significa che i marchi con sedi fisiche dovrebbero ignorare completamente l’esperienza di acquisto in negozio. Quest’anno, i marchi devono essere più intelligenti nel modo in cui si rivolgono ai propri clienti in modo da poterli convertire efficacemente in una visita in negozio. La pubblicità drive-to-store può essere estremamente potente se eseguita in modo strategico e corretto.

Ecco tre cose che i marchi dovrebbero considerare per aumentare le visite dei consumatori durante il Black Friday.


Esistono diversi modi in cui un marchio può sfruttare il targeting per posizione intelligente per indirizzare i consumatori giusti nei loro negozi, ristoranti o concessionari. La chiave è lavorare con un fornitore in grado di farlo in modo efficace.

  • Indirizza i consumatori in base al tempo di guida o al tempo di percorrenza fino al tuo negozio.
    • Selezionando il targeting in base al tempo di viaggio dell’utente, puoi massimizzare la spesa per i media impostando un tempo di viaggio appropriato per ciascuno dei tuoi negozi. Ciò è particolarmente rilevante quando si considera una posizione urbana rispetto a quella suburbana quando la differenza tra la distanza in auto e la distanza a piedi è cruciale.
  • Punta alle aree di maggiore affinità
    • Mirando ai quartieri con maggiore affinità o somiglianza con i tuoi già consumatori, puoi raggiungere zone con un grande volume di potenziali acquirenti. Il trucco è riuscire a trovare un partner in grado di scoprire e rilevare le affinità delle aree circostanti le posizioni dei tuoi negozi.
  • Sfrutta la geo-conquista per indirizzare gli acquirenti della concorrenza
    • Usa le capacità di conquista della concorrenza per raggiungere gli acquirenti visti nei negozi con marchi e prodotti simili. In questo modo puoi catturare i clienti della concorrenza perché puoi scegliere come target le aree intorno alle loro posizioni così come le loro zone ad alta affinità in prossimità dei tuoi negozi.



In Locala sappiamo che una campagna pubblicitaria può essere molto più di un semplice annuncio con il giusto formato creativo. Ecco perché quest’anno sarà particolarmente importante utilizzare il formato giusto per consegnare i messaggi ai consumatori. Vuoi renderlo il più semplice possibile per l’utente, fornendo loro indicazioni in tempo reale per raggiungere il tuo negozio o ricordando loro le offerte del Black Friday. Ecco alcune creatività Locala che consentiranno una facile conversione dall’impressione alla visita.

  • Localizzatore di negozi
    • Con la creatività Store Locator, i marchi possono Integrare l’indirizzo del negozio più vicino, il che aiuterà a massimizzare le possibilità di visite, guidando il tuo potenziale cliente con indicazioni in tempo reale verso la posizione più vicina.
  • DCO multinegozio
    • Il formato Multistore DCO consente al tuo marchio di promuovere una selezione di negozi, ordinati per vicinanza fisica alla posizione degli acquirenti. Questo formato è ottimo per i consumatori impegnati che vogliono scegliere il negozio più adatto al loro percorso di acquisto.
  • Conto alla rovescia
    • L’uso del conto alla rovescia significa che puoi creare un senso di urgenza tra gli acquirenti, evidenziando il tempo lontano dal Black Friday, rendendolo ideale per le festività natalizie .
  • Componente aggiuntivo in tempo reale
    • Sfrutta il formato in tempo reale per ricordare al tuo pubblico che è ora di fare acquisti il giorno dell’evento. Questo formato è ideale per campagne di marketing momentaneo e promozioni a tempo come le offerte del Black Friday.



È vero che le campagne omnicanale coese hanno un rendimento migliore rispetto alla pubblicità su un solo canale. Gli studi hanno dimostrato che l’esecuzione di una strategia omnicanale per una campagna pubblicitaria ha tassi di coinvolgimento quasi 3 volte superiori rispetto a un singolo canale. Questo Black Friday, assicurati di parlare ai tuoi consumatori attraverso canali diversi in modo da poter estendere la tua portata e rafforzare il tuo messaggio. Quest’anno assicurati di lavorare con un partner drive-to-store in grado di eseguire la tua campagna su diversi canali pertinenti. Con l’efficacia di CTV e DOOH nell’attrarre le persone con il messaggio del tuo marchio, il desktop ha una delle più ampie possibilità per una campagna pubblicitaria. E mentre questi canali sono ottimi per catturare l’attenzione degli utenti, non dimenticare che il dispositivo mobile è ancora il dispositivo principale per il tempo speso dai consumatori. Abbinando questi altri canali a un approccio incentrato sui dispositivi mobili, il tuo marchio può rafforzare la tua storia del Black Friday nel modo più potente, convertendo gli utenti in visitatori del negozio.

Scopri di più sulle strategie e le tattiche chiave per aumentare le visite dei consumatori in negozio con il Manuale Drive-to-Store di Locala. Scarica qui .

Learn how to execute effective drive-to-store advertising with The Drive-to-Store Handbook

Brick-and-mortar has been under a lot of pressure in recent years, and while talk of a retail apocalypse might have been overblown, retailers have faced a lot of challenges, including the boom of eCommerce, the rise of real estate rents for many shops and businesses, as well as the demand from consumers for better, more engaging in-store experiences. 

Then came 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic; shops, in-door dining, and nonessential businesses were forced to close and people were avoiding crowded places. But business owners adapted and pivoted to deal with the hurdles placed in front of them, creating omnichannel experiences for shoppers where needed. 

So yes, this year has hit everyone across the globe hard, but it is clear that busy main streets and shops are still essential for communities to thrive. This has been made evident through the eagerness people have shown to get out of their houses and into malls and stores. While the world begins to return to a sense of ‘normalcy’, we are seeing people more willing to go out to the store for their shopping experiences. 

If you are a business, big or small, with a physical location, you need to figure out how to get consumers into your store, restaurant, or dealership.  

That is why at Locala, the Drive-to-Store Platform, we’ve been working hard to develop a best practices handbook highlighting the most effective drive-to-store tactics for brands across verticals, with proven successes from our very own clients. 

In this guide, you will find the three critical elements of creating, managing and optimizing drive-to-store campaigns. The insights in the report include:

  • The goal of a drive-to-store campaign is different from a standard ad campaign, so getting the set-up right is crucial. That means considering things like travel time, radius targeting, and precise competitor targeting.
  • The biggest mistake people make when running drive-to-store campaigns is only measuring performance at the end. But by that point, if people aren’t flocking to your store, it’s too late. That’s why foot traffic and optimizing the campaign mid-flight is critical to its overall success.
  • Success stories from major brands like Palmer’s, L’Occitane, St Hubert, and Volkswagen that demonstrate the real impact of a well-executed drive-to-store campaign. 

Click here to download The Drive-to-Store Handbook. 

Learn how your brand can increase consumer visits to your store or online shop. Get in touch at 

Scopri come eseguire un’efficace pubblicità drive-to-store con il Manuale Drive-to-Store

I mattoni e malta sono stati sottoposti a molte pressioni negli ultimi anni e, sebbene i discorsi sull’apocalisse del commercio al dettaglio avrebbero potuto essere esagerati, i rivenditori hanno dovuto affrontare molte sfide, tra cui il boom dell’eCommerce, l’aumento degli affitti immobiliari per molti negozi e attività commerciali, nonché la richiesta da parte dei consumatori di esperienze in negozio migliori e più coinvolgenti.

Poi è arrivato il 2020 e la pandemia di COVID-19; negozi, ristoranti al coperto e attività non essenziali furono costretti a chiudere e le persone evitavano i luoghi affollati. Ma gli imprenditori si sono adattati e si sono orientati per affrontare gli ostacoli posti di fronte a loro, creando esperienze omnicanale per gli acquirenti dove necessario.

Quindi sì, quest’anno ha colpito duramente tutti in tutto il mondo, ma è chiaro che le strade principali e i negozi affollati sono ancora essenziali per la prosperità delle comunità. Ciò è stato reso evidente dall’entusiasmo che le persone hanno dimostrato di uscire dalle loro case per entrare nei centri commerciali e nei negozi. Mentre il mondo inizia a tornare a un senso di “normalità”, vediamo persone più disposte ad andare in negozio per le loro esperienze di acquisto.

Se sei un’azienda, grande o piccola, con una sede fisica, devi capire come attirare i consumatori nel tuo negozio, ristorante o concessionaria.

Ecco perché in Locala, la piattaforma Drive-to-Store, abbiamo lavorato duramente per sviluppare un manuale di best practice che evidenzi le tattiche drive-to-store più efficaci per i marchi di tutti i verticali, con successi comprovati dai nostri stessi clienti.

In questa guida troverai i tre elementi critici per creare, gestire e ottimizzare le campagne drive-to-store. Gli approfondimenti nel rapporto includono:

  • L’obiettivo di una campagna drive-to-store è diverso da una campagna pubblicitaria standard, quindi ottenere la giusta configurazione è fondamentale. Ciò significa considerare cose come tempo di percorrenza, targeting per raggio e targeting preciso della concorrenza.
  • L’errore più grande che le persone commettono quando eseguono campagne drive-to-store è solo misurare le prestazioni alla fine. Ma a quel punto, se le persone non si accalcano nel tuo negozio, è troppo tardi. Ecco perché il traffico pedonale e l’ottimizzazione della campagna a metà volo sono fondamentali per il suo successo generale.
  • Storie di successo di grandi marchi come Palmer’s, L’Occitane, St Hubert e Volkswagen che dimostrano il reale impatto di una campagna drive-to-store ben eseguita.

Fare clic qui per scaricare il Manuale Drive-to-Store.

Scopri come il tuo marchio può aumentare le visite dei consumatori al tuo negozio o negozio online. Mettiti in contatto a

Apprenez à exécuter une publicité drive-to-store efficace avec The Drive-to-Store Handbook

La brique et le mortier ont subi de fortes pressions ces dernières années, et même si les discussions sur une apocalypse du commerce de détail ont peut-être été exagérées, les détaillants ont été confrontés à de nombreux défis, notamment l’essor du commerce électronique, la hausse des loyers immobiliers pour de nombreux magasins et entreprises, ainsi que la demande des consommateurs pour des expériences en magasin meilleures et plus engageantes.

Puis vint 2020 et la pandémie de COVID-19 ; les magasins, les restaurants à domicile et les entreprises non essentielles ont été contraints de fermer et les gens évitaient les endroits bondés. Mais les propriétaires d’entreprise se sont adaptés et ont pivoté pour faire face aux obstacles qui se dressaient devant eux, créant des expériences omnicanales pour les acheteurs si nécessaire.

Alors oui, cette année a durement touché tout le monde à travers le monde, mais il est clair que les rues principales et les magasins animés sont toujours essentiels pour que les communautés prospèrent. Cela a été rendu évident par l’empressement que les gens ont montré à sortir de chez eux et à se rendre dans les centres commerciaux et les magasins. Alors que le monde commence à retrouver un sentiment de « normalité », nous constatons que les gens sont plus disposés à se rendre au magasin pour leurs expériences de magasinage.

Si vous êtes une entreprise, grande ou petite, avec un emplacement physique, vous devez déterminer comment attirer les consommateurs dans votre magasin, restaurant ou concession.

C’est pourquoi, chez Locala, la plate-forme Drive-to-Store, nous avons travaillé dur pour développer un manuel des meilleures pratiques mettant en évidence les tactiques de drive-to-store les plus efficaces pour les marques dans tous les secteurs verticaux, avec des succès prouvés de nos propres clients.

Dans ce guide, vous trouverez les trois éléments essentiels pour créer, gérer et optimiser les campagnes drive-to-store. Les informations contenues dans le rapport incluent :

  • L’objectif d’une campagne drive-to-store est différent d’une campagne publicitaire standard, il est donc crucial d’avoir la bonne configuration. Cela signifie considérer des choses comme temps de trajet, ciblage par rayon et ciblage précis des concurrents.
  • La plus grande erreur que les gens commettent lors de l’exécution de campagnes drive-to-store est de ne mesurer les performances qu’à la fin. Mais à ce stade, si les gens n’affluent pas dans votre magasin, il est trop tard. C’est pourquoi le trafic piétonnier et l’optimisation de la campagne en cours de diffusion sont essentiels à son succès global.
  • Des histoires de réussite de grandes marques comme Palmer’s, L’Occitane, St Hubert et Volkswagen qui démontrent l’impact réel d’une campagne drive-to-store bien exécutée.

Cliquez ici pour télécharger le manuel Drive-to-Store.

Découvrez comment votre marque peut augmenter les visites des consommateurs dans votre magasin ou votre boutique en ligne. Contactez-nous au

Locala ranks no. 39 in FrenchWeb’s FW500

FrenchWeb has ranked Locala no. 39 in its FW500 list, honoring the most promising and dynamic companies in French tech. From AdTech, to software publishers, healthcare, or ecommerce, FW500 draws the picture of a diverse industry where tech is on the rise. The award celebrates those companies whose vitality, growth and contribution to the French economy are increasingly significant.

We’re not only proud to have been shortlisted in this ranking for the fifth year running, but also for going up nearly 40 places to reach 39th place. Being part of this edition holds even more meaning due to the current situation and is a reminder that AdTech can play a vital role in driving economic recovery in difficult times.

Over the last few years, we’ve worked hard to develop an effective drive-to-store platform that answers critical market needs for retailers with physical locations. Our aim is to help brands succeed – to see busy stores, popular restaurants and thriving car dealerships. Thanks to our solid foundations in the French market and our team of digital advertising experts, we’ve built a global award-wining company that helps brands drive traffic to their physical stores in those locations where it’s still business as usual, but can also adapt and help brands run drive-to-store campaigns with a twist to direct customers to online stores and click-and-collect locations.

Featuring in the top 100 companies for five years in a row is a ringing endorsement of our outstanding team and drive-to-store technology, which have made Locala the global leader it is today.

Have a look at the full FW500 ranking here.

Locala è al n. 39 nell’FW500 di FrenchWeb

FrenchWeb ha classificato Locala n. 39 nella sua lista FW500, in onore delle aziende più promettenti e dinamiche della tecnologia francese. Da AdTech, agli editori di software, assistenza sanitaria o e-commerce, FW500 disegna il quadro di un settore diversificato in cui la tecnologia è in aumento. Il premio celebra quelle aziende la cui vitalità, crescita e contributo all’economia francese sono sempre più significativi.

Non solo siamo orgogliosi di essere stati selezionati in questa classifica per il quinto anno consecutivo , ma anche di essere risaliti di quasi 40 posizioni per raggiungere il 39 ° posto. Essere parte di questa edizione ha ancora più significato a causa della situazione attuale e ci ricorda che l’AdTech può svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nel guidare la ripresa economica in tempi difficili.

Negli ultimi anni, abbiamo lavorato duramente per sviluppare un’efficace piattaforma drive-to-store che risponda alle esigenze critiche del mercato per i rivenditori con sedi fisiche. Il nostro obiettivo è aiutare i marchi ad avere successo, a vedere negozi affollati, ristoranti famosi e fiorenti concessionarie di automobili. Grazie alle nostre solide basi nel mercato francese e al nostro team di esperti di pubblicità digitale, abbiamo costruito un globale azienda pluripremiata che aiuta i marchi a indirizzare il traffico verso i loro negozi fisici in quelle località in cui è ancora normale, ma può anche adattarsi e aiutare i marchi a gestire campagne drive-to-store con una svolta per indirizzare i clienti ai negozi online e fare clic e -raccogliere posizioni.

La presenza tra le prime 100 aziende per cinque anni consecutivi è un’approvazione squillante del nostro eccezionale team e della nostra tecnologia drive-to-store, che hanno reso Locala il leader globale che è oggi.

Dai un’occhiata alla classifica FW500 completa qui .

Advertising strategies to keep your business top of mind during lockdown

2020 hasn’t been an easy year for high-street retailers, and with more lockdown-type restrictions looming ahead of the winter months, a classic drive-to-store strategy might not be the right choice for every business.

Remaining top of mind and showing your audience how you’re still supporting them can mean a speedy recovery when you go back to business as usual. Whatever your situation is, here’s how we can help you:

You are able to open normally

If your business is considered essential and you’ll be open, we strongly recommend running drive-to-store campaigns to let your customers know you’re still trading and your updated opening hours to boost your in-store traffic. 

Targeting only your local audience during this time will work the best for your business, as your clients might not be willing or able to travel too far. To help you identify key areas, you can use our Dynamic Catchment Area tool to select the true travel distance (driving or walking) to your store and also areas that have a high affinity with your past visitors, so you can make sure your advertising is reaching potential customers only. 

You are open for takeaway, or click and collect

If you’re continuing your business but a little differently, remind your local customers that you’re still open and how to order from your store. Run a drive-to-store campaign with a twist. First, target around your catchment area – where you deliver or a short walk around your store for pick-up. Then you can direct your customers to your online store so they can place their order or you can jump this step if orders can be placed in person and direct them to their nearest store. 

Thanks to our technology, you’ll be able to measure website visits and physical store visits

Only your online store is open for deliveries 

If you can only trade online, traditional drive-to-site campaigns should be your go-to. If you can only deliver to a certain area, it’s important that you geotarget your campaign so that you reach only those who can receive your product. Once you’ve got your catchment area sorted, you can reuse existing visuals to easily have a traffic campaign up and running. 

Often advertisers rely on social media and search engines to push this type of campaign, but mobile display campaigns in-app can be highly effective to drive traffic and increase brand recall. And once your store is able to open fully again, you can retarget these high potential audiences and measure your in-store traffic. 

You had to stop all business

Sadly, many businesses have had to temporarily close their doors during lockdown. Though it might be difficult to justify ad spend during this time, running branding campaigns to remain top of mind has a strong pay off when you can resume trading

Mobile and desktop display is a great medium for branding, and even a small investment can generate sufficient reach to keep your brand in the picture and connect with your consumer base. If you cannot do it with advertising or on top of your advertising, social media can be a great way to keep in touch with your existing audience. 

If you want to know more about how we can help you navigate local and national restrictions and prepare for the future, get in touch.

Strategie pubblicitarie per mantenere la tua attività al primo posto durante il lockdown

Il 2020 non è stato un anno facile per i rivenditori al dettaglio e, con ulteriori restrizioni di tipo lockdown che incombono in vista dei mesi invernali, una classica strategia drive-to-store potrebbe non essere la scelta giusta per ogni azienda.

Rimanere al primo posto e mostrare al tuo pubblico come lo stai ancora supportando può significare una pronta ripresa quando torni al lavoro come al solito. Qualunque sia la tua situazione, ecco come possiamo aiutarti:

Puoi aprire normalmente

Se la tua attività è considerata essenziale e sarai aperto, ti consigliamo vivamente di eseguire campagne drive-to-store per far sapere ai tuoi clienti che stai ancora facendo trading e gli orari di apertura aggiornati per aumentare il traffico in negozio.

Indirizzare solo il tuo pubblico locale durante questo periodo funzionerà al meglio per la tua attività, poiché i tuoi clienti potrebbero non essere disposti o in grado di viaggiare troppo lontano. Per aiutarti a identificare le aree chiave, puoi utilizzare il nostro Strumento Dynamic Catchment Area per selezionare la vera distanza percorsa (in auto oa piedi) dal tuo negozio e anche le aree che hanno un’elevata affinità con i tuoi visitatori passati, così puoi assicurarti che la tua pubblicità raggiunga solo potenziali clienti.

Sei aperto per l’asporto, oppure clicca e ritira

Se stai continuando la tua attività ma in modo leggermente diverso, ricorda ai tuoi clienti locali che sei ancora aperto e come ordinare dal tuo negozio. Gestisci una campagna drive-to-store con una svolta. Per prima cosa, punta intorno al tuo bacino di utenza, dove consegni o fai una breve passeggiata nel tuo negozio per il ritiro. Quindi puoi indirizzare i tuoi clienti al tuo negozio online in modo che possano effettuare l’ordine oppure puoi saltare questo passaggio se gli ordini possono essere effettuati di persona e indirizzarli al negozio più vicino.

Grazie alla nostra tecnologia, sarai in grado di misurare le visite al sito Web e le visite ai negozi fisici .

Solo il tuo negozio online è aperto per le consegne

Se puoi fare trading solo online, le tradizionali campagne drive-to-site dovrebbero essere il tuo punto di riferimento. Se puoi consegnare solo in una determinata area, è importante che tu destini la tua campagna a un targeting geografico in modo da raggiungere solo coloro che possono ricevere il tuo prodotto. Una volta che hai ordinato il tuo bacino di utenza, puoi riutilizzare gli elementi visivi esistenti per avere facilmente una campagna di traffico attiva e funzionante.

Spesso gli inserzionisti si affidano ai social media e ai motori di ricerca per promuovere questo tipo di campagna, ma le campagne display per dispositivi mobili in-app possono essere molto efficaci per indirizzare il traffico e aumentare il ricordo del marchio. E una volta che il tuo negozio sarà in grado di riaprire completamente, puoi reindirizzare questi segmenti di pubblico ad alto potenziale e misurare il traffico in negozio.

Hai dovuto interrompere tutti gli affari

Purtroppo, molte aziende hanno dovuto chiudere temporaneamente i battenti durante il blocco. Anche se potrebbe essere difficile giustificare la spesa pubblicitaria durante questo periodo, correre campagne di branding per rimanere al primo posto ha un forte vantaggio quando puoi riprendere a fare trading .

Il display mobile e desktop è un ottimo mezzo per il branding e anche un piccolo investimento può generare una copertura sufficiente per mantenere il tuo marchio in primo piano e connettersi con la tua base di consumatori. Se non puoi farlo con la pubblicità o in aggiunta alla tua pubblicità, i social media possono essere un ottimo modo per rimanere in contatto con il tuo pubblico esistente.

Se vuoi saperne di più su come possiamo aiutarti a superare le restrizioni locali e nazionali e a prepararti per il futuro, contattaci.

Stratégies publicitaires pour garder votre entreprise en tête pendant le confinement

2020 n’a pas été une année facile pour les détaillants de rue, et avec davantage de restrictions de type verrouillage qui se profilent à l’approche des mois d’hiver, une stratégie classique de drive-to-store pourrait ne pas être le bon choix pour toutes les entreprises.

Rester à l’esprit et montrer à votre public comment vous le soutenez peut signifier un rétablissement rapide lorsque vous reprenez vos activités habituelles. Quelle que soit votre situation, voici comment nous pouvons vous aider :

Vous pouvez ouvrir normalement

Si votre entreprise est considérée comme essentielle et que vous serez ouvert, nous vous recommandons fortement de lancer des campagnes drive-to-store pour faire savoir à vos clients que vous négociez toujours et vos heures d’ouverture mises à jour pour augmenter votre trafic en magasin.

Cibler uniquement votre public local pendant cette période fonctionnera le mieux pour votre entreprise, car vos clients pourraient ne pas vouloir ou ne pas pouvoir voyager trop loin. Pour vous aider à identifier les domaines clés, vous pouvez utiliser notre Outil de zone de chalandise dynamique pour sélectionner la véritable distance de déplacement (en voiture ou à pied) jusqu’à votre magasin, ainsi que les zones qui ont une forte affinité avec vos anciens visiteurs, afin que vous puissiez vous assurer que votre publicité n’atteint que des clients potentiels.

Vous êtes ouvert à emporter, ou click and collect

Si vous poursuivez votre activité mais un peu différemment, rappelez à vos clients locaux que vous êtes toujours ouvert et comment commander dans votre magasin. Lancez une campagne drive-to-store avec une touche d’originalité. Tout d’abord, ciblez votre zone de chalandise – où vous livrez ou une courte promenade autour de votre magasin pour le ramassage. Ensuite, vous pouvez diriger vos clients vers votre boutique en ligne afin qu’ils puissent passer leur commande ou vous pouvez sauter cette étape si les commandes peuvent être passées en personne et les diriger vers leur magasin le plus proche.

Grâce à notre technologie, vous pourrez mesurer les visites sur le site Web et les visites en magasin physique .

Seule votre boutique en ligne est ouverte pour les livraisons

Si vous ne pouvez échanger qu’en ligne, les campagnes traditionnelles de drive-to-site devraient être votre choix. Si vous ne pouvez livrer que dans une certaine zone, il est important de cibler géographiquement votre campagne afin de n’atteindre que ceux qui peuvent recevoir votre produit. Une fois que vous avez trié votre zone de chalandise, vous pouvez réutiliser les visuels existants pour avoir facilement une campagne de trafic opérationnelle.

Les annonceurs s’appuient souvent sur les réseaux sociaux et les moteurs de recherche pour promouvoir ce type de campagne, mais les campagnes d’affichage mobile intégrées à l’application peuvent être très efficaces pour générer du trafic et accroître la mémorisation de la marque.. Et une fois que votre magasin est en mesure de rouvrir complètement, vous pouvez recibler ces audiences à fort potentiel et mesurer votre trafic en magasin.

Tu as dû arrêter toutes les affaires

Malheureusement, de nombreuses entreprises ont dû fermer temporairement leurs portes pendant le confinement. Bien qu’il puisse être difficile de justifier les dépenses publicitaires pendant cette période, l’exécution Les campagnes de branding pour rester en tête ont un bon rapport qualité-prix lorsque vous pouvez reprendre le trading .

L’affichage mobile et de bureau est un excellent support pour l’image de marque, et même un petit investissement peut générer une portée suffisante pour garder votre marque dans l’image et se connecter avec votre base de consommateurs. Si vous ne pouvez pas le faire avec de la publicité ou en plus de votre publicité, les médias sociaux peuvent être un excellent moyen de rester en contact avec votre public existant.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la manière dont nous pouvons vous aider à gérer les restrictions locales et nationales et à vous préparer pour l’avenir, contactez-nous.

Locala Academy Podcast: Episode 4 featuring Givsly: Why Corporate Purpose is Crucial for Businesses

Corporate Social Responsibility has been sort of a buzzword in the industry over the past couple of years, but 2020 has really made businesses put their money, and their time, where their mouth is. 

With Generation Z becoming a large part of the working population, we are seeing the increase of interest from internal employees to work for a brand or company that has a CSR arm and actively contributes to organizations that align with their beliefs and values. This is also something that is becoming very apparent when we look at how consumers are determining what brands they will and won’t buy from. 

Noticing the desire for businesses in the ad tech industry to be more purposeful with their time and the way they engage with their clients and employees, Chad Hickey started Givsly,  a company built to drive business through a culture of purpose. 

In the latest episode of the Locala Academy Podcast, we sat down with Chad, CEO, and Founder at Givsly, and Locala’s Ed Silhan, Chief Revenue Officer, North America, to talk about the importance of instilling your brand/company with a sense of purpose that aligns with your audience, internally and externally. 

Take a listen to their conversation and to learn more about Givsly. 


Chad Hickey,  Founder, and CEO, Givsly



Ed Silhan, Chief Revenue Officer, North America, Locala



Hosted by Lauren Bigland, VP, Brand Strategy and Communications, Locala

Locala Stars – Rheem Al Barazi, Account Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Account Manager?
I act as a liaison between clients and Locala to answer operation needs and provide day-to-day strategic solutions that respond to clients’ KPIs and challenges. I collaborate with the sales team on prospecting efforts and proactively uncover untapped opportunities. I work alongside the trading and design teams to deliver best in class RFPs and successfully launch sold campaigns. Although my job focuses mostly on pre-sales efforts, which only has two people (including myself) managing all of the US portfolio, the nature of this fast-growing company also finds me covering post-sales tasks and ad-hoc projects — this makes my job even more interesting!

How would you describe yourself?
I consider myself a stress-free, positive, and glass half-full kind of girl. I’m always willing to help and if I don’t have a solution to the problem, I own up to it and reach out to the right people until we fix the situation. I’m a night owl, always have been and probably always will be! So, don’t be surprised if you see me online at crazy hours of the night! I think anyone who works with me knows I love a good party. I’ve helped organize happy hours, games, surprise birthdays… My motto is pretty cliché but true nonetheless: work hard, play hard 😄

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
Probably a designer. I’ve always been super creative when it comes to art and making up games. I’ve always wanted to learn how to design websites and seeing our studio’s incredible work made me even more interested in graphic design. In my opinion, there’s a sense of freedom when it comes to their job, they get to play with assets and words and bring their vision to life.

What’s your most useful skill?
I’m very good at organizing events/trips. A lot of friends and even acquaintances reach out to me to help them organize parties, birthdays, going aways, housewarmings, etc. I should start charging them, ha!

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
My Google Home. This thing is possessed! It answers questions I never even asked and at the most random times. One time, it did it while I was on a client call!

What do you like most about your job?
I like that I get to work with everyone internally, regardless of the department they’re in. I also love facing clients and getting a sense of immense satisfaction when I help clarify things for them, which in turn grants us their trust and sometimes more business!

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Anyone who was brave enough to fight the system and change the status quo at their time and continues to do so.

What can we find in your fridge?
You’ll find a lot of cheese, Greek yogurt, dumplings, smoked salmon, some greens, mint and other fresh herbs. Anything from Trader Joe’s really, my favorite supermarket!

Connect with Rheem on LinkedIn.

Plan your drive-to-store campaigns with our new location intelligence tool

Whether you are starting your drive-to-store advertising journey or you are seasoned in increasing your store traffic, there’s one thing that is true: you need data to make the right decisions. 

In this case, you need visitation data for the stores where you are running campaigns to understand the impact across the board. But you need more than the number of visits coming from your campaign, you need the total number of visits for each store. Collect this data over time and you’ve got a solid understanding of the visitation patterns that govern each POI. 

Our new location intelligence tool, Retail Analytics, allows you to do just that and it presents your data in a series of useful graphs and charts. The insights come divided in two sections: store network level and individual store level, to make sure you have your big picture data as well as your granular information per store.


At the network level you’ll want to look at overarching patterns and trends that change with time:

Top and bottom performing stores 

Identify which ones could benefit from additional spend, or if a particular strategy has managed to push your store performance to the top tier.

Total and average number of visits per day

Two quick metrics to understand if your campaigns are having the desired effect.

Weekly and monthly visitation trends

An easy way to check your overall performance or to test drive-to-store campaigns and other media promotions in a few stores and understand the impact before launching to additional locations. 

When you’re looking at how each store is performing:

Week on week visits comparison

A great way to see the impact at the store level is to focus on whether this trend is going up or down. 

Armed with the power these insights give you, you’ll be able to:

  • Increase traffic across the board by identifying stores that could benefit from running additional activities.
  • Test your promotional activities and understand what worked well so that it can be repeated in other stores.
  • Make sure your ad spend is effective when you compare footfall disparities of stores with heavy ad spend vs smaller budgets.
  • Anticipate demand and improve the in-store customer experience by making sure your logistics and operations are ready to handle the influx of store traffic. 

This tool is part of our commitment to help retailers increase their in store foot traffic. Thanks to it, we are able to provide data beyond their campaign performance that truly helps them see the big picture and understand how to best approach their drive-to-store activities. 

If you are interested in learning more about this new solution or drive-to-store in general, get in touch.

Locala’s drive-to-store technology certified by the Mobile Marketing Association

Locala granted the Drive-to-Trust ‘Right Place’ label for their drive-to-store capabilities

PARIS, October 26, 2020 – The Mobile Marketing Association, in partnership with the CESP, has granted Locala the Drive-to-Trust ‘Right Place’ certification for their drive-to-store technology. This certification acknowledges drive-to-store advertising solutions that deliver effective local or geolocated campaigns and guarantees the quality of their geotargeting.

Nearly half of the world population owns a smartphone with integrated user positioning software today. Technological solution providers have seized this opportunity to leverage users’ geolocation data to help advertisers run relevant media activations to drive consumers to points of sale depending on their physical location. By partnering with the CESP, the Mobile Marketing Association is defining the gold standard for these drive-to-store advertising providers – ensuring the relevance of the audited criteria and a neutral and impartial certification process – to give advertisers more confidence in these technological solutions.

With this certification, brands can be sure that they’re working with verified and accurate drive-to-store partners. As a large majority of advertisers is switching to drive-to-store and an increasing number of technological solutions are popping up, the Drive-to-Trust label will help brands know which solutions will provide them with reliable and unique location data from mobile devices to deliver data-driven campaigns to drive more customers to stores, dealerships and restaurants.

Thanks to the mobile geolocation data of opted-in users, Locala can offer advertisers effective drive-to-store campaigns by pinpointing the right audience, sending them appropriate messages and measuring resulting in-store visits – the holy grail for retailers who still generate most of their revenue through brick-and-mortar sales.

“This certification underlines the precision and quality of our technology. It’s important that advertisers know they can trust their drive to store partners to deliver effective, accurate campaigns, and this is a fantastic step forward for the industry”, said Christophe Collet, CEO and Co-founder at Locala.

About the MMA

The MMA’s mission is to enable marketers to drive innovation and enduring business value in an increasingly dynamic and mobile connected world. Comprised of over 800-member companies globally and 14 regional offices, the MMA is the only marketing trade association that brings together the full ecosystem of marketers, tech providers and sellers working collaboratively to architect the future of marketing, while relentlessly delivering growth today. Anchoring the MMA’s mission are four core pillars; to cultivate inspiration by driving innovation for the Chief Marketing Officer; to build the mobile marketing capabilities for marketing organizations through fostering know-how and confidence; to champion the effectiveness and impact of mobile through research providing tangible ROI; and to advocate for mobile marketers.

About the CESP

The CESP is the non-profit industry body for the advertising and media industry players with an interest in measuring audiences and the effectiveness of media campaigns. The CESP audits all currency measurement systems on behalf of its members across every type of media: Internet, TV, press, out-of-home, radio and cinema.

A genuine laboratory of ideas, the CESP is a neutral and independent forum to discuss innovations as well as the conventions that the various industry players are called upon to define collectively.

A widely trusted third-party organization, the CESP also offers certification and consultancy services in France and internationally.

Four Tips to Boost Visits and Sales This Holiday Season

It goes without saying that this year’s holiday shopping season and overall seasonal celebrations will be unlike any other we’ve experienced. There is a myriad of things that are going to impact how people shop, when and where people shop, and the availability of items they’re shopping for. 

We know that there will be certain difficulties associated with this year, but there is still a lot of opportunity for brands. According to eMarketer, nearly 48% of US shoppers are still planning to spend the same amount on their holiday shopping as they did in 2019. 

Yes, this year will be challenging for brands and they will need to rethink some of the ways and the channels in which they are hoping to reach and connect with their consumers.

We’ve put together a few smart tips to consider when planning your holiday ad campaigns this year, whether it be to increase in-store visits or traffic to your online e-shop. 


Tactic 1: Use an omnichannel approach to generate store visits

We know that time spent with mobile has surged during the past 7 months, and mobile remains the key channel to reach consumers. Brands should focus on this consumption shift and leverage mobile as the primary device in their drive-to-store efforts, but combining multiple channels can help boost foot traffic.

It has been found that brands have seen a 3x higher visit rate when combining mobile with (D) OOH. This year it will be crucial for brands to reinforce their messaging with their consumers and a cross-screen approach; adding OOH or desktop to your media mix will be key to driving the in-store visits that can really impact your bottom line. 


Tactic 2: Leverage location data to maximize store visits on major shopping days 

Reaching consumers at the most opportune time is going to be a great way to urge them into your store this season. With dynamically optimized creatives, you can drive consumers on the spot by integrating the address of the nearest store and, to maximize the chances of visits, guide your potential customer with a store locator.

With hyper-local location targeting, you can identify shoppers who are near your store so they choose your brand for their purchases. Locala’s Dynamic Catchment Area tool also allows you to target consumers within a short walk or drive time to your location, so you can help limit their public transportation time. 

Using these strategies on the major shopping days like Black Friday and Super Saturday will help you to effectively reach your target consumers at the right time to drive those in-store visits. 


Tactic 3: Drive traffic to your online store where physical locations are closed

As we know, this year, consumers will be shopping differently. According to eMarketer 71% of US adults plan to do more than half of their holiday shopping digitally. Promoting your online store will be an essential part of driving your holiday sales, especially in areas where your physical stores might be closed or at limited capacity. 

By developing creatives that drive to your eshop you can help supplement the in-store visits that might have been impacted by consumers looking to shop online for gifts. You can also work with our team to create custom ads that offer convenient shopping experiences like buying online, picking up in-store to provide the consumer with seamless opportunities to purchase from your brand. 


Tactic 4: Maximize brand recall with impactful creatives

At Locala, we know that the format of the ad can be just as important as the actual message, which is why we have a library of proprietary and innovative formats. Powerful and tailored creative ad units can have a truly impactful effect on users and can convert them to make a purchase.

An effective way of doing this is to use a format that can create an exciting effect and sense of urgency, such as a countdown to a specific day, sale, or product launch. With the Countdown format, you can spark a consumer’s interest, which can have a big impact this holiday season. 

On the day of the event, you can leverage the Real-time format to remind your consumers that it’s time to shop, an ideal way to create moment marketing campaigns for timed promotions. 

We know this holiday season is going to be different, but at Locala we are committed to supporting brands do their best to get back to business amid this time. If you would like to hear more about how we can help boost in-store foot traffic for your business, please get in touch at

Locala wins Best Restaurant Campaign at the OMMA Awards

We’re thrilled to share that Locala won Best Restaurant Campaign at the OMMA Awards for our Nando’s activations in Singapore. For over 10 years, these prestigious awards have been honoring online marketing excellence across all industry sectors by recognizing companies and advertisers that push the potential of digital advertising.

Our winning campaign saw Nando’s partner with Locala and media agency Vizeum Singapore to create dynamic mobile activations to drive customers to physical dining spots. To help the brand stand out, we developed a customized drive-to-store strategy using interactive mobile ad formats to target audiences with a proven interest in Nando’s restaurants. Our ads leveraged users’ real-time location to deliver a live map with walking or driving directions to help diners find their nearest Nando’s. In just one month, we reached an impressive 800,000 Singaporeans and drove over 10,000 visits to restaurants, allowing for a staggering 72% footfall uplift.

Locala services thousands of clients across the globe working across multiple verticals, brands, and markets. Being recognized for such a prestigious award acknowledges the capabilities of Fusio, our drive-to-store platform, and its ability to drive customers to stores, dealerships and restaurants.

We’d like to thank Nando’s and Vizeum Singapore for trusting us with this campaign and congratulate them on this win!

See the complete list of winners here.

Locala launches Retail Analytics to help advertisers identify in-store traffic trends this holiday season

Store-level insights help brands make smarter advertising investments

LONDON, October 21, 2020 – Locala announced today the launch of Retail Analytics, the latest data enhancement of its drive-to-store platform. This new location intelligence product is designed to help advertisers identify store visit trends on both a nationwide and local level, and make better decisions on how, where and when to invest their advertising spend.

With retail spending expected to grow between 1 and 1.5% this holiday season, it has become more important than ever to ensure advertising investments are being targeted at the right areas, boosting consumer spending and delivering a measurable return on investment.

Retail Analytics was designed to support retailers by giving them an actionable tool, allowing them to track store visits to their physical shops on a local level and nationwide. These insights are separate from their advertising activity, highlighting all consumer shopping events across their brands’ points of sale.

The interactive dashboard gives advertisers access to granular information per store network and per individual store. Data includes the average volume of visits per store, per day, rush hour tracking and weekly and monthly footfall trends. Retail Analytics by Locala makes it easy to identify which point of sales need additional support through advertising or promotions to reach their full potential, allowing retailers to make smarter investments.

Retail Analytics is the latest initiative from Locala to help brands succeed, making the information and data they need available in one place so they can make decisions that drive more people to stores, dealerships and restaurants.

“We know it’s a tough time for brick and mortar, understanding in-store traffic patterns and changes can help brands make smarter decisions when it comes to investing their advertising spend ahead of the holiday season.” said Christophe Collet, CEO & Co-Founder at Locala . “With Retail Analytics, we’re giving retailers an edge, strengthening their drive-to-store efforts with data they can easily action to drive more visitors through their doors and, ultimately, increase sales.”

Locala Academy Podcast: Episode 3 featuring PubNative: The Importance of the User Experience

Over the past two years, data collection regulations have become more stringent in Europe and the US with GDPR and CCPA. Consumers are now getting back more control over their personal information when it comes to what is being shared with brands through mobile devices. 

As these policies come into the public light, consumers are more aware of what data of theirs is being collected. But on the other side of this uptick in user and data privacy control is the increased responsibility for advertisers to demonstrate the importance of WHY user data is obtained in the first place, and what the end-use of it actually is. It is becoming increasingly important for publishers, brands, and tech companies to show how consumer data is leveraged, and prove to the user that it is done as a way to gain a better view of their individual interests and behaviors, which means more personalized and tailored experiences. 

We know that publishers are able to provide us with free, quality content due to the revenue that derives from being able to sell ad space, and as consumers begin to see that, we are noticing the opt-in for data collection has not dropped off as much as initially expected, showing that they are recognizing the value in sharing personal data. 

In our third episode, we spoke with Hemanshoo Bhakhri, Global Strategic Partnerships at Locala, and Anne-Sophie Molasoko, Senior Demand Account Manager at PubNative to talk about how this shift in consumer privacy has made the call for publishers to prove the benefits of data collection to their users. 

Click below to access the latest episode and hear the conversation on how user privacy impacts the overall user experience.

LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Episode 3: Locala + PubNative: The Importance of the User Experience



Anne-Sophie Molasoko, Senior Demand Account Manager, PubNative



Heman Bhakhri, Global Strategic Partnerships, Locala



Hosted by Lauren Bigland, VP Brand Strategy & Communications, Locala

Locala Stars – Marianne Caron, Account Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Account Manager?
Since I’m doing both pre-sales and post-sales, my days are never the same! My job basically consists of supporting all of our Canadian clients, and helping our sales win new campaigns.

How would you describe yourself?
I’m a traveler and explorer. Whenever I get vacations, I’m always planning and packing for the next adventure. I’m an easy-going person, sociable and very adventurous! If you want to skydive, I’m your girl! Oh, and last thing, I’m crazy about my dog 😄

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I think it would be with our studio designer. I’m not that creative, but I would love to create something from a brief and then see those ads online!

What’s your most useful skill?
I would say my ability to adapt quickly to every situation.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
Since we’re all working from home, right now it would be my cellphone holder – a penguin.

What do you like most about your job?
Working with so many different people and different teams. Our communication skills must be on point to work with so many people. And I do love my team!

Who’s your favorite historical character?
It’s not a specific character, but I love learning about WW1 and WW2 – so probably everyone who was part of that time.

And your favorite superhero?
I would say Iron Man, but almost everyone in the Marvel series!

What can we find in your fridge?
You’ll find a lot of things, starting with cookie dough, followed by wine, beer and a lot of vegetables.

Connect with Marianne on LinkedIn.

Locala General Counsel Thomas Adhumeau appointed Chair of IAB Europe’s TCF DPA Outreach Working Group

IAB Europe has appointed Locala’s General Counsel Thomas Adhumeau chair of their TCF DPA outreach working group, as the body seeks formal approval of its Transparency and Consent Framework.

The DPA Outreach Working Group was set up by the TCF steering group to raise awareness and understanding of the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework among data protection authorities across Europe and in the UK.

The goal of the working group is to ensure the industry is able to engage with data protection authorities when necessary to address their questions and/or concerns with respect to the Framework. Any feedback received from data protection authorities is then shared with the Steering Group for further discussion. The aim is to continue to improve the TCF, so it can become an even better GDPR compliance tool for the advertising industry.

“I am pleased to be chairing the DPA outreach working group. We have a lot on our plate as data protection authorities across Europe release their guidelines outlining what they expect from the online advertising industry in terms of GDPR compliance. Formal approval of the TCF as a GDPR transnational Code of Conduct remains the goal. It’ll be a lot of work, but we are determined to make that happen”, shared Thomas Adhumeau.

Vice Chair was named as Paula Ortiz, Director of Legal and Institutional Affairs at IAB Spain.

For more information on the DPA outreach working group visit the IAB website.

Locala Ranks No. 2 on Adweek Fastest Growing Solution Providers with Three-Year Revenue Growth of 351%

Adweek Announces 2020 Adweek 100: Fastest Growing Companies

Locala Ranks No. 2 on Adweek Fastest Growing Solution Providers with Three-Year Revenue Growth of 351%

NEW YORK, October 5, 2020– Adweek today ranked Locala no. 2 for Solution Providers in its annual Adweek 100: Fastest Growing feature. Fastest Growing honors the 100 top agencies and 10 top solution providers — large and small, from all over the world — whose industry presence is on the rise. Accepting entries from every agency and solution provider category, this distinction is awarded to those organizations that have achieved exceptional growth over the past three years. This is the first year that solution providers have appeared on the list.

“We are thrilled to be recognized by Adweek as one of the top ten Fastest Growing Solution Providers,” said Locala ’s Stan Coignard, Americas CEO and Co-founder”. Locala is an effective drive-to-store platform answering the critical market need for brands with physical retail locations, addressing their in-store visit KPIs and driving real business results. We are proud to support our clients, and their businesses, in every location during these challenging times.”

Complete results of Adweek 100: Fastest Growing, including company profiles, can be found here and in the October 5th issue of the award-winning Adweek magazine. Featured organizations include holding companies, independent agencies, both global and regional focused, as well as organizations providing industry services across the spectrum from mobile to lead-gen.

“2020 has been a challenging year, but these agencies and solution providers have shown how innovation breeds success,” says Jeffrey Litvack, Adweek’s chief executive officer. “Everyone in the advertising community can learn something from their examples.”

“The only constant in advertising is change,” added Lisa Granatstein, Adweek’s editor, svp, programming. “The best way to see where the industry is headed is to see who’s leading the pack, and Adweek 100: Fastest Growing always has a few surprises.”

On Thursday, October 15, 2020, Adweek will celebrate these companies at the Adweek 100: Fastest Growing virtual event.

About Locala

Locala delivers advertising that drives more customers to stores, dealerships and restaurants. Our drive-to-store platform, Fusio, delivers incremental customer visits which are always independently verified. Founded in 2011, Locala’s platform is available globally, and used by over 600 brands worldwide to drive customers to physical locations.

More about Adweek


To be eligible for the Adweek’s Fastest Growing list, shops provided three years of earned revenue from 2017 to 2019 and had to have at least $250,000 of revenue in 2017. Participating agencies were required to certify the accuracy of their reported revenue figures, and we performed additional auditing to determine the accuracy of the submissions. Due to privacy, figures are not disclosed. Agency descriptions are based on submission forms

About Adweek

Adweek is the leading source of news and insight serving the brand marketing ecosystem. First published in 1979, Adweek’s award-winning coverage reaches an engaged audience of more than 6 million professionals across platforms including print, digital, events, podcasts, newsletters, social media and mobile apps. As a touchstone of the advertising and marketing community, Adweek is an unparalleled resource for leaders across multiple industries who rely on its content to help them do their job better.

For more information on Adweek 100: Fastest Growing, visit

For more information contact:

Locala Academy Podcast Lab: Episode 2 featuring VIOOH: The Mobile + DOOH Impact

The onset of digital out of home has shifted what is considered a broadcast medium to a programmatic and dynamic one, merging the benefits of digital planning and measurement with the power of traditional media reach. The channel is now able to leverage advancing technology and gain better access to more consumer data, allowing digital billboards to provide targeted messaging. 

While mobile is a key driver in executing effective drive-to-store advertising campaigns, the importance of having an omnichannel approach has come to the forefront in order to be able to deliver the best possible results for brand clients. Recent research has shown that a combination of (D)OOH can drive an average 17% uplift in smartphone activations and really encourage consumer engagement. 

On our latest episode of the Locala Academy Podcast Lab, we sat down with Gavin Wilson,  Chief  Revenue Officer at VIOOH, a leading planning and trading platform for the programmatic buying and selling of Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, and Nico Saraiva,  SVP Strategic Partnerships at Locala to discuss our recent partnership. 

The conversation touches upon the true benefits of combining these two channels for advertising and drive-to-store as well as gives insight into where the industry is headed and how with a better understanding of our ad technologies we may expect to see that media can breakout from being planned in silos to shifting to the concept of planning for the outcome first. 

Take a listen to the full episode here so learn more about DOOH and mobile. 

LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Episode 2: Locala+VIOOH: The DOOH + Mobile Impact



Gavin Wilson, Chief Revenue Officer, VIOOH 



Nicolas Saraiva, SVP, Strategic Partnerships, Locala



Hosted by Lauren Bigland, VP Brand Strategy & Communications, Locala

Top 3 creatives formats for drive-to-store and what makes them great

Crafting a great drive-to-store creative is not rocket science, but it’s something that can make or break a campaign. At Locala we have a creative studio team with over 10 years of experience, and we have crafted many exclusive formats using our proprietary ad builder tool that are optimized for drive-to-store. Here’s what we’ve found works best:

Lean away from heavily interactive formats

Interactive formats are great for branding campaigns because they keep customers engaged and increase brand recall. However, that means we’re already asking customers to do something (interact with the ad), so clicking through or visiting the store on top of that is too big of an ask.

Say yes to a simple path to the store

A well crafted, simple creative, containing only the essential information will keep the user focused on the follow-up action: visiting your store. It’s easy to want to add a lot of movement and text to make sure customers understand everything about your business, but a simple and clear proposition with a direct line to your closest store will do best. Let’s see how we do that in our top 3 formats.

Top three drive-to-store formats

Multi-store DCO
Is your product available in multiple stores or do you have several stores around the area? The multi-store DCO (dynamic creative optimization) helps your customers identify the closest range of stores and how to get there. The store locations are displayed in order of proximity, giving them the option of choosing the nearest one or the one that fits their destination. With a direct format that focuses on location, you can ensure that users recall what’s important: where your stores are located.

[vc_video link=”″ align=”center”]

With a simple creative format that directs users to download a pass in their mobile wallet, this format works great if you’re hosting an event or want to give your customers a voucher to redeem in-store. The best part? When a user has downloaded your voucher or event ticket, you can send an extra notification at a chosen date and time to remind them to use their pass.

[vc_video link=”″ align=”center”]

Video to store
This format combines video as high-impact media with the address of the user’s closest store using DCO technology. Remain top of mind thanks to stunning video visuals whilst keeping your drive-to-store focus. When the user clicks through, they’ll be directed to a map with directions to the nearest store, making the path to store as simple as it can be.

What these three formats have in common is a focus on leading consumers to their nearest store, rather than engaging and interacting heavily with them at the ad level. Keeping a simple path for consumers to go into your store is our number one recommendation when crafting your creative strategy. 

Our studio team, using our proprietary ad builder, has worked in over 10,000 campaigns across many years. With their support and skills, your drive-to-store creative strategy will be perfectly crafted.

[cm_button text=”Get in touch with us” link=”||target:%20_blank|” alignment=”text-center”]

Locala Wins “Best Location Based Marketing Platform” Award in 2020 MarTech Breakthrough Awards Program

NEW YORK, September 23, 2020 – Locala, the Drive-to-Store Platform, today announced that it has been selected as the winner of the “Best Location Based Marketing Platform” award in the third annual MarTech Breakthrough Awards program conducted by MarTech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global marketing, sales and advertising technology industry today.

In order to help brands successfully increase their in-store visits and foot traffic in key markets across the US, Europe and APAC, Locala has developed disruptive geolocation and audience targeting capabilities based on genuine consumer behaviors and true location data that adheres to current global regulatory standards for consumer privacy. Locala’s Fusio platform allows marketers to leverage digital advertising to drive incremental consumer visits to physical stores, measuring and optimizing those incremental store visits that were a direct result of a mobile, video, audio, display and OOH campaign in real-time.

“While brands with brick and mortar stores have faced increasingly fierce competition with the continued growth of eCommerce and the surge of direct-to-consumer brands, the majority of purchases are still taking place within physical stores,” said Christophe Collet, CEO of Locala. “We are committed to helping our partners build successful businesses by delivering advertising that drives more customers to stores, dealerships and restaurants with campaigns of unprecedented precision and relevance for consumers. Every marketer should be able to answer two questions: what is the real impact of the dollars I spent on this drive-to-store campaign and did I reach the full potential of the business for my locations?”

Locala answers the first question through independent third-party partners that are integrated directly into the platform to provide transparent results into offline attribution. These impartial and live measurements are leveraged by Locala’s AI algorithms to optimize online campaign parameters in real-time.

A resolve for the second question can be found through Locala’s Dynamic Catchment Area (DCA), a proprietary feature that allows marketers to define the maximum business-potential for a store, a restaurant or a dealership in an area based on the travel time to a point of sales on foot or by car, but also the consumers’ affinity to the store and its location in a suburban or urban area. A clothing store in Los Angeles won’t have the same intended audience as the same clothing store in Houston, Texas, Paris, France or Singapore because the shopping experience in real life is not the same.

The mission of the MarTech Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the innovation, hard work and success in a range of marketing, sales and advertising technology related categories, including marketing automation, market research and customer experience, AdTech, SalesTech, marketing analytics, content and social marketing, mobile marketing and many more. This year’s program attracted more than 2,750 nominations from over 15 different markets throughout the world.

“Locala’s capabilities are certainly an important AdTech breakthrough, delivering incremental visits generated into physical stores as a direct result of digital advertising campaigns for brands,” said James Johnson, Managing Director at MarTech Breakthrough. “Brick and mortar stores are a vital part of community success and we want to recognize the innovation from Locala in supporting growth and success for local businesses. Congratulations to the entire Locala team on their well-deserved 2020 MarTech Breakthrough Award.”

Locala services thousands of clients across the globe working across multiple verticals, brands, and markets. Locala has been a recognized expert in the field for years and is a proud member of the IAB TechLab, the Mobile Marketing Association, and has been certified by the Media Rating Council from 2015 to 2019.

Read the full announcement from MarTech Breakthrough here.

Locala launches ‘Proximity by Locala’ to boost retailers’ local growth in France

[vc_row][/vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With shops, car dealerships and restaurants reopening for business in France, customers are more willing to spend than ever. But brick-and-mortar stores still have it tough, so we want to make sure they have the most successful ad campaigns possible to bring customers back through their doors.

At Locala, we know that local business matters. That’s why we’ve launched Proximity by Locala in France – a new omnichannel offer designed to help local retailers succeed.

Using unique local market data from an exclusive relationship with France Pub, Proximity by Locala delivers retailers insights into how to effectively plan and activate their omnichannel advertising spend, region by region and store by store.



The data provides retailers with strategic insights to tailor OOH, radio, leafleting and digital advertising plans to deliver the most effective strategy for each unique location, taking into account regional variations, mobility patterns and government restrictions. The digital advertising elements of these recommendations are activated through Fusio, our drive-to-store platform.

This new offer forms part of Locala’s broader drive-to-store offering, which has expanded beyond mobile, enabling brands to activate display, video, audio and OOH, with the goal of driving more customers into local French stores.

Proximity by Locala gives impactful insights into how to effectively plan and activate omnichannel advertising. Understanding local purchasing behavior, shopping habits and media channel impact is key for brands to tailor the right strategy and deliver the most effective campaign for each store location.[/vc_column_text][cm_button text=”Learn more about Proximity by Locala” link=”||target:%20_blank|” alignment=”text-center”]

Locala Stars – Ronit Roy, Product Specialist

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Product Specialist?
For all the ads you see on websites and apps, a part is served by the product that I build with my team here in Marseille. My day’s work involves onboarding new users on the product and bridging the gap between clients’ requirements and then translating them for my product and engineering teams to deliver new features, upgrades and improvements. If you happen to use Fusio and you get stuck, I’ll be that one friend who’ll get you out of that situation 😃

How would you describe yourself?
I’ve been asked this question quite a lot in the past, so I’ll try to answer it differently this time. Situationally, I’m always enthusiastic. I have a lot of energy in me that I need to let out, so you can see me dancing around or head-banging on my desk with loud music in my ears. Professionally, I’m passionate about technology and I love marketing. Over the last seven years, I’ve been at the top of my game from building campaigns for some of the world’s best brands to now building a product that substantiates KPIs for brands. I’m loving it! I’m also addicted to content. In fact, I learned how to speak French from Netflix! So, you can guess my love for consuming content. I love to read and write and produce my own content as well.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
I don’t know who I’d exchange positions with, but the next step I’d like to take is to move into business and company strategy. I’d like to start with business development and establish a new business unit for Locala.

What’s your most useful skill?
Leadership through ownership. I believe we all have a leader in us but taking ownership of our own actions is something that comes with time, patience and confidence. I like to take ownership of my actions and decisions and it has always helped me grow as a person in both my personal and professional life.

Locala Stars - Ronit Roy,Product Specialist 
What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
I’ve always had a bubble-making wand on my desk. It’s more of a thinking device for me whenever I have to find a solution to a user problem or I’m ideating on a new feature for Fusio. I use my bubble wand and voilà, magic happens. Call me #HappyPotter (yes, I did).

What do you like most about your job?
I’m a solution-driven person and my daily work feeds my need to find solutions to different problems from trading, to marketing and product-led systems thinking. It’s just paradise. I love finding solutions for my clients, and especially my users as I’m closely connected with them. The most motivating is that WOW effect I get from them when I give them the solution to their problem!

Who’s your favorite historical character?
Well, it has to be Socrates. He said “the unexamined life is not worth living” and I love asking questions to myself and others because, to me, one can learn from everyone and everything around them. Wisdom is a function of observation and, if you observe, you’ll have questions, try to find the answer to them and have knowledge.

And your favorite superhero?
Batman. I know a lot of people don’t like rich capitalists, I just look at it from a realistic perspective – if some of the ultra rich actually tried to help the society, it might just work out!

What can we find in your fridge?
Lots of hot sauce and loads of fruits.

Connect with Ronit on LinkedIn.

Locala Academy Podcast Lab: Episode 1 featuring Unacast: The Good of Location Data

In the first episode of Locala’s Academy Podcast  Lab, we sat down with Unacast to discuss our recent global partnership, with the two people closest to it, Nico Saraiva, SVP, Strategic Partnerships (Locala) and Eric Hynes, Senior Director, Head of Client Success (Unacast). 

This is a particularly important partnership for us because the integration of Unacast’s human mobility data into the Fusio platform will allow Locala to better contextualize the real-world behavior of consumers and their in-store visitation habits so that we can drive more store visits to our brand clients’ shops, restaurants, and dealerships. 

While the conversation began as a look at the work our two companies have done together, it quickly turned into a discussion on how location data has been leveraged lately to offer COVID-19 analytics to help with the ongoing health crisis and economic recovery, especially in the US. And when location data is used right, it can not only help brands deliver more relevant messages to consumers, but it can help small businesses understand how and where people are shopping and better inform them how to best reopen their shops so that we can begin to get back to thriving communities. 

Take a listen to the podcast to hear more from Nico and Eric. 

LocalaAcademy_PodcastLab · Locala Academy Podcast Lab: Ep1 Locala Unacast


Nicolas Saraiva, SVP, Strategic Partnerships, Locala



Eric Hynes, Senior Director, Head of Client Success & Partnerships, Unacast



Hosted by Lauren Bigland, VP Brand Strategy & Communications, Locala


Locala Deepens Its Location and Audience Insights Offering with Unacast Data Integration

Locala, the Drive-to-Store Platform, announced today an integration with Unacast, an award-winning location data, and analytics firm. With this global partnership, Unacast’s location and audience data will feed into the Locala platform and be leveraged to increase its insights and measurement offering in the US, UK, EU and APAC.

Through the integration, Locala will have access to Unacast’s rich data set, including audience data and footfall measurement, for their clients’ omnichannel drive-to-store campaigns. The addition of this data will enhance the insights already available through Locala’s platform and help to further provide brands with a deeper understanding of consumers’ physical retail shopping and visitation patterns.


Incorporating Unacast’s audience and visits data means that Locala will be able to better contextualize the real world behaviors of consumers and their in-store visits by providing unique information to their marketer clients such as whether the user visits a store on the way to the office in the morning, or on the way back to their home location at night. Brands will also receive insight into dwell times in-store, all through data gathered with valid user consent.

The partnership is another move from Locala to build robust data and insights into its platform, enabling marketers to drive more customers into stores, restaurants and dealerships.

Nicolas Saraiva, SVP Strategic Partnerships, Locala said, “We’re always looking for partners that will allow us to provide more effective solutions for our advertising clients. Unacast is a leader in trustworthy and reliable location data — Integrating their offering into our platform bolsters our insights and targeting capabilities so brands can execute successful drive-to-store campaigns and increase in-store visits. The inclusion of Unacast data into our product further strengthens our ability to drive real ROAS for retailers.”

Thomas Walle, CEO & Co-Founder, Unacast said: “Location data has become a crucial component for successful drive-to-store advertising campaigns so that brands can understand how their consumers are behaving in the real world, allowing for better targeting and measurement. We’re pleased to partner with Locala and provide them with the ability to leverage the Unacast data set in order to increase performance on behalf of their brand clients.”

Locala Stars – Emeline Muel, HR Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be HR Manager?
It means working on all subjects regarding employees. It’s very diverse: from payroll, recruitment and onboarding to HR development, training, meetings with the work council and answering questions. I support employees and managers in the various issues related to employment, their evolution, and their development.

How would you describe yourself?
I am a food lover: eat and repeat all day! I’m joking – but I do have a personal stash in my office… I like to travel, and all my trips are adventures – road trips and discovering new places, especially parks and nature reserves.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?
To be honest, I’d like to spend a day in each job to really understand and see what everyone does. I’d love to understand how developers code, but also be creative on a design and feel the satisfaction of a salesperson selling a campaign.

What’s your most useful skill?

I’d say it’s my ability to adapt. I can sleep well in a super 5-star hotel bed or in a tent in the middle of the mountains during a hike. It’s the same at work. I can onboard and welcome a new employee using my people skills and, just after, I can audit and control the payroll using compliance skills.

Locala Stars - Emeline Muel, HR Manager France 
What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?
A notebook with all the craziest and funny things I’ve heard in my office. It’s nice to read it once in a while, especially after a long day.

What do you like most about your job?
Working on various subjects – it’s never annoying and no two days are the same! I enjoy working in a dynamic and innovative company and, of course, in Human Resources. I appreciate being in contact with everyone and helping as much as I can.

What can we find in your fridge?
Cheese and saucisson! I just came back from my vacation in the Savoie region, so I’ve stocked up for the next few months. I’m ready in case there’s a new lockdown 😄 I also have some vegetables for the days I’m trying to be healthy.

Connect with Emeline on LinkedIn.

Deliver engaging ads that highlight your campaign platform

In this series, we’ve aimed to share three key strategies that political advertisers should consider for their digital campaigns if they want to win big during an election year. In this final installment, we are focusing on the importance of having an effective delivery method of a campaign message to connect with voters.

In order to be truly effective, candidates need to deliver powerful messaging. By delivering a custom and engaging ad to voters in key districts, a candidate can really reinforce their campaign messaging, all of this through the person’s mobile phone — the device they are most likely to be using. 

You may be thinking, yes we know we want to advertise on mobile to drive home our messaging. But consider working with a technology partner that has the capabilities to develop truly impactful custom, dynamic messaging through different creative formats. 

Dynamically optimized creatives 

Dynamic creative optimization refers to a form of advertising technology that allows an advertiser to personalize ads based on the user viewing their ad at that time, as well as to optimize on which creative is performing best, all in real-time. 

This can be extremely beneficial when it comes to political advertising because it means that you can deliver tailored messages at scale. For instance, if you are running for a Governor seat, you can look at which campaign aspects resonate more in which areas of the state. If you know a potential voter is in a location where schools are a big issue, you can target them with an ad that highlights your stance on education, while you can deliver a different ad on another aspect of your platform to someone in a separate part of the state.

Creative formats that re-engage users after the fact 

Another thing to consider when developing your advertising strategy is how you can re-engage a potential voter whether they have previously clicked on an ad or you want to remind your constituents to go out and vote. 

A smart and impactful way to incorporate this into your campaign is to work with a partner that has experience in developing creative formats that are effective in urging user interaction. For example, there are formats that allow a user to save an event in their mobile wallet. On a determined day or time, the advertiser can send the user a push notification that reminds them of the upcoming event. This can be used to further remind your audience to vote for your candidate. In addition, an advertiser can smartly develop retargeting ads that are specific to a user who clicked on an ad earlier in your campaign. The candidate can remind them they’ve shown interest and that they should go out and vote for them. 

Formats that play off of mobile device functionalities

Working with a partner that has a library of innovative and proprietary creative formats also allows you to deliver really unique messages. This allows an advertiser to retain voters’ attention and boost engagement by leveraging smartphones’ native sensors. 

Delivering a potential voter an ad format that asks them to engage with your format, whether it is by using a format that combines your message with an interactive feature that provides the ability to discover specific campaign components or comes with an interactive slider that gives the ability to switch between two creatives, offers the opportunity to highlight multiple aspects of your campaign platform to raise awareness. Delivering an ad that encourages people to interact is an effective way to raise awareness and boost recall, all tactics that can help drive voters to the polls on behalf of your candidate. 

Make sure that you check out all the insights from this series by reading the rest of the posts here:

  1. Leverage mobile to reach registered voters at home in the US
  2. Target registered US voters by their location and political affiliation
  3. Reach registered US voters based on past behaviors and social interest

What you need to know about the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework v2.0

With only three weeks left until the IAB’s TCF switches to v2.0, the digital advertising industry is putting the finishing touches to their policies to effectively deliver this collective vision.

This second iteration of the framework enables users to opt in or out of advertising targeting under GDPR. With TCF v2.0, consumers can grant or withhold consent and exercise their right to object to their data being processed. It’s a step up from the first framework that allows users more control over their personal data.

The IAB’s TCF v2.0 was officially approved by IAB Europe members in August 2019. Locala has been preparing for it from day one and we’re pleased to say that, thanks to the hard work of our product, legal and partnerships teams, we now fully support this second version of the IAB’s TCF. Locala has been involved from the very start to help deliver this vision, working on its development as part of the IAB Europe’s TCF Steering Group, as well as other working groups such as the Policy and DPA outreach groups.

Fusio, our drive-to-store platform, has supported v2.0 since early April, ahead of the IAB’s August 15 deadline. This means Locala now benefits from users directly opting into geolocation data, ensuring all advertising is user-friendly and transparent without impacting clients.

The IAB’s TCF v2.0 is a real asset for the industry. With enhanced transparency for users and greater control and flexibility for publishers, we’re convinced this new version will bring more choice and transparency to users and we’re already working with the IAB on a potential v3.0.

To learn more about TCF v2.0, visit the IAB Europe’s website.

This article was written by Thomas Adhumeau, General Counsel at Locala.

A simple campaign structure delivers better results, here’s why

It’s hard to give up control over every campaign detail and trust your chosen platform to perform. It’s very tempting to action every piece of targeting that digital channels offer us to pinpoint a very specific audience. It also may seem reasonable to optimize many different KPIs on each campaign to make sure your advertising spend is used effectively. 

However, data from over 10,000 campaigns shows that the most successful ones have a simple and clean setup that works towards one clear objective from the start. Here’s why a simple campaign structure delivers better results.

When the targeting is too complex it limits the number of people you can reach

Layering targeting options might seem like the way to go to achieve this one-to-one conversation that digital advertising promises. However, it’s also important to consider available reach and whether or not a set up can deliver results at scale. 

For example, you might want to reach a specific audience segment or reach people who use certain apps. But if you layer both you’ll find there aren’t enough customers that match that criteria and your campaign won’t be able to achieve your objective.

Complexity means the bulk of your efforts is on the wrong part of the campaign (settings vs results)

Trying to keep such tight control over your settings, that you sacrifice the results in the process. It’s similar to the issue above: if you want a guarantee on the audience (your settings) you are limiting your outcomes (your results). 

It’s a fine balance that can be achieved through experience. If you ever need advice on your campaigns our dedicated account management team can help make sure you reach the right audience without compromising your results.


Understanding what you are trying to achieve gives you just one objective

This one is especially true for drive-to-store advertising, where you are asking people to move from their online activities to performing an action offline. The objective of drive-to-store campaigns is to increase store traffic (footfall uplift). That’s what you should focus on improving. And to do that you need to make sure your strategy makes sense, your reach is high, and you trust the machine learning algorithms of the platform to find the people who will go to your store. 

Focusing on achieving outstanding results on other online metrics takes your optimization efforts away from your main goal and it can mean sacrificing your bottom line for proxy metrics. 

When you look at two campaigns, make sure you’re comparing like for like

Benchmarking performance is essential to keep track of your ROAS, but this analysis must be aligned by campaign objective to make sure you’re comparing like for like. 

For example, the CTR of a web traffic campaign cannot be compared with the CTR of a drive-to-store campaign. If you do so, you’ll have a distorted view of these campaigns’ performance, because traffic campaigns will have a higher CTR and it’s not an indicator of how well the drive-to-store campaign did.

A clear message drives direct action

It’s also important to keep your creatives and messaging simple. In drive-to-store, we are asking customers to take a big jump to the offline world, which is full of distractions and added complexity. Your message should be a clear guiding force to your store, rather than something complicated to understand.

Over time we have developed a set of ad formats specific for drive-to-store that can help you get your message across and drive action. They can be fully developed by our studio team and added to any campaign you run with us.

It may seem hard to strike this balance between simplicity and reaching the right audience, especially for those who are new to drive-to-store advertising. If you want to get started with drive-to-store and understand the variables and basics contact us to see how we can help you. 

[cm_button text=”Get in touch” link=”||target:%20_blank|” alignment=”text-center”]

Reach registered US voters based on past behaviors and social interest

In the next installment of our political advertising series, we’re sharing how advertisers can leverage voter’s behavior and interest in order to effectively connect with them. 

Political advertisers should consider partnering with a partner that has access to the breadth and depth of accurate audience insights and understanding. This understanding of where a person stands on certain social issues such as, equal rights, the environment, and gun control will ultimately help candidates understand who the voters are in their districts. It can also provide insight into if your campaign has a chance at earning a potential voter’s support or if they in the past have voted for candidates with opposite policies than your own. 

Having access to these data insights will ultimately allow candidates to determine who they should be reaching in order to garner support, and will help limit outreach to citizens that will most likely not support their campaign. Advertisers can also harness this data to build messaging that speaks to undecided registered voters, or those voters who may be considered ‘swing’ and have shown support for either party on various issues. Using this data provides the tools to conquer those undecided or independent registered voters. 

For even more insights, check out the first two posts in this series!

  1. Leverage mobile to reach registered voters at home in the US
  2. Target registered US voters by their location

Locala and VIOOH announce global partnership to enable marketers to efficiently activate advertising on OOH and mobile

Locala, the Drive-to-Store Platform, announced today a global partnership with VIOOH, a leading planning and trading platform for the programmatic buying and selling of Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, allowing marketers to effectively combine mobile and OOH to drive in-store foot traffic.

The offer, available initially in several key markets, including the US, UK, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, and Finland, with availability in APAC coming soon, enables Locala customers to activate premium Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) inventory through Locala while planning their drive-to-store campaigns.

The partnership highlights Locala’s investment to move towards an omnichannel drive-to-store offering. With US adults spending over 3 hours a day on their smartphones[1], it is clear that mobile is still the key device to reach people and to trigger consumer action, but it is increasingly important to incorporate a mix of media to build the most effective drive-to-store campaigns.

Digital Out-of-Home continues to grow as an effective marketing medium with ad spend predicted to reach $8.7 Billion in the US alone by 2023[2]. With high impact placements, DOOH is a prime channel to increase the overall effectiveness of an advertising campaign and has the reach to provide a truly unified brand experience when included among a campaign’s media mix.

In today’s multi-device world, brands often require multiple channels in order to truly convert a consumer. The combination of mobile and DOOH being used simultaneously in a drive-to-store campaign gives brands the ability to target relevant areas around their stores and further the reach and impact that one of those channels can provide on its own, ultimately driving more visits to their physical points of sale. With the Locala platform, advertisers will continue to have access to footfall measurement driven by their DOOH and mobile campaigns.

Today’s announcement follows a statement from VIOOH-owner JCDecaux S.A. announcing Locala as its drive-to-store partner which will allow advertisers to buy drive-to-store campaigns both on JCDecaux’s OOH network, and on mobile using Locala’s platform.

Locala’s Global CEO Christophe Collet stated, “This partnership with VIOOH is a strategic move for us to better service our clients in their drive-to-store campaigns. At Locala we specialize in driving more consumers into stores, restaurants and dealerships and by opening up our offer to other media types to enhance the power of mobile, we can become a truly effective, omnichannel DTS partner to increase visits to brick-and-mortar locations. As the leading provider of DOOH, VIOOH is the ideal platform for us to partner with to support our mission and better help retailers achieve real business results.”

 Gavin Wilson, Chief Revenue Officer, VIOOH, said: “One of the overarching benefits of programmatic OOH is its ability to deliver highly targeted omnichannel campaigns that are both effective and impactful. Recent research shows that OOH drives an average 17% uplift in smartphone activations – with this combination of DOOH and mobile, we are providing a seamless and meaningful experience for consumers[3].”

“We are pleased to partner with Locala in order to enable their clients to effectively combine OOH and mobile advertising. Locala is the perfect partner to deliver a multi-channel solution across the globe, ultimately helping brands to deliver more powerful advertising.”


[1] eMarketer

[2] Market Report World

[3] JCDecaux

How to prepare for the 2020 back-to-school shopping season

It’s clear to see that no one, not brands nor consumers, was prepared for the upheaval that the COVID-19 pandemic brought on. And with many US states still in uncertainty about certain aspects of updated reopening plans, we’re already predicting that the back-to-school shopping season might look different than ever before. 

Back-to-School is a billion-dollar shopping season for US retailers with US parents purchasing a myriad of items from clothing and accessories to technology and electronics. In 2019 alone that spend reached over $26 billion. And while we know shopping habits have shifted, 41% of US parents expect that they will still spend the same amount or more on their back-to-school shopping this year. 

When it comes to the major items being purchased in preparation for back-to-school, Deloitte found that many of these purchases still take place in-store. For instance, 62% of clothing and accessories shoppers plan to make their purchases in a physical store. The same was reported for school supplies with 62% looking to shop in-store for these items. 

Brands still have a great opportunity to reach their consumers and bring them into their brick-and-mortar locations for the purchasing but they will need to adapt their strategies this year to make the most impact. 

Check out our infographic to see how your brand can drive consumers into your stores for their back-to-school shopping this year!

Target registered US voters by their precise location and political affiliation

We’re rolling out three things that political advertisers should be thinking about this election year. In this piece, we are sharing how advertisers can leverage location data to develop a winning strategy.

It’s clear that mobile continues to be the device that people spend the most time with. Along with that comes the location data that is available through the location services function on smartphones. When users opt-in to sharing their data, we can get precise information on their physical, real-time location. 

With this information, political advertisers can narrow down their constituents by town, city, county, state, or nationally and geofence the desired area to deliver hyper-geotargeted messages.  This is incredibly useful when we look at campaigns based on the government office in which the candidate is running for. The strategy for a Congressional campaign versus a Mayor, Governor, or President will be vastly different in terms of the scope and who the target audiences will be. Political advertisers should work with a partner that has the capabilities to deliver campaign messages to the desired audience in the necessary location to avoid wasted ad spend on voters who are not applicable to your candidate. 

As mentioned, in many instances, instead of heading out to the polls in large groups, we are expecting that voters will be sending ballots by mail at staggering rates. In New York State alone, nearly two million absentee ballots were sent out in advance of the June primaries. Through a partner that is able to deliver impactful mobile location-based ads, campaigns can reach voters at home who are receiving their Vote-by-Mail ballot and educate voters on your issues through effective messaging. This is a great way for advertisers to reach those constituents they know are planning to vote.

In case you missed it, check out our previous post on how best to reach audiences who will be voting by mail.

Rethink Your Advertising Strategy with our Back-to-Store Report

It’s undeniable the recent pandemic has had massive implications on physical retail. From the way people shop, to how they spend their free time and how they move around, COVID-19 has left a lasting impact on consumer behavior.

As consumers head back into stores, brands are rethinking their advertising strategy to better meet new customer expectations, habits and behavior. To help, we’ve developed the Back-to-Store report – a customized study examining your stores’ catchment areas and with tailored strategies to encourage consumers back.

With Back-to-Store, marketers will have access to exclusive and actionable insights to better understand how their stores’ affinity areas are evolving, and identify which high-potential neighborhoods they should invest in. You’ll be able to track the evolution of consumers’ mobility and see which regions they find more attractive to better localize media spend.

Receive a personalized report with actionable insights to build a more effective drive-to-store strategy and boost footfall to your stores.

[cm_button text=”Request your report ” link=”||target:%20_blank|” alignment=”text-center”]


*Please note that due to high demand we are only able to offer the report to brand-side advertisers at this stage.

Leverage mobile to reach registered voters at home in the US

With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting nearly every aspect of our daily lives, we’ve had to adjust to a new sense of normal. So far this year, we’ve seen major disruptions to events that we are accustomed to such as graduations, major sporting competitions, and awards circuits. This year also happens to be host to a number of pivotal elections in the United States government. But 2020 is shaping up to look different from any other election year. This is especially true when it comes to the presidential primaries and election.

With everything happening around the United States over the past few months, political advertisers are entering into uncharted territory. Sheltering in-place orders have resulted in massive changes to typical political campaigns. Public debates have been reimagined, conventions and rallies have been postponed or outright canceled due to the limits on crowd sizes.

We are also seeing major shifts in how people are consuming media and spending their time. In April 2020, 52% of Americans reported that they were spending more time using mobile devices since the start of the outbreak of Coronavirus in the US, with 26% of consumers stating that they’ve spent more time in-app. While reaching voters might not be as straightforward as it has been in past elections, US adult users are now spending over 3 hours per day on their smartphones, meaning that the device provides advertisers with major benefits in reaching them.

With people limiting their social interactions, especially in large settings and groups, spending an increasing amount of time at home and with their smartphones, we may see less voters going to the polls and more requests for voting by mail. It’s more vital than ever that political advertisers address these behaviors in their campaign outreach and leverage a partner that is able to reach registered voters in this unprecedented situation.

We’ll be rolling out three key things political advertisers should consider for their digital campaigns in order to win this election year.

Locala Stars – Veronica Gianni, Account Manager Italy

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Account Manager?

My job mainly consists of managing and supporting all our Italian clients. And also coordinating our internal team.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a traveler and explorer, for sure! Whenever I get the chance, I travel as much as I can. Plus, most people describe me as a funny girl, always ready for a laugh. How can I disagree with that? But when the situation gets serious, everyone can count on me!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

I’d switch with someone from the studio team, since I have always been interested in the creative world.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

Working from home, that would be a powered panda solar pal.

What do you like most about your job?

First, I love the atmosphere that we have created in the Italian office, but what I like most is being able to help all the team – from the presales stage to the end of the campaign.

What can we find in your fridge?

Veggies, cold cuts, beer and all the ingredients to make Spritz!

Connect with Veronica on LinkedIn.

Location targeting: rediscover your store’s dynamic catchment area in Fusio

With ever-changing mobility patterns in 2020, rediscovering the catchment area of your store is more important now than ever. The composition of the high-street has changed and understanding where these customers come from and how they move will help you identify your new catchment area.

Our drive-to-store platform Fusio has a built-in targeting tool called DCA (Dynamic Catchment Area). It allows you to define your location targeting criteria based on real-world mobility patterns that measure affinity with your store and true walking or driving distance.

Thanks to this innovative targeting you can set up specific strategies for each of your stores, adapting your approach using your business know-how to anything from the most densely populated urban areas to rural areas with a regional audience.

Here are some strategies you can craft using our DCA tool:

  • Effective targeting around your store

Use our brand affinity targeting to identify areas around your store with strong sympathy towards your store and either reinforce existing trends or generate brand interest in areas with lower brand awareness. Combine this knowledge with the ideal travel distance and transport to your store to find your most effective targeting locations.

  • Influence competitor store visitors

Persuade your competitors’ store visitors to come to your store by targeting their store locations or areas with high affinity with their stores. This is a great way to increase brand recall and store visits in heavy shopping areas.

  • Simplify the shopper experience with complementary purchases

Promote your product to users who are visiting related stores. Catch them when they are in the right mindset, provide them with a useful service, and drive additional visits.

  • Combine with other audience data, like demographics

No one knows your customers better than you. Do they drive or walk to your stores? Do they come from work or from home? Do you cater to families? Create custom areas based on your own data or third-party data and target the best locations for your business.

Retail – Post-confinement consumer trends in France

Locala partnered with insights company Happydemics to study how consumer behavior is evolving with the easing of lockdown in France.

We surveyed more than 1,000 French citizens, aged between 18 and 65+, to get a view of how the crisis has impacted consumers’ habits and expectations.

Here are a few takeaways:

  • Nearly half of the people surveyed are planning on going to stores at least as often as they did before lockdown.
  • French consumers will be visiting stores for their personal pleasure, to fall back into their routine and to buy goods they couldn’t find before.
  • Brands are expected to offer more discounts, enforce health measures, and develop Click & Collect services.
  • The food sector will lead the way in terms of consumer spend.

To get the full insights, take a look at our French infographic.


Get in touch with us to plan your next drive-to-store campaign.

Locala Launches New Ad Format: The Expandable

Even a great ad can miss the mark if it isn’t delivered in the right context. The right format can help you effectively communicate with your consumers, helping you to reach your goal of increased in-store or online visits. 

At Locala we understand that an ad format can be just as powerful as the messaging it is delivering. That’s why we’ve launched our Expandable format — an impactful way to boost awareness for your brand, providing a seamless and engaging way to reach users. 

The Expandable can help brands increase site visits and brand recall through combining formats that integrate seamlessly into a mobile users’ activities with dynamic messaging. 

How it works:

Users are delivered an MPU or banner ad within their feed. These powerful formats provide native-like content experiences that are user-friendly and ensure the audience has positive viewing. Engaged users can click to expand the messaging into a full page creative that showcases your brand or products before accessing your mobile site or a real-time store locator to your nearest location. Each step is developed in a way that can be tracked to ensure the user’s engagement, making sure you see the return on ad spend. 

This is a smart way for brands to upgrade a standard MPU or banner ad and capitalize on a more engaged audience. The Expandable guarantees all the reach of those formats, ensuring that your brand has a better chance of being seen by users in premium environments while providing the information of a full screen, more dynamic format. 

The Expandable’s impactful combination of effective formats with powerful video messaging allows brands to be thoughtful about how they are engaging users, all while helping you to drive footfall to your physical location or online stores. 

To learn more about the Expandable, watch this short video.

Locala Stars – Gadea Rodriguez, Head of Customer Success Spain

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Head of Customer Success?

I get to coordinate different departments to make sure Locala clients are as happy as possible.

How would you describe yourself?

I’d say I’m passionate about the things I do, I’m always happy to help and ready for a laugh!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

It would be with my beloved Ricardo, our Design Manager. He’s so full of art and creativity. I’d love to experience life through his eyes.

Who’s your favorite historical character?

Nefertiti. Her name speaks for itself 😊

And your favorite superhero?

Jessica Jones.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

A “Free hugs” sign.

What do you like most about your job?

Being able to get a transversal knowledge of the company and all its products. This is priceless.

What can we find in your fridge?

Very colorful vegetables and cheese.

What’s your most useful skill?

Always finding a suitable solution.

Connect with Gadea on LinkedIn.

Locala becomes JCDecaux’s global drive-to-store partner

We’re very pleased to announce our new global partnership with the world’s number one outdoor advertising company JCDecaux.

This partnership will allow JCDecaux clients to run their drive-to-store ad campaigns on both JCDecaux’s OOH network, and on mobile with Locala’s platform. By using both mediums at the same time, brands will be able to target relevant areas around their stores, reaching more customers than with one channel alone and driving more visits to their physical points of sale.

Tests have shown that combining JCDecaux’s OOH network with our mobile advertising generates an impressive 2.5X uplift in store visits for the same budget.

Our offer will be available in 8 markets worldwide including France, the USA, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Singapore and Mexico.

This is a fantastic opportunity for us to combine OOH and mobile advertising to help brands grow their reach and drive more customers to stores.


The Importance of Purpose

Last year Locala took a new approach on how we wanted to help our different communities across the globe. Whether it be helping to remove carbon emissions through our partnership with Ecotree or donating revenue to help hospitals fight COVID-19 in France, we are looking at how we can give back. Partnering with Givsly in the US, we have begun to shift the way we think about how we are spending time with our clients, realizing that outside of the traditional lunches and happy hours, we can provide an experience that has a real purpose and is socially impactful. 

Givsly is a for-purpose company that helps businesses rethink the way that they can create social impact and give back to their communities. Through their initiatives, they create opportunities for people to connect in exchange for donations to nonprofits they care about and develop turn-key events that companies can sponsor to create more purposeful experiences. 

Our CRO, North America, Ed Silhan sat down with Givsly for their For-Purpose Experience podcast recently to share why we are taking these steps.  

Ed, along with Givsly CEO Chad Hickey, Rob DeSalvo, SVP of National Sales and Content Solutions at Undertone, Nicole Adams, Program Manager at SuitUp, and Nikkya Hargrove, Director of Programs at Harboring Hearts, discussed how corporations are rethinking employee and client engagement and how they give back to the community. 

Three key themes seemed to emerge during the conversation. 

Younger generations are often driving this shift

As more college grads enter into employment, we are seeing the workforce skew younger, especially in the advertising and media sector. In 2020 GenZ and Millennials are noted to make up a majority of the workforce with GenZ expected to represent 75% of it by 2030.* 

We are finding that younger generations are seeking to have a more meaningful purpose and are striving to interact with their communities in a way that helps. According to Mackenzie Corporation, 77% of Millennials and GenZ involve themselves with a charity or good cause and they are now expecting that their companies address these social and environmental issues too.** With 10%-20% of GenZ employees reporting that they’d even be willing to take a pay cut in order to be able to work towards a cause they care about.

The demand from these employees is helping to drive the involvement of companies with CSR efforts and to shift the concept from  a ‘once a year volunteer day’ mindset to something that is becoming embedded into overall company culture and values.

Buy-in from leadership is key for success 

With the demand from their employees to promote social responsibility and get involved in socially impactful programs, 

Although we’re seeing that younger employees are leading the charge, it ultimately requires the senior management team sign-on in order for the programs to be implemented within the organization.  Recently, leadership teams are looking for ways in which to support  their communities and employees as well,helping to work with them to identify the right  opportunities  for their business. Building a responsible and sustainable business is crucial for the success of that business.

Having an executive champion helps to really embed the social responsibility programs within the company culture and really adds to the value of these initiatives among teams and encourages staff involvement. 

Purpose can help build deeper bonds with employees and clients 

We’re seeing that  people across the board are looking to interact with companies, whether it  be as an employee, client or as a consumer, that are socially responsible. 

88% of consumers want the brands they support and engage with to have CSR initiatives, some even stating they’d go so far to boycott a brand that supports a social issue/cause that conflicts with their own.***

For employees and clients, the sentiment is the same. Companies that have implemented volunteer programs have noticed that providing an environment where co-workers and partners can engage in meaningful activities has helped to build deeper relationships. 

We’re all striving to do good and make our communities a better place. When the corporations we engage with everyday help to make that possible it encourages us all to take part in having a  positive social impact.  

Tune into here to listen to the whole podcast. 


**Mackenzie Corporation

*** Cone Communications

JCDecaux and Locala announce a global advertising partnership, enhancing media efficiency and synergies between OOH and mobile

JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris: DEC), the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, announces today its partnership with Locala, the drive-to-store platform, enabling advertisers to combine their Out-of-Home (OOH) and mobile advertising activations to drive store footfall.

This offer, which will be available initially in 8 markets worldwide including France, the USA, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Singapore and Mexico, will allow advertisers to buy drive-to-store campaigns both on JCDecaux’s OOH network, and on mobile using Locala’s platform. By using both mediums, brands can target catchment areas around their stores, reaching more prospects than they would with one channel alone. Locala’s drive-to-store capabilities also allow advertisers to easily measure the footfall delivered by their OOH and mobile campaigns.

Tests show that by combining OOH and Mobile, the drive-to-store increases 2.5X, compared to those two channels activated separately. This increase could be an essential solution for brands needing to entice consumers away from online shopping and into their physical brick-and-mortar stores.

To reinforce this unique solution, Locala will connect to VIOOH’s digital marketplace, enabling advertisers to access premium OOH inventory in eligible markets.

Jean-Charles Decaux, Chairman of the Executive Board and Co-Chief Executive Officer of JCDecaux, explained: “OOH is at the heart of mobility, on the street and seen each day. The same is true for mobile, which is why this combination creates such an amplification impact. OOH is an interception media and when combined with mobile, it increases brand engagement and enhances the campaign’s efficiency. This strategic global partnership between Locala and JCDecaux follows our
2-screen strategy to enable advertisers to leverage OOH and mobile campaign performances. Thanks to JCDecaux’s worldwide network and Locala’s drive-to-store technology, brands will provide a unique experience to their customers whilst on the go and increase traffic to their stores. This new product will also help JCDecaux grow its ecosystem of technology partners to broaden the services it offers to agencies and advertisers.”

Christophe Collet, Locala’s CEO, said: “Locala delivers advertising that drives more customers into stores. Combining our drive-to-store technology with JCDecaux’s global OOH network is going to help retailers get the most out of their advertising campaigns and achieve their business goals.”

François-Xavier Pierrel, Chief Data Officer of JCDecaux, commented: “This partnership illustrates the great work our data division is doing in leveraging data to connect the online and offline worlds. Locala’s technical team has been a great partner to develop a value led solution adaptable to all types of advertiser, whether they operate locally or nationally. By rolling out this solution in 8 markets, it’s a proof point of JCDecaux capacity and ambition in terms of data.”

Key Figures for JCDecaux

  • 2019 revenue: €3,890m
  • Present in 3,890 cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants
  • A daily audience of more than 890 million people in more than 80 countries
  • 13,210 employees
  • Leader in self-service bike rental scheme: pioneer in eco-friendly mobility
  • 1st Out-of-Home Media company to join the RE100 (committed to 100% renewable energy)
  • JCDecaux is listed on the Eurolist of Euronext Paris and is part of the Euronext 100 and Euronext Family Business indexes
  • JCDecaux is recognised for its extra-financial performance in the FTSE4Good index and the MSCI and CDP ‘A List’ rankings
  • 1,061,630 advertising panels worldwide
  • N°1 worldwide in street furniture (517,800 advertising panels)
  • N°1 worldwide in transport advertising with more than 160 airports and 270 contracts in metros, buses, trains and tramways (379,970 advertising panels)
  • N°1 in Europe for billboards (136,750 advertising panels)
  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Europe (636,620 advertising panels)
  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Asia-Pacific (260,700 advertising panels)
  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Latin America (69,490 advertising panels)
  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in Africa (22,760 advertising panels)
  • N°1 in outdoor advertising in the Middle East (15,510 advertising panels)

For more information about JCDecaux, please visit

Join us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Corporate Communications: Agathe Albertini

+33 (0) 1 30 79 34 99 –

Investor Relations: Arnaud Courtial

+33 (0) 1 30 79 79 93 –

Learn something new about Fusio: Fusio Feedback

Locala is here to help brands succeed and we value your input on Fusio, our drive-to-store platform. We used to rely on you reaching out to our account management team to give us feedback – which wasn’t great for you or us. 

Fusio Feedback is an aspect of our drive-to-store self-service platform which will enable you to quickly leave us feedback on what works well and what you would like to see improved. 

Key features:

Upvoting: You will be able to see the feedback requests submitted by other users – if there’s an improvement you think is more important, you can vote for it to be addressed first by our engineering team.

Commenting: If you are interested in another user’s request, or have further suggestions, you can comment directly on the issue.

Notifications: You’ll receive a notification when your request, or a request you voted on, is being worked on and released. You’ll be one of the first to use our new tool.

To leave us feedback, log in to Fusio to access our resource center pop up from any page (the bottom-right corner question mark) – and use the ‘Fusio Feedback’ request form.

Requests can be anything from small tweaks to integrations, or ideas you’ve had that would make Fusio work better for your advertising campaigns.

Watch this space to learn more about Fusio.

Locala commits to the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework v2.0

The IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework 2.0 was rolled out at the end of April. Locala fully committed to the scheme and supported V2 from April 1.

“TCF v2.0 enables consumers to grant or withhold consent and also exercise their ‘right to object’ to data being processed. Consumers also gain more control over whether and how vendors may use certain features of data processing, for example, the use of precise geolocation.” – IAB Europe

Since the announcement of TCF V2 Locala has been involved in its development through the IAB Europe’s TCF Steering Group, as well as other working groups such as the Policy and DPA outreach groups. We are convinced this new version from the IAB will bring more user choice and transparency to users.

Locala has been supporting V2 since April 1 and fine-tuned the way Fusio, our drive-to-store platform, responds to the new signals received. By the end of April we fully supported both V1 and V2, and we will start deprecating V1 when it is no longer in use by our publisher partners (which is currently due to occur by June 30th). For those using our self-serve platform, there has been no change in campaign set-up or delivery.

We are aware that the Coronavirus may mean it is not possible for our partners to dedicate the necessary resources needed to fully implement V2 to the current deadline, so we are considering extending our deprecation date to ensure everyone is able to complete the work.

For more information on TCF V2.0 visit the IAB Europe website.

Locala Stars – Sherbin Shamsuddin, Insights Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be Insights Manager?

It means creating insights to support and help Locala strategies. This is mainly about understanding client audiences, their behavior and connecting them with geolocation.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a curious storyteller, wannabe statistician, foodie and mother packed in one!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

It would be Caroline Sajas, our Head of Operations UK – for all the versatility. She’s just one person but is taking care of strategy, project management, sales, human resources and pure management like a seasoned juggler!

Who’s your favorite superhero?

It’s such a cliché answer – but I do think common people are superheroes. In the current context, if I have to choose one name, it would be Captain Tom Moore.

Locala Stars - Sherbin Shamsuddin, Insights ManagerWhat’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

At the moment, my kitchen table is my favorite work-from-home spot so you can find used tea bags piled in a bowl – I’m saving them for my roses. Usually, it would be some sort of artwork or craft item made by my daughter 😊

What do you like most about your job?

Being able to have a direct impact on strategy and the freedom to innovate on the insights side. I like doing deep dives to understand audience motives and presenting it as a story for the benefit of brands.

What can we find in your fridge?

Buttercream frosting leftover from my last bake!

What’s your most useful skill?

Talking ‘Data Stories’. I think my most useful skill is the ability to create insights from data. Being a ‘hybrid’ in insights terms enables me to easily combine number crunching and storytelling to answer business questions.

Connect with Sherbin on LinkedIn.

Locala launches green initiative to help neutralize carbon emissions

Locala announced today a brand-new green initiative to help remove carbon emissions generated by its drive-to-store campaigns. In a long-term partnership with sustainable forestry company EcoTree, Locala will plant new forests to help offset the impact advertising campaigns have on the environment.

From today, every advertising campaign run through Locala’s drive-to-store platform will have its carbon footprint reduced through the planting of trees. At current estimate, direct emissions from campaigns run by Locala equate to around 168 tons of CO2 each year. That means more than 5,000 trees would be planted in 2020 to help offset these emissions, with the number increasing as the business grows.

 “This green initiative goes beyond a one-off purchase of trees, this is a future-facing commitment meaning our business will only offer advertising that is sustainable for our planet” said Locala CEO Christophe Collet.

“Our clients are taking steps to deliver planet-friendly products and services, reducing the impact their activities have on the environment” Collet added. “We want to support brands to reach those goals by delivering advertising that is good for advertisers, good for people and good for the planet”.

“This partnership is born in the particular context of the pandemic, which is a wake up call for us all to build a better world, where our human activities are carried out with the desire to take better care of the environment. EcoTree allows us to work towards our objective of offering sustainable advertising, and to bring our clients along in this great challenge.“ Baudouin Vercken, co-founder of EcoTree

This is an employee-led initiative, started by Locala’s employees, who voted to support green initiatives throughout 2019, and has already begun with the planting of 300 trees in partnership with EcoTree in France.

Locala France to donate 10% of its revenue to national hospitals to fight COVID-19

We’re pleased to announce that, faced with this unprecedented crisis, our French office is rallying around the country’s health professionals and will donate 10% April revenue to the Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris – Hôpitaux de France to help them fight against this pandemic. The foundation aims to improve the quality of life of the children, teenagers and elderly who are in hospital, and plays a key role in the national effort to overcome COVID-19.

For each advertising campaign we’ll be running, we’ll dedicate 10% of its allocated budget to this initiative – without any impact on the volume or the quality of our activations for brands.

This health crisis affects us all, and we all have a role to play to prevent its spread. Never has it been more important to help each other and to stick together. The next few weeks will be decisive, and we’re proud to contribute to the common effort to overcome this pandemic.

How brands can help their consumers during times of uncertainty

This is not the first time that the advertising industry has had to deal with an unprecedented global situation that resulted in major challenges for brands and agencies. Throughout, major brands have become staples within American culture, and this is not the time for them to abandon their customers — this is the time for them to support people, reinforce what optimism there is and help customers navigate what is going on. And while there is an air of uncertainty, and the space needs to be approached with care and sensitivity,  we know challenging times often result in innovation. This is the opportunity for brands to develop new approaches to reach their consumers.

Here are three things that brands should consider: 

Don’t cut off communication with your consumers

This is not the time to abandon consumers. Keep reaching out to your consumers, whether it be to share new product offerings, knowledge on how to stay safe or just to offer a comforting message. It’s important to remain in contact with your customers so your brand doesn’t end up being forgotten. People will have a more positive sentiment towards a brand that was able to provide them with value during this period. Ultimately, the industry will bounce back and brands will need to be in a position where they are ready to react and not ramping up from scratch. 

Take a more localized approach

While your customers may not be heading out in droves to retail shops or shopping malls, that doesn’t mean they aren’t shopping. Where it is safe, brands can encourage customers into their stores by targeting people within a 5-minute walk of your store so they don’t take public transport to get there. Target your messaging based on location so you can share local opening hours and any delivery services. You could even work with a partner to develop new creative ad formats that let customers know if you have what they need as they walk past.

Additionally, during this time we can look to focus on awareness campaigns in local markets or driving consumers to online stores and sites. 

Personal screens will be more important than ever

People are changing their daily habits and lifestyles drastically at this time. Consumers will not be attending large scale outings or events, or in places like NYC even grabbing a bite to eat at the local cafe but we know that their smartphones are not going anywhere.  If anything, we’re going to see more time spent with mobile as people are trying to keep informed, check-in with loved ones and distract themselves. This is the key channel to reach consumers and should be reinforced during this time. Brands should harness this pattern of consumption shift. 

Locala Stars – Quitterie de Langautier, Head Of Customer Success Benelux

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does your job involve?

First, I’d just like to say I’m very proud to have set up the Belgian Locala office alongside Ruben, our Country Manager. As for my job, I’m in charge of the operational teams and I also take care of Account Management for our market. This means I’m the link between our customers and the company – from day-to-day client management to campaign monitoring.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m generous and positive but I can be a little of a perfectionist. I’m also quite sociable and adventurous!

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

I think I would exchange with Michelle, our designer, because I like creating things with my hands. I draw, make mosaics and pottery… so I love to design in general.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

I could make the grocers jealous with my collection of tea, cakes and sweets at the office!

What do you like most about your job?

My wonderful and lovely team, of course!

What can we find in your fridge?

To be honest, half of it is wine and the other is cheese. My French side maybe?

What’s your most useful skill?

My humor and irony.

Connect with Quitterie on LinkedIn.

Introducing Academy – 20-minute training sessions from Locala

Locala is introducing academy, 20-minute training sessions on drive-to-store. These weekly webinars are here to help you learn something new and prepare to get ahead of your competitors when we can go back to the shops!

Click on the links below to register for the session of your choice or watch our replays:

Recordings of all Webinars will be available on this page and on our Vimeo channel afterwards.

Locala Stars – Michelle Lim, Trading Manager APAC

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does your job involve?

To make it brief, setting up and optimizing online ad campaigns and managing them daily to ensure KPI delivery!

How would you describe yourself?

I’d say I’m a nice person – most of the time 😄 I’m a dreamer and a doer. I live to fulfil my dreams.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

Maybe one of the designers! It’s a skill I’d like to learn.

Locala Stars - Michelle Lim, Trading Manager APAC

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

I’m a minimalist at work so I only have the necessities on my desk! If it’s at home, I have plenty (about 15!) of beer bottles turned vases for my dried flowers.

What do you like most about your job?

Being autonomous. The freedom to manage my day and my tasks, and go about them in the way that suits me best.

What can we find in your fridge?

A loaf of bread (usually sourdough) and all kinds of nut butter spread!


Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn.

Sandrine Préfaut joins Locala as Managing Director France

Locala has appointed Sandrine Préfaut as Managing Director France to lead the drive-to-store platform through its next phase of growth.

With more than 20 years’ experience in advertising, Préfaut was formerly CEO of Vizeum for 7 years, before joining Adrexo, a leaflet distributor, as co-President, and founding WNR
(What’s Next Retail), a consultancy that advised retailers on how to maximize their local advertising spend.

In addition to leading Locala’s existing drive-to-store proposition, Préfaut will also launch a new division of Locala aimed specifically at retailers, S4R. By accessing a unique data set of
local consumer behavior, S4R’s offer will enable retailers to optimize their online and offline advertising plans. The digital advertising elements of these plans can be activated through
Locala’s drive-to-store platform, Fusio.

Sandrine Préfaut joins Locala as Managing Director France

Dominique Blanc, former Managing Director FR, has taken a newly created role as VP product business development, to help create customer-driven product offerings.

Préfaut said ‘I’m delighted to be joining Locala as Managing Director. In today’s competitive landscape marketers need advertising that will drive more customers into their stores, and
we are able to deliver this through Fusio. Our new S4R offer is an exciting opportunity which will allow us to act as a brand partner and help brands get the most out of their local advertising strategies’.

CEO Christophe Collet said ‘we are delighted that Sandrine is joining Locala as Managing Director. She brings a wealth of experience to the team; her expertise will help Locala to enable clients to build more successful businesses’.

Connect with Sandrine on LinkedIn.

Locala names Paul Thompson Global Growth Advisor

Locala has appointed Paul Thompson as Global Growth Advisor, as it looks to expand its drive-to-store platform across the globe.

Thompson, currently Chief Revenue Officer at Silver Bullet and Board advisor to Location Sciences, is widely recognized as a leader in mobile location technologies. Previously CRO at Blis, he helped grow the company from 12 to more than 200 people, expanding its footprint to 22 offices worldwide.

His role at Locala will be to advise the senior leadership team on how to scale and develop its drive-to-store platform, following strong growth in the US market.

Locala names Paul Thompson Global Growth Advisor

‘Locala’s drive-to-store platform has a great opportunity to change the way the industry approaches location-based audiences and campaigns’ commented Thompson. “I was very impressed with Locala’s ambition, their focus on real transparency and 3rd party attribution and finally the talented team of people already working at the company”

Christophe Collet, Locala CEO, said ‘Paul is a true expert in the location industry, and we’re delighted to have him join Locala in an advisory capacity. His expertise will help unlock Locala’s next stage of growth as we help brands drive more customers into their stores, dealerships and restaurants’.

Connect with Paul on LinkedIn.

Locala Stars – Caroline Sajas, Head of Operations UK

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does your job involve?

My role is to ensure the smooth running of operations in the UK – including managing the ops team, ensuring we reach the highest level of quality for our clients and that all processes are followed. Alongside Rose, Head of Sales, our role is to ensure the constant and healthy growth of the UK office.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m mostly easy going, and love to travel sooo much! People who work with me will say I’m a bit OCD (still need to get that “PROCESS” t-shirt done) but really, I just like quality and for everyone to do their best 😄

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

Can’t decide… So many departments that are all really interesting. I’d start with Product and Partnerships, then Insights to finish off with Marketing to loop the loop!

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

A blue pony with rainbow hair. It keeps people happy!

What’s your most useful skill?

My sense of direction. Nahhhh just kidding. I can’t even follow a GPS! Probably my empirical thinking that got me through life.


What do you like most about your job?

Being able to set the direction on where to go based on where we were at years ago, and being able to set the steps to get there! I love being cross-functions and knowing how all departments interact with one another.

Who’s your favorite historical character?

All the people who were part of the resistance during WWI and WWII. I’ve always been amazed that people were willing to risk their life for what they believed in and for the greater good.

And your favorite superhero?

Storm, from Xmen!

What can we find in your fridge?

Mostly cheese. And maybe some coke to go with some whiskey.


Connect with Caroline on LinkedIn.

2030 Trends – Are you ready for this new decade?

2019’s coming to a close, and with it ends a decade of innovation. In 2010, the iPhone outsold Blackberry for the first time, changing the way people accessed the internet and revolutionising the advertising industry. Since then we’ve seen Facebook become more than a social network, as it established its dominance on the advertising industry alongside Google. We’ve seen changes in the way personal data is used, with the GDPR and CCPA setting the rules for how advertisers engage with users going forward.

There’s been countless mergers and acquisitions, innovations and trends (and more years of mobile than anyone can count). Outside of ad tech, the traditional retail landscape has been overturned, as we said goodbye to BHS, Mothercare and Maplin. Countless other traditional brands struggle on as agile DTC start-ups thrive.

What might the 20s have in store? Now’s the perfect time to look ahead to what the next decade might have to offer.

A new era for privacy

Despite new regulations and seemingly never-ending cookie consent banners, the average user still has a very hazy understanding of how their personal data is used for marketing. But that’s beginning to change, the digitally native Gen Z not only understand how data is used, they have strong opinions on who should and shouldn’t have access to their personal information.

By 2030, most consumers will have a good understanding of how their data’s leveraged to improve their buyer journey. For the data exchange to feel compelling, the online experience must be frictionless, and measurably improved compared to an opted-out journey. Expect also to see more loyalty systems where users exchange personal data for discounts and rewards. For users who prefer to keep private, it will become clearer how to opt-in to services which require personal data, and to remain opted out of anything else.

Outcome-driven campaigns

Today’s industry is siloed by channels – digital, search, OOH etc. The challenge this currently throws up is how to combine the channels most effectively, and then how to attribute results to each channel, or each combination of channels. It’s time for a change. Rather than create an advertising plan by channel, consider creating a plan by desired outcome, and then optimising the mix to best deliver the result for that particular campaign, for that particular brand, at that particular moment in time.

This would require thinking about campaigns differently, looking at the business KPI the brand is trying to achieve – whether that’s store visits, purchases or branding – and then building the marketing plan around that central goal, optimising the mix as the campaign progresses.

This approach would require serious restructuring, but it could be the difference between good and outstanding campaign performance.

A brick-and-mortar revival

Despite many high-profile closures, there’s hope for the high street in the 20s. While eCommerce is changing the face of retail, it won’t eliminate the role of physical stores. Customers will see the physical store experience as a key part of the buying journey and brick and mortar stores will adapt to meet their new expectations. Sports stores may offer coaching, technology firms might teach how to correctly use their software, fashion retailers could hold talks on sustainable fashion. The more retailers lean into the experience, the more successful their shops will be.

Merging online and offline

The line between online and offline is blurring, customers aren’t shopping on a single channel anymore. They can go from online engagement to online purchase, offline engagement to online purchase, offline engagement to online search to online purchase to offline return – the possibilities are endless. Today, we have cracked online to online tracking as an industry, but we’re only just beginning to explore the opportunities of online to offline. Over the next decade, the industry will need to innovate to reliably attribute every single one of your customers’ touch points instead of last click only. Mobile data will play a large role, as it joins up advertising channel, location, eCommerce and payment channel.

Bringing brands and customers closer through one-to-one messaging

Thanks to significant advances in ID tracking, AI and personalisation over the next ten years one-to-one messaging will finally be within reach, so the buyer journey can be genuinely tailored to each customer.

Brands will be able to merge their CRM systems with their ad tech stacks to link their customers’ online and offline identity. Combined with dynamic creatives, this will help deliver targeted marketing campaigns to drive customers to the desired brand interaction. This one-to-one advertising will allow the message, tone and visuals to be adapted to the customer’s individual tastes, while still delivering campaigns at scale.

We’ve come a long way in 10 years. And the next 10 have a lot to offer as our industry continues to grow and thrive. Download our trends for 2020 to learn more about what the first year in 20s has in store for you. In the meantime, let’s raise a glass to a successful and prosperous decade.

Locala named one of France’s top tech companies by French Tech 120

We’re proud to have been selected in the French Tech 120, a program dedicated to French start-ups capable of becoming worldwide technology leaders. Our inclusion in the list is a ringing endorsement of our drive-to-store platform and underlines the potential of our business.

The solid foundations we’ve built in the French market and our worldwide  expansion into the rest of Europe, US and Asia, have helped us stand out among the hundreds of companies who applied to be part of 2020’s French Tech 120.

We owe this recognition to our outstanding worldwide team and award-winning drive-to-store technology, which have made Locala the global leader it is today.

Congratulations to all the companies selected for this edition! We can’t wait to see what else 2020 has in store.

Lessons from the NRF Big Show 2020

If you couldn’t make it to New York this year, we’ve got you covered. After three days of intense discussions and discoveries, we’re bringing you the trends that stood out at the National Retail Federation’s trade show. This year, the conference highlighted retail’s importance as a massive data generator and raised the question of what could be done with all of it. The general consensus is that making data work harder is set to be a key theme for 2020, and data providers will play an extremely prominent role.

Our team was on hand at NRF and compiled the following takeaways from the 2020 edition.


It’s high time retailers made the most of their customer data. While a majority is already personalizing their online shopping experience, they should also start looking into offline customer journeys. From differentiated ads to virtual fittings in-store, consider using AI to enhance your marketing strategy and offer your customers more accurate deals.

Accelerating the buying journey

Consumers are over-solicited. If you want to reach them, think about  focusing on cutting down wait times, making online and offline purchasing faster and cutting down queues in stores.

Increasing store visits

In-store purchases still make up a significant proportion of total sales, and it’s vital retailers drive enough customers to their stores to have a return on investment on their bricks and mortar. By identifying which people are more likely to visit your store, you can better target your advertising, lower your costs, and increase store visits.

Being customer centric

Understanding each customer on a personal level will make it easier to understand who they are and what resonates with them. By placing data at the heart of your strategy, you’ll be able to understand what makes your customers tick and what they expect from your brand. But don’t forget to respect their privacy. Just because you have access to data doesn’t mean you should use it. Regulations like GDPR and CCPA are here to stay, so make sure you’re respecting both the law and your customers’ personal preferences.

End-to-end traceability

Tracing the life of a product – from creation to sale – is set to become the norm. You’ll just need to insert a chip into the packaging and have access to a traceability platform or app. Once you’ve created your product’s digital profile and it’s available off the shelf, the only thing you’ll have to do is scan its QR code on the platform, which will display its traceability from its creation to that particular moment in time.  But beware of privacy issues. If you don’t want to land in hot water, keep in mind that your tracking should probably stop once your product’s been purchased.

Original customer journeys

Customers are increasingly looking for exceptional buying experiences. With Scan & Go technology, you can take your first step towards engaging purchasing journeys. Customers will be able to scan your products’ QR codes with their smartphone and be redirected to your brand’s web app. There, they’ll just have to fill their basket and pay online – without going through in-store checkout. Another idea is to use dynamic digital labels directly linked to your back office to help you manage your products’ prices in real time, switch labels and automatize display changes. Or, you could also consider using QR codes or NFC to facilitate interactions between your brand and customers by giving them more information about the product they’re interested in via their smartphone. They would then be redirected to a web app that explains what’s new in your store or special offers available, enabling sales assistants to dedicate their time to the selling act itself.

Importance of brick-and-mortar stores

We can even go as far as to say stores represent a wealth of information for retailers, who can manage and consolidate client data to improve their shopping experience. There are many sources of information, from connected devices to employees and clients. By using them, you can monitor their in-store behavior and link this data to sales information to cut back on costs and increase productivity. This information is paramount to improve the buying journey and engaging further with your consumers. Some brands go even further and connect physical documents (like catalogs) with digital content in order to capitalize on their investment and push their offer to consumers on different platforms. By scanning a product’s picture in your brand’s app for example, consumers are redirected to the product’s webpage where they can read about it, save it in their wishlist or buy it.  An unprecedented way of driving consumers to your store.

We’re looking forward to seeing how the trends from NRF play out and counting down to next year’s show!

Locala Stars – Francisco Lasa, Senior Sales Director

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does your job involve? 

I build media agency and client relationships with LATAM agencies in Miami and LATAM local, and present the capabilities and tools of Locala’s platform. Throughout this process, I try to keep strong relationships with existing clients, prospect new ones, demo our offerings, provide thought leadership on why mobile and Drive-to-Store are the new and best option for brands and clients, and ensure that clients’ needs are met and exceeded. Wow, that’s a lot!

How would you describe yourself?

I’d say fun, outgoing, and good vibes – it’s my motto for my personal life. For the workplace, I’d go with dedicated, passionate, thorough, but most importantly having fun while performing and achieving goals.

If you could switch positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

Oh, definitely James Rogers! I’d love to discover the APAC market and find the similarities with the LATAM market since both are huge but different in spending power. Also, to learn how to reach the right people, since both markets deal with many different cultures. And I’m not against experiencing life at the other side of the world! That would expand my travel bug and increase my knowledge of different cultures.

What’s the craziest object you have on your desk?

A rooster. It’s small and it was a gift. So, why not?

What’s your most useful skill?

I’d have to say my “outgoingness”. I’m always up to interact with people, no matter the situation.

What do you like most about your job?

Mmh… Interacting with different people and educating/convincing them that Locala’s the new way for brands and clients to spend their dollars. Yep.

Who’s your favorite historical character?

I actually have two and they’re very different. The first one’s from my homeland of Puerto Rico – Roman Baldorioty de Castro. He shaped what Puerto Rico is today and is one of the main people who ended slavery in our island. For world figures – Alan Turing. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalization of the concepts of algorithm and computation. He’s widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and AI.

And your favorite superhero?

Iron Man. The genius “self-made” inventor who used his strengths for the greater good.

What can we find in your fridge?

Cold Pizza, beer (lots of it), juice, fruits and if we count the wine fridge then a ton of wine.

Connect with Francisco on LinkedIn.

Infographic – How to run a successful Drive-to-Store campaign

Getting customers off the couch and into stores can be difficult. That’s why advertisers are set to spend $133.5 billion by 2023 on drive-to-store advertising – campaigns which increase visits to stores, dealerships and restaurants.

Drive-to-store is Locala’s bread and butter, so to help you get the biggest bang for your buck, we’ve put together 10 basic steps to deliver a successful drive-to-store campaign.

To learn more about the state of drive-to-store advertising, and to access our full study, click here: The State of Drive-to-Store Advertising 2019.

2020 Trends: 2019’s almost over – what’s next for the industry?

As the digital advertising landscape evolves, brands are searching for effective ways to keep up with rapidly changing marketplace dynamics. Looking ahead, you’ll need to reach customers with engaging, relevant messaging to have a lasting impact that will get them into your stores.

From the advent of 5G and industry standardization to redefining traditional success metrics, you’ll need to keep an eye out for the hot trends to implement going into the new year. So, before we all cheer to a new decade, here are the five trends that will define 2020 in the ad tech industry.

Say goodbye to cookies

With behemoths Google and Apple introducing tighter controls around the use of 3rd party cookies this year, advertisers are now having a harder time delivering targeted ads to users.

If you want to keep your standards up and your ad delivery high, consider these alternatives:

  • Switch to a cookie-free app-based inventory,
  • Use location and contextual data sources to get insights into user preferences and offline and online in-app behavior,
  • Invest in first-party identity graphs to track users across their touch points.

Time to switch things up with 5G 

It’s happening – 5G networks are primed and ready to go! Thanks to unprecedented data speed, customers will start using their mobiles more – especially to stream content. This is a golden opportunity for you to invest in video formats that’ll have little to no load time.

Time to embrace mobile-first creatives and best practices. From short-form video content to focusing on formats suited to the mobile environment, make the most of mobile to stand out.

Media metrics are on their way out. Time to welcome business KPIs

Proving the effectiveness of a campaign is no walk in the park. Especially when your board doesn’t speak your language.

There’s an easy solution. Move away from media and marketing metrics like clicks, views, viewability and engagements, and turn to more tangible ways to judge your advertising performance – like increased numbers of customers in store or how many more people are buying your products.

Mobile is more than a channel, it’s a measurement tool

As we move into 2020, mobile is going to become more than just an advertising channel. It’s going to be the technology which helps prove campaign ROI.

With the ability to deliver one unique user ID, track user engagement and visits to a store location and so much more, brands will start using mobile as a measurement tool to prove campaign effectiveness. Don’t miss out!

Creating an industry standard

As it stands, the current system to validate campaign effectiveness is flawed. When those delivering the ads are also the ones reporting on campaign ROI, and the definition of store visits changes from one provider to the next, how can advertisers measure like for like?

To avoid any issues, independent third-party experts with no stakes in the campaign performance must become your go-to for evaluating and proving ROI on drive-to-store campaigns, and they must . It’s only by working with them that you’ll make sure your campaigns are delivering the visits you’re buying.

Whether all of these predictions come true or not, they all point to a rapidly changing industry, determined to deliver effective ads through creativity and innovation. Make sure to monitor these changes closely, don’t forget to adjust and look for hidden opportunities to stand out.

2020 has a lot to offer to brands who are ready to seize these opportunities. If you want to know more about what the coming decade has in store for you, download our 2030 report.

Locala Stars – Nadine Ferraro, Accountant & Office Manager

We’re a growing team, dedicated to making Locala the leading drive-to-store platform worldwide. Every day, we create, code, design and improve our platform to give our customers the best drive-to-store experience possible. At Locala, we love what we do and the people we do it with. Get to know us!

What does it mean to be an Accountant? 

It means a lot of things. I’m in charge of examining our financial records and making sure they’re accurate, preparing financial reports about our profits and losses. And the very important task of making sure we file and pay our taxes on time!

What is the craziest object you have on your desk?

It’s not crazy. Not crazy at all really – but it’s a nice little candle with my name engraved on it. It was a gift.

If you could exchange positions with a colleague, who would it be and why?

Someone in a junior position. To feel young again haha! But at the same time, I don’t feel like starting my career all over again. So, I’ll just stay where I am, thank you very much.

What do you like most about your job?

I’d say accounting in and of itself. But I also love taking care of others and being helpful when I can.

How would you describe yourself?

That’s a tough one. And I’m rubbish at this. Raincheck!

What can we find in your fridge?

Veggies and yogurt. Classic.

Locala wins gold at the Data Festival 2019!

We’re proud to share that Locala won the Gold Award in the Web-To-Store & Data category at Data Festival 2019 . These awards celebrate brands which leverage data towards a better performance and the tech providers that help them achieve outstanding results.

Being recognized for our use of mobile data to generate customer foot traffic in stores is the perfect early Christmas present. And we’d like to thank our clients SEAT and Re-Mind PHD – we wouldn’t have won this award without you – so, congratulations to you too!

SEAT partnered with Locala and media agency Re-Mind PHD to create a dynamic advertising video campaign to help customers immerse themselves in the SEAT brand universe and drive them to their showrooms. The brand ran this campaign on an always-on approach for six months. During that time, we leveraged 3rd party data to independently measure the visits generated by the campaign and optimize in real-time towards the best footfall uplift. By the end of the campaign, Locala’s real-time optimization allowed a +16% footfall uplift and SEAT estimated that the campaign generated €1.83 million incremental revenue.

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! See the full list of winners here.

Three ways for brick-and-mortar to win over eCommerce this holiday season

As we move into November, you might notice brands launching their holiday advertising rollouts. Month-long campaigns to drive consumers into their stores for all of their holiday shopping.  And while we know that eCommerce continues to grow as a method for consumer shopping, 87.6% of 2018 holiday spending was still through brick-and-mortar/ in-store retail.

According to Blackhawk Network, in-store shoppers are still the majority, especially among older generations — 66% of GenXers and 72% of Baby Boomers shop at brick-and-mortar stores all the time.

So before ruling out brick-and-mortar and focusing all efforts on bolstering eCommerce sales, we came up with three strategies that brands can leverage to win over online shopping and maximize revenue this season.

1. Upgraded In-Store Experiences

The physical point of sale is still the most reassuring channel for shoppers, confirming that touching and seeing a product is an essential part of the shopping experience. And this season, shoppers are expecting more engaging retail experiences.

Leveraging a thoughtful experiential retail experience is how brands can entice customers into their stores and make their encounters enjoyable, giving them reason to spend more time there.

In an interview with eMarketer, Jaime Bettencourt, SVP of premier sales and account management at in-store media solutions provider Mood Media, provided some key insights on the benefits of experiential retail. “We surveyed about 11,000 customers worldwide and especially in the younger demographics—ages 18 to 24—consumers say that atmosphere and experience of the store is the top reason for shopping in-store vs. online.”

The visit to a physical store provides people with instant gratification after purchasing an item versus the wait that is required with online shopping. And oftentimes, consumers look at in-store shopping as an outing or event. By creating a fulfilling experience, brands are more likely to connect with consumers and make them actually want to shop in-store. These experiences can help create a connection with customers, further building brand loyalty and return business.  Curating an environment that provides a positive experience instead of the crazed holiday shopping rush will ultimately encourage customers to buy from your store.

2. Enhanced Use of Data and Technology

We know consumers usually take a multi-channel path to purchase, often beginning on mobile. Even while in a physical retail location, many people still refer to their mobile to assist them with their shopping. Retailers can leverage this as a way to enhance the experience for their shoppers.

As digital touchpoints become a key part of the shopping journey, we can expect to see retailers incorporate technology that will aid in the speed and convenience for their shoppers. According to eMarketer, “48% of US internet users believe scan-and-go technology would make shopping easier. And 43% would rather try scan-and-go than wait in a checkout line.”

Major retailers like Sam’s Clubs are looking to provide more convenience through technology in their locations. CEO, Jamie Iannone, wrote about some of the improvements they would be making at their facilities like mobile scan-and-go, as well as an updated app that will help consumers find their way in-store and navigate aisles to locate products.

3. Localized Drive-to-Store Strategy

It’s clear that in-store shopping is still a crucial channel for brands to meet their holiday revenue goals, but traditional advertising strategies may not work this season. And while creating spaces that are more welcoming and convenient will help, you still have to get people through your doors first. To be successful in getting shoppers into stores and purchasing items, brands need to develop an effective drive-to-store strategy that will help increase footfall and sales uplift.

Instead of pushing out national holiday campaigns, brands should look to run localized and relevant mobile ads that can urge consumers into their nearest store and make it as simple as possible for them. Creatives that seamlessly integrate into the user’s feed and lead to a real-time map that works with the GPS application within the smartphone will provide convenient methods to reach the nearest physical retail shop.

And while increasing visits is key, it is crucial for brands to work with a partner that is able to prove real ROI on ad spend. Simply counting visits during a certain timeframe is not enough to signify that a mobile drive-to-store campaign was successful. It is about knowing which visits came directly from the campaign and which visits were driven by other media channels, organically, or were attributed inaccurately. Measuring the extra visits that took place as a result of the campaign is what will really demonstrate ROI this season.

With the 2019 holiday shopping spend expected to reach $1 trillion this year, the opportunity for retailers is massive. As the season approaches, successful brands will be those who embrace essential tactics that will increase in-store visits, ultimately helping to achieve real business results. This will be key for retailers that are looking to increase revenue before the January sales that start off the new year.

Develop a winning strategy this holiday season

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